Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Undaunted Love

By: Jennings Wright
Published By: Createspace
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Undaunted Love" by Jennings Wright was a good Christian historical romance read that was set in the backdrop of the 'Civil War.'  So, be ready for a wonderful love story, 'Civil War,' along with corruptions and murder. This author did a good job as the novel is 'highly detailed' as the writer captured every moment of these couples journeys thorough their relationships.  It was good to see how this author presented "Undaunted Love" with all the things going on 'they held their obligations to God and respectfully acknowledging him as head of their relationships.'  The characters were all very well developed and many showed much faith in those trying times.   If you are looking for a good rich rad with lost of twist and turns that will only give you a good read, I would recommend "Undaunted Love" for you. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Save Me A Novel

By: John Meany
Published by J.M.
Age Recommended: 18+
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Save Me A Novel" by John Meany was a story that was loosely  based on a true story, and was published under the controversial title 'Pregnant Rape.'  This novel is not happy...even somewhat depressing however, the  read you will be able to feel the emotions  that will present a very realistic and moving story.  The characters were well developed, believable and very colorful only to give you a good read. This novel "Save Me" was written very well and once you are into the read it flows very well to the end and will leave you will a message from this author. After the rape, the drugs the drinking will Ashley  end up dead somewhere?  This is the time that I say you must pick up the good read to see what happens to Ashley.    The author did a wonderful job with this story of not  making it 'too graphic or vague'  but really making it 'not all victims of rape stay victims.' 

Sewerville: A Southern Gangster Novel

By: Aaron Saylor
Published By:  Point Nine Publishing
Age Recommended:  Adult
Review By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Sewerville" by Aaron Saylor was a good fiction  read that hailed from Sewardville, Kentucky, a rural town where these  'rural crime Slones family' dwelled. This was quite a interesting group of people for they ran the town and seemed to be involved in a little bite of everything from ... 'drugs, violence, prostitution and gun smuggling.'  We find from the read that it is of this  family headed by Walt Slone(the mayor), his son (John) the sheriff, daughter (Karen) who kept the books and her husband (Boone).  This was a read  that you will have to pick up this read to get it all. Who in this family wanted out of all of this mess and why?   Be ready for a read of plenty of violence and conflict.  This author did a good job in the descriptions that were presented to the reader.  "Sewerville" is definitely one read that keeps  your interest until the last page with all of the twist and will not want to put it down. The characters were all well developed and very interesting as this story unfolded. "Sewerville" was simply a good crime mystery that took place in a small rural town and I would recommend this novel as a good read that left me saying Wow...that was some read!

A Brother's Honor

By:  Brenda Jackson
Published By:  Harlequin MIRA
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series:  Granger Trilogy #1

"The Brother's Honor" by Brenda Jackson was a wonderful contemporary  mystery romance read.  This read also had some drama and suspense at the end.  This novel is the beginning series for this author called 'The Granger Brothers.  We find that these brothers (Jace, Caden and Dalton)will come together due to a request from their dying grandfather...'a business going under, a host of secrets betrayals and promises to their grandfather to get the company back up to where it once was at its premier level.'  Will these three brothers plus the help of Shana Bradford be able to get Granger Aeronautics back to its premier state? There is also another part of this story that deals with these brother's father being wrongly convicted of the murder of their mother and is currently serving a 30 year prison sentence. The brother grandfather had overseen the family business but now with him gone, Jace takes over as CEO and now the story takes off leading up to have all kinds of questions that are answered by picking up this good read that only Ms. Jackson can give to her readers..  I liked how this author was able to 'multi-layer this story really giving the reader a well written novel.  I really enjoyed "Jace and Shana's story and can't wait for this author next saga and Yes I would recommend this read. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

After First Light

By: Scott Nicholson
Published By: Haunted Computer Books
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
Series After 0.5

"After: First Light" by Scott Nicholson a short story and a prequel to this authors 'After' series.  This read left me saying what I always say after reading this authors reads....Wow!  I found the read left me with some questions and I found that the read jumped a lot. Now, this could have been so because I have not read the series.  But one think I do know is that if you are into 'solar flares, EMP,...'zombies' you have come to the right place.  This would be definitely a read for you and since this is the prequel I am sure there will be more to come from this author.

