Tuesday, June 19, 2012

River's End

Author: Melody Carlson
Published by: Abingdon Press
Age Recommend: 16
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Raven Rating:  5
Blog Review For: GMTA


"River's End" by Melody Carlson was a wonderful great ending read for this series. Dealing
with Anna Larson's granddaughter Sarah ...where Sarah is unwilling to forgive her
parents, running away and then being caught up in a religious cult (commune)...that only Sarah could get out of when she was ready to do so.....however, the family was always trailing behind, hoping that they can save her, but could they?   With all of this going on everyone suffers until it is made known that only forgiveness and grace could only bring this family back into the the folds. This was "three generations of family heartbreak and disappointments at 'Shinning Waters' as Sarah finds God right in the center of it all." I could not have said or thought of this novel in any other way. The author has written a wonderful novel dealing with the grandmother, mother and daughter...showing no matter what has happened to Sarah, how she had treated her parents.... God still loved her and so did her family. In the end it has to be said that this was a story of all of us... "The Heritage of Shinning Waters and how they all had their own' Trail of Tears' to walk."

If you are looking for a real christian book....I believe you have found it in this novel: "River's End" that Melody Carlson has delivered so wonderfully. I would recommend this as a good read.

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