Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Miracle of Christmas

Title: A Miracle Of Christmas
Author: Morris Fenris
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"The Miracle of Christmas" by Morris Fenris were two beautiful Christmas stories:  'The Shepherd of Casper Mountain' and Snow Angels.'  Both of these stories were beautifully written and once you start the read you will not be able to put down until the end.

I found the first story 'The Shepherd of Casper Mountain'  was a little sad at the beginning but I did like the way the author was able to give it a nice ending.  The second story 'Snow Angels' was my favorite dealing with generations of a family and how their life was filled with some much wisdom.  This novel was definitely a very inspirational read that it seems like this author can give its readers.
I found the characters were all so well developed with such a  descriptive tones.  I was able
to find both stories enjoyable and uplifting  during the holiday season. Would I recommend
"A Miracle of Christmas?"   YES!


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