Fortune's Son

By:  Emery Lee
Published By  Sourcebooks Casablanca
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series:  Georgian Gamesters #2

"Fortune's Son" by Emery Lee was another one of this authors historical fiction romances.  You will find this this novel is the 'follow up' to 'The Highest Stakes...
 and is the 'Georgian Gamesters #2.  This is a wonderfully written story "about a tumultuous love with fighting for."  "Fortune's Son" is one of those historical romances that will be hard to put down until the very end.  You will find this novel very realistic with characters that are all well developed and captivating.  As you read you will soon seen that love is the 'high stakes' game of life that is between the two main characters...Susannah and Philip. This author is able to presents to the reader such that you can 'see, hear, feel and even touch it all.'  Be ready for some twist and turns that will be surprising.  Get ready for a very enjoyable read that only this author can give to its reader. 

The Highest Stakes

By: Emery Lee
Published By: Sourcebooks Landmark
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series" Georgian Gamester #1

"Highest Stakes" by Emery Lee was a good historical romantic novel which was about 'Equine' ... horses. This was taken from the 18th century setting mostly in England's Georgian period where you will find 'the history of horse racing provide an educational read, while the plot is part love story and part adventure thriller.' The three main characters: Charlotte, Robert and Philip. "While the characters are involved in all that would be expected of a romance novel, the focus is not really on their relationships that much but, on the horses, themselves." This author really worked her magic with the horses...the sound and temperament simply came to life in the read. After completing my read I found that if you like the be around horses, you will enjoy the novel. Now add to the story horses, friendship, intrigue, betrayal and romance and you have a mighty good read. Be ready in "The Highest Stakes" horse racing, breeding will only a mere 'backdrop for the action and romance' of it all. Again, if you are a animal lover of horses and 'lovers of historical fiction' then this novel would be recommended to you.

A Kiss Of A Different Color

By:  Bettye Griffin
Published By:  Bunderful Books
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"A Kiss Of A different Color" by Bettye Griffin was a good contemporary romantic read.  It is a long slow read but in the end you will find a well developed story with likable 'characters that you were able to fall in love with as they did with each other.'   This was a very interesting to see how this author was to get Miranda and Jon they had an instant attraction to each other as they first danced together.  There were be obstacles placed before them in this interracial relationship...'family's opinions, works' restriction on fraternization the their own personal baggage.'  Be ready for a read of finding love in unexpected places where Jon was able to see 'hidden racial issues'  while Miranda learned that John could be trusted with her heart.  This was truly a love story and 'how attraction grows into a friendship and then into love.'

Accidently Yours

By Bettye Griffin
Published By: B.G.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Accidentally Yours" by Bettye Griffin was definitely some kind  a romantic comedy.  I am not sure I was laughing all the way through but it was indeed humorous read.  I did find it a little slow read that I had to make myself keep reading, however it did have some good points that made the read OK.  This author worked it with all of the accidents that kept  happening to Vivian's  dates only leaving me to say omg...another one?  I was even left wondering was Vivian a 'jinx.' The two main characters seemed to be well developed and in the end...this is where I say you must pick up this read for yourself to see the what, where, when and how of it all and draw your own conclusions.  Will Vivian  and Zach reach the 'happy ever after?'  Will there relationship grow more after they meet in Kenya while they are on a safari trip?  Well, you will just have to read "Accidentally Yours" to see.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Caged In Darkness

By: J.D Stroube
Published By: Euphoric Publishing and Design
Age Recommended:   Y Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Caged #1

"Caged in Darkness" by J.D. Stroube was a good paranormal novel that once you got into this read you could get caught up into it especially if you love a witch story.  This author really knows how to keep the readers attention giving you a very detail read.  I found the characters were so well developed and described in such a way they seemed to come to life as you were reading this novel.  Poor Savannah Cross  was truly one that had lived a life that had been horrible and from this storyline will keep you turning the pages. There will be a lot of twist in this story so you will never really know what is going to happen next.  If you are into a good paranormal read with witches, magic, psychics, supernatural,  demons, angels, gods, shifters and horror, you have come to the right place for "Caged in Darkness" will give it all to you.  Would I recommend?  YES!

