Sunday, June 3, 2012


Author:  Nell Dixon
Published by:  Astraea Press
Age Recommend: 14+
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating: 5
Blog Review For: GMTA

"Easter Holiday" by Nell Dixon was a cute and sweet romance novel.  Posy Carmichael's
occupation was a journalist for The Outdoor Life Magazine and had been given a Easter holiday assignment that required that she do a review on a campground located on the
High View  Farm in Cornwall.

 The funny thing about this assignment was that Posey had never been camping. She was a city girl from the city...and she was told not let them know of her identity until the article had been written and submitted to the magazine.   Upon arriving at this location in Cornwall,l Posey meets the brother Noah and the sister Emma....(the main owners).  Everything seems to be
going fine...was their  something going on with Posy and Noah?  Well how will this play out?
All goes well   until.....Emma finds out  who Posey is and who she works for.  Noah had been  previously been  engaged to  a girl named Jessica (city girl) and that had been called off...
due to the fact she could not be trusted.  So, Noah took the stand that no 'city girls' were not
 for him.....he was a farm boy!

 When Emma and Noah find outs what Posey's  occupation is  and who she  works for... this
made  Noah feel  justified  in believing that no city girl can be trusted because Posey had not let them know exactly why she was there. Now, how this all plays are simply going to have to pick up "Easter Holiday" to find out.  Will this author be able to work her magic and get these two people together?  

"Easter Holiday" is a short story that was sweet, easy to read and  cleanly written (no
swearing)  and  I would recommend  this for a good read.

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