Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Last Train Home

Title:  The Last Train Home
Author:  Tony Wilson
Published: T.W.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Last Train Home" by Tony Wilson was a wonderful Christmas holiday read.  We find three men were together on the last train going home on Christmas Eve.  It was truly wonderful how this author
was able to bring out all the hurts and 'emotional burdens' that were really dragging them down keeping them from being who they could be.  There was Sergeant Craig with war issues, Martin who from the loss of his wife grieves and then there was Stanley who was a successful businessman who had it all, but did he?   I liked the way the author was able to  put this all together similar to  the birth of Jesus.  Truly all of these men had done through a lots...leaving you to wonder will they be able to solve many of there issues  in they mystery as they take  'The Last Train Home?' Yes, you may find some fantasy and magic...but it's all good!   

 This will be one of those reads that will be hard to put down until the end.  The author will keep you engrossed in it all. After what all has been said and done you will see this novel as a uplifting and a  well written read that I would definitely recommend for a holiday read.  If nothing else you may even be surprised at the end of the novel.

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