Granddad in the Back: A Guide to Adventous Senior Living

By: Malcolm Henderson
Published By: M. H.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Granddad in The Back: A guide to Adventurous Senior Living" by Malcolm Henderson was quite a interesting read especially 'aimed at older people but one from which anyone can learn.' This author is very humorous and you will find yourself laughing out loud all through the book with all of the 'quotes.' Be ready for not only a delightful read but one with a lots of fun tips. This author really brings it out to the reader of his serious thoughts of living life to the fullest even past the age of eighty. I found this novel well written and easy to follow his handy tips along with some awesome descriptions. In the end of your reading you will discover that this 'works for the older ladies too.' I would definitely recommend this novel as a read to make the most of your 'golden years.'

The Battered Heiress Blues

By: Laurie Van Dermark
Published By: L.V.D.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
"The Battered Heiress Blues" by Laurie Van Dermark was a wonderful romantic inspiritual women's fiction read that was thoroughly enjoyed.   For "the Battered Heiress Blues will truly touch your heart.  You will find the storyline that will be unique in its dealings with 'forgiveness and grace.  This is not necessarily a Christian  book but there will be a presence of 'God's grace and love'  as you read through this read.  This is a very emotional read where you will see 'the
need for person to person forgiveness and grace.  The author presented to the reader a good read of Julia Grace Spencer's many 'struggles with her faith, father, and he life.'  I found all of the characters well developed and so very relatable and  colorful only making this read so very interesting.  There will be some twist and turns that will keep your interest in the read just wanting to know what was going to happen next.  If you are looking for a good book pick up "The battered Heiress Blues" because you will be entertained with a good read of loss, love and redemption.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Edge Of Shadows By: CJ Lyons & Cynthia Cooke


By:  CJ Lyons & Cynthia Cooke
Published By:  Legacy Books
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Shadow Op #3

"Edge of Shadows" by CJ Lyons & Cynthia Cooke was a good contemporary thriller-suspense that had 'fast-paced, action, twist and turns' that kept your interest from the beginning till the end.  This read was the last in this series
of the 'Shadow Ops series.'  In the search for a traitor among the team really kept this novel moving. The characters were all so well developed...some producing flying bullets, lots of hairpin turns, some were just plain evil...other good...and in the end you will get a real good read from 'The Special Threats Response Team.'  In the end we finally learn who the traitor is and it did surprise me.   This is a novel that will keep you intrigued until the very end.
Would I recommend?  YES!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Malice Striker (Viking Vengeance)

By: Jianne Carlo
Published By: Etopia Press
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series:  Viking Vengeance

"Malice Striker" by Jianne Carlo was some 'Viking' romantic tale that once you started reading finding it hard to put down this quick read till the end.  I found the story line and written simply good.  We find 'Malice Striker" aka Jarl Brokk because he was ordered by the King Bluetooth to marry 'King Kenneth's illegitimate child.  Since he doesn't know what she looks like he grabs a lot of women and takes them to Norway.  Finding out that one was 'Skatha...he marries her...and from here... this excellent story takes off which follows "the relationship through the dangers presented."  This is where the author really works her magic giving the reader such a wonderful good read.  A lot of things will come about but will be answered as you read through the novel.  We will find the hero and heroine were really something new for the reader in that they weren't .... well I will stop her and let you read it and get the fill of it all from the read.  You will not be disappointed because this 'Viking' historical read  was a well written engaging story that you will be hooked from the beginning till the end.  Be ready for many twist and turns.  You will have to keep up because there are many.  Now with this good romance and put in some 'Gods and Goddesses' with espionage and downright murder and you will definitely have a novel you will not be able to put down until the very end. 

