Friday, May 10, 2013


By: J.A. Schneider
Published By:  Amazon Digital Services
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

'Embryo' by J.A.Schneider was a good thriller with plenty of mystery on who was the bad person doing all this sick stuff to these women.  We find Dr. Jill Raney who was a intern and was 'determined to investigates tragedies and terror at a famous fertility and genetic engineering' at Madison Hospital Medical Center in New York City.' Then their is Dr. David Levin who is Jill's resident supervisor and he had become attracted to Jill.  With Jill insisting on investigating  possible links between the recent cases involving high-risk pregnancies and delivery complications and  "in her quest to unveil breaches in medical ethics, she herself becomes guilty of the same thing."  The author really works her magic in her descriptions  of letting the reader know what all is going on and you are able to tell  that she had done a lot of research on this issue. She really knows  what is going on in a hospital.  As a reader you quickly learn about DNA research and even medical procedures  that are involved in the flow of this read.  Now, just how this is all put together you must pick up "Embryo" to see this author's will present this to the readers using a third person point of view.  All of the characters(doctors and patients) were well developed and real giving the reader a well written read.  You will find "Embryo" is full of action, with some romance between the heroine and hero and you get a lots of  knowledge about this subject.   

If you are looking for a captivating, intriguing thriller mystery read,  "Embryo" will be a excellent read for you.  Would I recommend?  YES!

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