Thursday, June 21, 2012


Author:  Anna Jarzab
Published by:  Delacorte Books For Young Readers
Age Recommend:  12 YA
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating:  5
Blog Review For: GMTA


"The Opposite of Hallelujah" by Anna Jarzab was truly one wonderful enjoyable read.
The author Anna Jarzab was able to let us see how faith, forgiveness and above all
sisterhood in the wonderful read of "The Opposite Of Hallelujah" could really be a
exciting book for any YA.  Yes, it deals with spirituality and Catholicism but in a very
inspiring way.... not coming across as 'preachy or overbearing.' 

Although "The Opposite of Hallelujah" was a still was a quick dialogue read that covers a well packed topics presenting a lots of ideas to digest in terms of understanding grief and faith.... also this author brings in great elements in this story.... using, MC Escher and  physics and science.  Well done!  

The characters:  I can't say enough about were quick and smart....Carolina, Hannah, Father Bob, Reb, Erin, Derek, Pawel,  Sabra and Byrne Griffin.  Truly these people made this story a worth read being so full of being sometimes witty and even funny. 

Even though their was much tension and anger that was felt in this read ...... you must
pick up "The Opposite of Hallelujah" to see how this all works out. The story centers around sixteen year old Caro, whose life as an only child is interrupted by the return of her much older sister, Hannah, who has moved home after suddenly leaving a convent and life as a nun....and the story really takes off.   Truly this novel was a story of a family that needed healing....and in the end...just pick up this read to see how this happens.

If you are in for a special wonderful YA read ... I would recommend "The Opposite of Hallelujah" for you.

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