Thursday, July 6, 2017

Trinity Black: Behind Closed Doors By: Theresa Hodge

Book Description....

"Everything is not what it seems, and everyone isn't who they promise to be. Trinity Black craved for love and a happy life. Wishes can sometimes turn into nightmares.
Philip Black walked into Trinity's life, swooped her up and helped her make a better life for herself. Philip was handsome, charming and everything Trinity thought she wanted in a man, she found it intriguing that they even shared the same last names.
Trinity was a loyal and loving wife to her husband despite the abuse she was subject to as a child growing by the hand of her mother. Now she is locked in an abusive marriage with a cold-hearted man who has become a stranger.
This poignant story is full of sorrow, pain, and a will to live through it all. Journey with Trinity as she finds her way through faith, endurance, and bravery."

Title:  Trinity Black:  Behind Closed Doors
Author:  Theresa Hodge
Publisher:  T. H.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Trinity Black:  Behind Closed Doors" by Theresa Hodge

My Thoughts...

What a SAD read!  This author really knows how to mess with our feelings because this was one emotional, dramatic and  abusive read that I have ever read [and please believe me I have read many!].  Both of these characters needed help. For poor Trinity...from that horrible mom and husband and for Philip the husband...he definitely needed lots of help too.  It was nice in the way the story went about Trinity finally coming to peace with all her mother had done to her.  At least the mom was now off of the drugs and had found God.  The story wrapped up in a neat package but I was definitely not satisfied with how that husband got away with so much and it wasn't really dealt with!  It is my understand that a lots of people have been faced with this type of abuse and all that can be said and done is when they finally get feed up hopefully they will be able to get out of the situation alive.  For Trinity it seems like there maybe light through that tunnel for her that she will get a much better life. I am still left  me saying wow that was some read and please understand that this read is not for the 'faint of heart.'

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