Friday, October 10, 2014

Trying To Outrun The Love Of God By: Karen Adams

Title:  Trying To Outrun The Love of God
Author:  Karen Adams
Publisher: Christian Services Network/CSN Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Trying To Outrun The Love Of God" by Karen Adams...

About The Book .....

"How can God reach someone who appears unreachable? Will the love of God be enough to break every chain and loose the trap of the enemy? In her debut book, Author Karen Adams struggles to understand how a loving God would allow life to be so unbearable. Facing childhood molestation, years of crack addiction, nervous breakdowns, and admissions to mental wards, she learned that no matter how difficult life was, God continued to extend His love. Trying to Outrun the Love of God, is a deeply moving story of one woman’s journey filled with suffering and pain, but one that ultimately finds wholeness and deliverance in the arms of a loving Savior."

What I liked about the novel....

"Trying To Outrun The Love of God" was truly a inspirational read that once I started reading this well written book I wasn't able to put it down until the very end.  For Karen this was a real journey that did lead her through 'pain, struggles, and failures' but in the end she realized that she had Gods love all the time and that was all she needed.  Follow Karen's as she tell the reader about her life as she carries the reader through the description of her memories as she seeks for the love she deeply wanted  all of  her life.  It was beautiful thing as she learns that God has carried her in His arms of love...even giving her Angels to sing to her.

 I loved this quote ....from Karen

"I am a living witness that no matter what has happened and whether you caused it or not, God id wanting and waiting for a chance to make something beautiful out of your life." 

I really enjoyed reading how Karen brought out forgiveness...learning that to get her life together she had to ask forgiveness of her five children, her Mom and even her ex husband...if it's not your time...but when the Holy Spirit give you the unction to will be time. I loved that.  That really hit home  to me.  I love seeing the transformation that you could see taking place in Karen's life as you read through the will read about .....Karen's  sexual abuse, church folk abuse, breakdowns, post partum, depression, hospital stays,  hurt from church members, drugs,  rejection from her father, unresolved childhood issues...all of this God was right there with her all the time. Will Karen make it out of all of this?    Now, I will stop here and say to get it all you must pick up this author's book..."Trying To Outrun The Love Of God" to see how it will all turn out in the end for Karen. 

"Trying To Outrun The Love Of God"  is a good one for all to read.   Seeing Karen discover her 'self worth' was  truly a beautiful thing.  To find out so much more as Karen takes you 'through he pain, experience and devastation' she discovers that she is truly loved by God.   That was a beautiful thing for Karen discovering God's love for her (I loved Chapter Twelve)...."He Loved Me No Matter How Much I Failed Him."

What I especially liked about this novel....

I do believe that Author Karen Adams did a wonderful job in "explaining how available and powerful God's love is in the midst of whatever you may encounter in your life."  Would I recommend? YES this was a wonderful told Non Fiction Christian read.

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