Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Color of Snow

Author: Brenda Stanley
Published By: Tribute Books
Age Recommended: YA
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"The Color of Snow" by Brenda Stanley was a real very interesting fiction and even though it was a long read, I found it hard to put down until I had finished
it. There are just three words that describe this wonderful read and that would beabsolutely beautiful written...of a girl name Sophie that had been locked up from the world.  Why would any father do this to his child? What is this curse and just where did it come from? You will find that this story will go back and forth from present day to past events...that will give you a really good story.

This author really worked her magic in her descriptions in this read and the title..."Color of Snow".... just what color was this snow that only starts at the beginning and goes until the last word?   Sophie's journey which was very heart-breaking story that started  at the beginning on this emotional roller coaster ride and discovering everything about her life....her dad  (Luke) , mom,  grandparents, a  cousin...Stephanie...Danny, Damien...her friends...only naming a few because there are more that will simply keep you on this journey until the end.  You will find that in this  novel...  love, loss, secrets, self discovery, social class issues, and a difference in religious beliefs. With Sophie being kidnapped as a baby ...now seventeen entering a very complicated world that will have you asking the question will Sophie be able to endure and just why did  Sophie's dad Luke think  she was cursed?  There will be a lots of lies and secrets...a lots with many twist and turns that will be revealed in this novel. All of these questions that need to be answered will only be if you pick up this good read and find out what, why, and how.

After you finish with this read of  "The Color of Snow" you will get the jolt of raw emotions that will leave you saying wow and the big question answered to  Will Sophie be able in the end with she find the strength to lead a rich and
full life?  I enjoyed this read and I would recommend "The Color of Snow"d to you as a excellent read.

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