Sunday, June 17, 2012


Author:  Elaine Cantrell
Published by:  Astraea Press
Age Recommend:  16
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating: 5
Blog Review For: GMTA

"The Sentence" by Elaine Cantrell was one of the most amazing novels that was simply
a excellent read!  The characters were simply off the chart good!

For six months Clint was prisoner in the  ministers home, instead of 6 months in jail,  due to the fact that he had been accused of setting fire to their church.  Clint was there to help rebuild the church with the help of the other church members.  I did like the way this author was able to deliver to the reader truly the thoughts of the people...many were upset the the judges decision and you could see how they could feel this way however, there were a few people who showed love in the heart to forgive  and I believe that was really what this novel was about...'forgiving'....and that is what happened in "The Sentence."   Now, Clint is there working and  even  turning his life around..What else will change for Clint?  This is the part where I say you must read "The Sentence" to find out because there will be a few surprises.

I found "The Sentence" very inspirational for me and if you are in for a nice sweet romance
then this novel would be recommend for you.


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