A Paratropper In A Pear Tree

By:  Jianne Carlo
Published By: Loose ID, LLC
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
Series: Hades Squad #1

"A Paratrooper In A Pear Tree" by Jianne Carlo was a 'hot' romantic read that once you got started you will be reading till the end to see where, how, when and who of it all this author will take the reader.   I found 'A Paratrooper in A Pear Tree' a rather fast read.  We find Destiny (aka Sara Parker) is in Alaska editing a book and the weather had turned rather nasty. When Destiny looks out of her window watching the blizzard and see a paratrooper 'drops from the sky into a Pear Tree' that is located right in from her the log cabin she is staying in.  So, Destiny will rescue the unconscious paratrooper (Lincoln Chapman)from this situation ... dragging him into the cabin.  The weather will continue to worsen and as the trooper gets better(health wise) things take a turn and things start to sizzle for these two.  The story will take off around a relationship between these two people and this is where I say you must pick up this read to see what will come of this.  Ms. Destiny was at times a piece of work, however Lincoln seemed so nice and protective as he tries  to help her. This author did a wonderful job as she weaves humor throughout the story.  The characters were all well developed and captivating.  If you are looking for a really intriguing good romantic read you have come to the right place for "A Paratrooper in A Pear Tree" would be recommended to you.

Stevie-girl and the Phantom of Crybaby Bridge

By:  Ann Swann
Published By:  A.S.
Age Recommended:  Teen - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Phantom #3

"Stevie-girl and the Phantom of Crybaby Bridge" by Ann Swann was the third in third Phantom series for this author.  I did like the style that this author used in relating to the reader a 1960's setting.  Be ready for adventure as we are taken  to New Mexico on a camping trip with Stevie and her best friend, Jase.  During this camping trip they will be lead to a strange looking bridge...which is 'complete with the legend of a crying baby and a woman in white.'  This author will give the reader a rich story with great descriptions of this adventure...from cookouts, swimming, kissing  and even 'trekking' in the woods.  Be ready for lots of adventure, danger, fun and most of all the mystery (the ghost) of it all.
You will have to pick up this good read to see just how this author presents it all to the reader.  It will be a beautiful be ready for a good read. 

Just To Hear the Words..."I Love You"

By:  B.M. Hardin
Published By: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Just to Hear the Words I Love You" by B.M. Hardin was a good romantic novel   that really gives the reader something to think about long after the read.  This was a story of just what people will do 'just to hear the words I love you.'  These three ladies: Marcy, Natalia and Solese definitely fitted into that situation 'who do things, or accepted things in their life and throughout their relationships just to feel loved and hear those three simple words.'  This author wrote a well written script that will leave you shocked and in awe of it all  in this remarkable story.  Be ready for a read filled with drama, deceit, twist and turns and lies that will keep you reading to see where this author will take you next.  You must pick up the good read to see how this author presents this story  to the reader and omg the ending will be a interesting one. 

If you are into a novel of love, heartache and the courage to  embrace change, you have come to the right place and I would recommend "Just to Hear the Words "I Love You" to you. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Long Road to Redemption

By: Davian Clifton
Published By: D.C.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
Series:  Book 1

"A Long Road to Redemption" by Davian Clifton was truly a good urban fiction novel with a 'spiritual twist.'  'A Long Road to Redemption' read  was of  man named  JR (James Roberts).  This story showed  how one can learn through 'life's experiences.'  Be ready for much drama that you will have to keep up with it all in this smooth flowing read.  You will be definitely kept on the edge of your seat turning the pages till the end just wondering what will come next.  When it seems like all is going smoothly for JR, he seems to some how he will be pulled back into it all again. The part really interested me...what was he thinking when it came to other women beside his wife who he claimed he truly loved.  I will say that for JR  really knew how to keep the women interested.  After his conviction and his stay in prison JR eventually finds 'God.'  But, will he really  change all of his bad ways? He had been married to Sheila for over 20 years, but he also had interests in not just one but three different  women..... Stephanie, Melanie and  Erica.  Will he be able to stop his gangsta ways after finding out who had actually killed his brother?  After his Mom  died would JR be able to still strive to stay on that 'path to redemption?'   To get all of these  answers to it all you must pick up "A Long Road to Redemption" to see what will happen to JR  as he seeks to work on his 'plans for redemption.'  I wonder what will go on in this author's next book: "A Long Road to Redemption  Book 2."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Like Mother Like Trick: The Mother of all Hustles

