Monday, May 27, 2013

Jane Eyre Laid Bare: The Classic Novel with an Erotic Twist

By: Charlotte Bronte and Eve Sinclair
Published By:  St. Martin's Griffin
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  3
Book Blog For:  GMTA

"Jane Eyre Laid Bare: The Classic Novel with an Erotic Twist" by Charlotte Bronte and Eve Sinclair was a good historical romance with some erotic tones.
So reader be aware of this!  This was a novel that sometimes I had to reread to make sure I was reading what was written....WOW! Only asking myself is this for real?  Now, this was really over the top for me and I have read some reads in my lifetime but this one over did it for me.  Now, these authors do know how to write.. I will give them that much but this OMG was way over the charts for me to handle or like at all.  No, I have never read the original Jane Eyre and after this read I doubt I will attempt it either.  Now, I have read erotica novels before but still this one tops it all.  I found the erotic twist if that is what you call it ...where did it fall  into the story?  Well, all I can say is this one wasn't for me.  I found this version simple over the top ...NOT!  So, here are my thoughts on this novel...It wasn't for me but for those who swing out there maybe you can get with it... but not for my liking to recommend  this tale to you.

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