Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Journey: How I Cheated Death and Cured My Diabetes in 21 Days By:

Book Description....

When Ernest Quansah was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there was so much sugar in his body that, each morning it began to exit from his tongue and from the corner of his eye lids as a sticky substance. His doctor informed him that his condition was so dangerous that he was not far from going cardiac arrest.

Even at death's door, with the assistance from Western as well as Eastern doctors in addition to weeks of research, Ernest was able to reverse his diabetes in 21 days. His doctor was so taken that he asked Ernest how he did it. Ernest discussed writing about his experience to help other type 2 diabetics for which his doctor replied, "That is an excellent idea". He then told him to tell everyone. His doctor even issued him a hand written testimonial for the book. "The Journey" is his story. How he became a type 2 diabetic and how he reversed and cured written to help other diabetics.

The Diabetes Self-Cure Foundation website offers type 2 diabetics the tools they need to reversed and permanently cure their diabetes.

Title:  The Journey:  How I Cheated Death and Cured My Diabetes in 21 Days
Publisher:  E.Q.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Journey:  How I Cheated Death and Cured My Diabetes in 21 Day" by Ernest Quansah

What I liked about the this novel....

This journey for Ernest Quansah was quite a interesting read of one who had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with high levels of blood glucose.  As a natter if fact "there was so much sugar in his body that it had begun to exit from his tongue, as well as from the corners of his eyes as a sticky substance each morning."  Wow!  Mr. Quansah doctor's  let him know that he wasn't far from a cardiac arrest.  What was remarkable about this true story was that "Ernest discovered with the help of doctors and through his own research, a safe and healthy way to reverse and permanently cure his type 2 diabetes."  I found this read is  very captivating and informative in that I wasn't able to put this read down until I had finished this read for it  isn't a long read just being around 104 pages.  This author will go into great details with his own story of  how and  why, as he will also   answers many important questions of the process he went through in order to achieve the results he got.  

As one reads from this authors' novel "The Journey: "How I Cheated Death and Cured My Diabetes in 21 Day" will find  that Ernest Quansah is now "a type 2 diabetes survivor, self-cure expert and consultant, as well as an educator who teachers other how to self-cure their type 2 diabetes." Also in the read this author has documentation from several doctor what went on with Mr. Quansah  as he was treated for this disease and how he is a survivor.  You will have to pick up this read and see for yourself how this author, Ernest Quansah brings it all out as he has reversed type 2 diabetes for himself.

Would I recommend this novel?...YES, for all who are interested in not just managing diabetes 2 but learning that one can actually have type 2 diabetes reversed.    

Thank you to the author for such a excellent novel that I a sure will help many out there with type 2 diabetes to know that it can be reversed!

I received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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