By: Dannaye Carter
Published By: Kenerly Presents-FAM Cartel Production
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

" Like Mother Like Trick" by Dannaye Carter was some read that was a page turner for me.  This mother and the treatment of her daughter was really eye opener of how some people had actually lived it.  The author was able to present a story that seemed so very real.  I had to keep thinking this is a fiction read! But after thinking about it I can believe this could be the life that may have happen to many people.  The author really knew how to keep the readers attention with all of the drama that went on continually for Erin.  I found this story jumped around a lots but I managed to keep up with the read.  However, it was a read that really will touch our heart because of what Erin has to deal with.... the 'pain, destruction, death but in the end .... well I don't want to tell all.  I want you to pick up this good read to see for yourself the ending.  The characters in this novel were well portrayed and indeed colorful only giving this a  good read.  I found this novel a good read that showed that if you really wanted to escape what you are can happen  and as in this read a good man that will give you the love you can be obtained.  So, in other words just because you have been brought up a certain way doesn't mean you can't change and that is why I would recommend this story as a good read .

Not Like My Mother: Becoming a Sane Parent After Growing Up in a Crazy Family

By: Irene Tomkinson
Published By:  Authorhouse
Age Recommended:  Adult
Rating: 4

"Not Like My Mother:  Becoming a Sane Parent After Growing Up in a Crazy Family" by Irene Tomkinson was a autobiography... Memoir,  a nonfiction  that was a insightful read.  This 'holistic therapist' Irene Tomkinson really breaks it down to the reader giving us a 'enjoyable read that she "draws upon experiences from her intimate life journey and decades of professional knowledge."  You will find from the read this is not only about 'parenting' but also for the "non-parents loaded with heartfelt experiences and nonjudgmental guidance about learning to unconditionally love yourself and others."  This was a powerful book in that it will leave you with many new thoughts and be strengthened as well as challenged and definitely encouraged. 

I loved this quote:  This is so beautifully said....

"We teach what we need to learn. And we teach it until we get it.
I finally got it. Now it is your turn. Go find your own story, claim it, appreciate it, don’t deny it, and above all have compassion for it. In the end, what else do we have but our own story with all of its lessons and blessings?"

Now, "Not Like My Mother: Becoming a Sane Parent After Growing Up in a Crazy Family" may not help all but it does have a good self help guide that may be of help to your  becoming even  a better parent.  You get a real lesson in  how not to let your issues become your child's issue and even how to even avoid becoming 'defined' by your own past childhood hurts.  Would I recommend?  YES!

The Six-Letter Word

By:  Marissa Monteilh
Published By: 40 Publishing
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Six-Letter Word" by Marissa Monteilh was truly a sad but a real important read that I feel should be read by anyone who has or knows of one with "The Six-Letter Word."  Now, that I think of if of anyone who would just like to know how the other have suffered with "The Six-Letter Word" that they could be of help to them.  There is so much information out there for us to know.  I was made aware of the vaccine for HPV.  Wow, this was quite a powerful and knowledgeable read.  This author has presented the reader with a real good story that will make you think of the read long after putting it down.  For "The Six-Letter Word" family was so important and it was showed how this was brought out in the read  being so 'uplifting, heat warming, raw, and even courageous.'  You will be faced with such reactions as crying and even being angry at all of it but in the end you get a good education on "The Six-Letter Word,"...  hysterectomies!  This author presents to the readers a story that will be full of questions but by  the end of this novel... they will be answered. The best of it all was that this author brought out that "The Six-Letter Word" is not a death sentence and that you are not along. This is where family and friends can be so important to you.  And knowing that "GOD allows you to go through struggles trials just to show and strengthen your faith. Every battle is not yours......its the Lords."

