Thursday, December 5, 2013

Finding Christmas: Stories of Startling Job and Perfect Peace

Title:  Finding Christmas: Stories of Startling Joy and Perfect Peace
Author:  James Calvin Schaap
Published: Fleming H. Revell Company
Age Recommended: New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Finding Christmas: Stories of Startling Joy and Perfect Peace" by James Calvin Schaap was quite some holiday read.  This author did a wonderful job with presenting the reader with seven elements that are generally found in ones Christmas: 'A gift, The Baby, The pageant, The parties, The Worship, The afterglow and The story'  where you will find that each story are very different and will leave you with some thoughts of how we have come to think of that day.  These short stories really are there to inspire any Christmas holiday read to really see and know what this holiday is all about...yes the real meaning of Christmas. These reads give you a little of it all...happiness, humor, raw and real  emotions, fear, laughing out loud, sadness and maybe even crying.  Be ready all the emotions are there in the reads.   What I found most unusual was how the author says in 'A Foreword.....  Most of the stories in this book end at beginnings.' Now what that means .... I will just say you must pick up the amazing read to find out.  The characters all seemed very believable and so real...just like someone you may even know.  If you are looking for a quick read that will definitely remind you the real reason for the season, you have come to the right place and I would recommend to you this novel: "Finding Christmas: Stories of Startling Joy and Perfect Peace" as a good read.   

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