Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Very Southern Affair

Author:  Elaina Lee
Published by:  Muse Publishing
Age Recommend:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating:  5
Blog Review For: GMTA

"A Very Southern Affair" by Elaina Lee was a good romance read.  It was definitely a novel that would make you smile and laugh out loud!  I really enjoyed every page of the book.  The novel flowed very well from the beginning till the end.   You were kept intrigued  with this storyline just wandering what was going to happen next!

Hollee Rutherford is from a small southern  town in Belleville and was  the towns 'Liaison.'  Hollee was to  welcome Kaiden Thorne from Pennsylvania  to the town...and the company he worked for was thinking of building a resort in Belleville, Alabama ...and the local town people did not want this...so many tried doing anything to drive Kaiden off...even into putting fleas in this motel room.  Now what would  happen next.... Hollee is starting  to care about this Kaiden guy, however Hollee had always had bad memories when it came to love.  Memories of FOUR fiances who had died after she became engaged to them. This was very strange...now Hollee is  thinking she had been cursed, so....Hollee vows to stay away from Kaiden Thorpe. Kaiden hadn't had a good run in the (love) department  either..."if he didn't need this conniving town to save his career....he would be out of here."  There were several series of weird things that happened to him..from having fleas in his hotel  room,to have be  given a live fish to eat, his important  work pages fly all over the room from the fan...but it seemed like the two....... Hollee and Kaiden couldn't stay apart.....many funny episodes..... football game on TV  with  weird  neighbors.... The Sinclairs... the visit from the deputy at Hollee's office .....the flying large roach the size of a mouse..........then finding  a closet of bride dresses and shoes...and this is where I say you will have to pick up this wonderful good  novel..." A Very Southern Affair" to see how it turns out.  Will this resort ever be built in Belleville?

The characters were really amazing and you are drawn into every one of them.....Hollee, Kaiden, Booker, Charlene, Aunt Mazie, Estelle Cabrino, Mayor, Devan Winbourne, Jerthro Rollins, Annabelle, Mrs. Brakefield, Mrs. Reenee Humpston, Mr. Brady, Bubba, Lynzee, Bear, Nick, Deputy Chris Ryan, Emma Reynolds, Mary Jean Riley, Rev. Sanders, Coach Haygood and Teddy Gomez.....I am sure I have left someone out.....

This indeed  was  a fun  but yet serious novel that was well written beautifully.  If you
are for a sexy southern romance...."A Very Southern Affair" will be  a good read.

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