The characters where simply all so well developed, so captivating and  colorful only to give to the reader a well written script. We have McKenzie, Aunt Norma Jean, Pacifica, Lilac, Maxwell, Pacifica, Dr. Simmons to Adrian.
We get to see how  this author presents to us a wonderful heroine who is around God propels her to a greater faith."  In the end you have  a excellent read that I would definitely recommend. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

He Love Me, He Loves You Not

Published By:  Good2go Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"He Loves Me, He Loves You Not by Mychea was truly a interesting urban fiction and once you pick it up you will have a hard time putting it down until the end.
It is a fast paced read with all of its drama, action, deceit,  and more drama that seemed to go on nonstop in this read.  There will also be suspense in the read that will simply keep you on the edge of your seat that will leave you will so many emotions of it all.  Be ready for the twist and turns that will leave you saying....again?  All of the characters were simply off the very believable.  Let's see their was...Shia and Leigh who were twins, Remi, Trent, Phylicia, Khloe, Kodi, Sherri, William,  Avionne, Maxwell(Demetri), to Alycia and I am sure I have left someone out.  By picking up the good read you will be able to read for yourself and see who that could be.  In the end you will get the feeling is there anyone not crazy?  There will be so much going on in "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" will keep you reading and the ending only leaving you saying Wow.. that was some read and will only have you wanting to know more from this authors' the next book....'He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not  Part II.'

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Girlfriends Secrets

By: Charmaine Galloway
Published By: Charming Gal Publications
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Girlfriends Secrets" by Charmaine Galloway was a wonderful written urban Christian novel of three friends who had secrets and drama in each of their lives that they thought were kept from each other. We find Tyra had once lead a 'promiscuous life' but had now changed by giving her life to 'Christ.' Alisha was just a 'single mom" with two young children and all she wanted was to be loved by her sons' father. Lastly, we have Brittany who had it all when comparing of the other two friends, but the one thing she did not have was the love she wanted most. This author did a wonderful job in presenting each of these three characters that will take the reader on journey of many twist and turns only leaving us to wonder in the end will they ever get it right? Will they remain close friends after some of the secrets come out? In reading the novel the reader will be able to feel the pain that each one of these three characters will face. To find out the answers you must pick up the excellent read "Girlfriends Secrets" and see if these friends will finally get the peace, happiness and love they all seemed to have wanted. This author gives the reader a powerful inspiring story that will only leave you wanting more. Very well done to the author... Ms. Galloway!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Deep Fried Trouble


By: Tyora Moody
Published By: Tymm Published LLC
Age Recommended: New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Deep Fried Trouble" by Tyora Moody was a wonderful powerful read. Even though it is a mystery Christian read this author was able to deliver to the read a excellent read that will keep you turning the pages until the end. I was able to even laugh at some of the things that went on in this novel. One of my favorites was the dealing with the dog named 'Porgy.' Now, to find out about that you will have to pick up this good read to see how this author was able to deliver to us a intriguing  read.

It all starts in this 'Sugar Creek Community'...for Eugeena Patterson who is now retired and just wanting to do her own thing...being over the 'Neighborhood Association in her neighborhood ..... trying to loose some weight due to her 'sugar,'... however who knew that from a daily walk....passing her neighbors' home just who would be running around and barking at her like crazy? Where was Porgy's owner(Mary)...who had once been her best friend...and the story will pick up from there.. finding her in ....then the story will take off on another subject with Eugeena's daughter(Leesa). Leesa has returned home with another grandchild, but then leaves and doesn't take her children with her....only leaving them with her mother (Eugeena) and not telling her dear mom where in the world she is. Now, poor Eugeena has had so much in her life...she had lost her husband due to illness (now a widow)....newly retired, now has discovered a (estranged) murdered friend from the neighborhood, new dog in her house, and two grandchildren all thrust into her life and wait their will be more. What about the 'recently widowed Amos Jones' who lives next door who is willing to help Eugeena with....? Who is now the prime suspect in Mary's murder and why? What all is going on...was their someone from the neighborhood ....? You will only get all the answers by picking up "Deep Fried Trouble" to find out. I found all of the characters well developed and very interesting. Be ready for some twist and turns in the well written script that this author has presented to the reader but in the end you will have read a excellent inspirational mystery-suspenseful read. The only thing next that you will be asking for is Ms. Moody's next book ...I am sure their will be more from 'Eugeena Patterson Mysteries.' Very well written Ms. did a good job with this novel!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Black Love aka She's a Ryder

By: Hood Chronicles
Published By: Worldhaven Agenda
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Black Love aka She's a Ryder" by Hood Chronicles was some read for me. This was a read that will definitely keep you turning the pages to see what Mr. Hood has next for the reader. You will not be able to guess because of all of the twist and turns plus roller coaster rides in this novel. There will be a message that you will have to read all of "Black Love aka She's a Ryder" to thoroughly understand it all with all of its drama. You will find yourself wondering...why, what, how, say what, where and who, however, and oh no in the end. Well you will just have to read it for yourself to get your understanding of it all. This author did a wonderful job with presenting the characters ... Ahmad and Camille. Once they had held each other but circumstances were now different...he was locked up for 'Fifteen years' and was now telling Camille that they were just to be friends. For Ahmad...'was she a ryder, or would she jump ship?' What? What would Camille do...her own family had disowned her after she had dropped out of school to be with Ahmad? Now that Ahmad was in prison she did have her cousin India and Shakir's friendship but Ahmad wanting her to move on without him? Will Ahmad regret this later? What will Camille do? This author really gives the reader a look into the prison system that left me saying Wow! Does that really happen? Will Camille be able to move on without Ahmad? ....This is where I say you must pick up "Black Love aka She's a Ryder" to see...who all will come and go in Camille's life now that she isn't with Ahmad. What all is happening with Ahmad while he is in prison? This author did his magic with presenting the reader a back and forth read on the main characters. I liked this because you will not feel lost with the many characters that are presented. 

Be ready for some very interesting colorful characters....from Ahmad, Camille, India, Scorpio, Meka, Tony, Eazy, Shakir, Tim-Tim, James, Ciara, Strick, Damien, Ms. Colquitt(Natasha), Jenkins, Tammy, Jamel, Maurice, Shawn, Buddy, Big Tone, Glamorous, Trigg, Victor, Fred, Larry, Jasper, Sheila, Troy, Mike B, Sheila, Toby, Marco, Jim, Yokita, Chance, Ross, Trigg, Katrina, Ontario, Show, Delilah, Tionne, Gia, Officer Stephens, Cain and I probably have left someone out but if you pick up this read you will see how this author was able to take these well defined characters to give the reader a excellent read. In the end will you be left feeling that there is more for Ahmad, Camille, Shakir, and India? YES.. Well, I guess we all will have to wait to see what's next in Mr. Chronicles sagas.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Bottom Bitch

By: Racquel Williams

Published By: Worldhaven Agenda

Age Recommended: Adult

Reviewed By: Arlena Dean

Rating: 4


"Bottom Bitch" by Racquel Williams was indeed a good interesting read. The title held my attention thinking this was about something else, however, I am glad to continued to read and it was some read from start to the finish. I must say if you like have truly come to the right place. I found this read somewhat different in that the author repeated the story...which I found interesting. If you were at a lost to what had just happened you got it all repeated to you again. That was interesting to me because in many novels I have read...this was my first that I noticed this type of storytelling. It did help me sometimes with all that was going on in this read. Yes, this is a adult read in that it is 'real, raw and relevant.' The characters were all very well developed, colorful and well believable. This author really brought these characters to life.

This author also did a good job in the look 'inside the life of the women in a hustler's life.' Not only will you see many twist and turns but most of all a emotional roller coaster ride where there was plenty of drama, anger, killing, fear, sadness and pity. We are left with a cliffhanger...what will happen next? There is still a lot to know of Alijah, Sierra, Mo and Shayna and I am looking forward to this authors' part 2 to see what she will present to us.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dairy Of A Angry Pastor

By: Emeka O. Godwin
Published By: E. G.
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Diary of an Angry Pastor" by Emeka O. Godwin was truly some read  that I found myself laughing so very hard at.  I am a preacher's kid and I could identify with a lots of this 'goings on.'  I hate to say it but a lots of this does go on in churches.  Now, we don't want to admit to a lots of it but it does go on and this poor pastor had enough and just wanted to share.   Even though this is a fiction read.... some of it could be very true.  In this read you could really feel the pain that this pastor went through.  Now, I know many of you may not like this read but look...let's be honest...some of us church folks do some funny stuff and if you can't laugh at some of it well it's .... OK.  I laughed because I know this read is true in so many ways.  It just lets you know what  some 'Christians  have to go through and the many challenges pastors have to deal with.'   Again, I like the read and if you want to see what some pastor's have to go through this is one read for you.  Be ready for a good laugh but in the end there is a message....Did you get it?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

In Search of a Healing Place

By: Nikki Walker

Published By N.W.

Age Recommended: New Adult - Adult

Reviewed By: Arlena Dean

Rating: 5


"In Search Of A Healing Place" by Nikki Walker was just that where everyone (the Wheelers) in this story was healing in one way or the other. Now, the twin brother was now out of jail. Would their be major adjustments for Tyrone now that he was out of jail...Yes. How would he adjust to all of this? ... his new job, his family...his father, brother and sister in law?...and most of all his daughter, Diamond. There will be a lots of healing and forgiving in this read. Tyrone has to deal with his twin brother(Jon) was raising his daughter and had even married the woman that he (Tyrone) had raped. Will these two brothers be able to forgive one another? I did like how the author "showed Tyrone's transition from spoiled and privileged to a man who must live a more modest life and come to terms with both what he did and who he is" and was his relationship with Farryn Grant have anything to do with some of this? This story will go back and forth in the read from Tyrone to Jonathan, so you will have to keep up which will be easy to do. Be prepared for a very emotional read that will present "love, family, forgiveness and above all... redemption." From the opening of the read...'allowing God into your life'..."In Search of a Healing Place" but will it be found in the end for these three...for Cherise, Jonathan and Tyrone? Again, you will only have to pick up this good read to find out whether in the end will they find their 'Healing Place.'

All of the characters were very well developed and believable and this author was able to deliver to the reader a 'very difficult subject on how that love and faith can conquer all.' This was indeed a amazing good read. Very well done and presented....Ms. Walker!

Redemptive Acts # I & 2

By: Nikki Walker
Published By N.W.
Age Recommended:  New Adult- Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Redemptive Acts 1 & 2

"Redemptive Acts 1 & 2" by Nikki Walker was a story that you can only think of as awesome after the read.  These are a two series read.   This author really was able to give the reader a sense of  'forgiveness and then redemption and faith into the lives of her characters.'  The story was of Cherise ...after attending a frat party and meeting a football star, Tyrone...her life changes.. more like a nightmare however, through it all the Bible gives her strength and guidance.  Then Tyrone's twin brother Jonathan offers to give her something that she never thought she would have....a contract? Could Cherise really do this... was this just for her baby?  Ms. Walker did a wonderful job at bringing the story all out to the reader...illustrating the many issues that are presented to someone in Cherise's position. This author gave the reader  us a journey that you will only have to pick up these  good reads  to see what all will happen between the two...Cherise and Jonathan.  Will this become a endearing relationship between these two people?  "Redemptive Acts 1 & 2"  will present to you two amazing stories that  will only keep you turning the pages until the end and oh what a ending!

Hearts on Fire

By: Nikki Walker
Published By: N.W.
Age Recommended: New Adult- Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: The Tested Loves Series #3

"Hearts On Fire" by Nikki  Walker was the third in 'The Tested Love Series' and I am left only wondering to myself which one did I like the best.  This author has manage to write three great stories about 'building relationships.' "Hearts on Fire" was about Trey and Sherri story.  This will be a 'pulse-pounding, suspenseful romantic love story' that will have you turning the pages until the end because  you will not know what will be coming next as you read.  I even liked the hot chemistry between these two that will keep your attention.  We find  from this read that "Sherri had been in love with Trey since she was a teenager and Trey was in denial regarding his feelings for her. A mistake at Sherri's  office brought their lives together in the most unusual way" and this is where I say you must pick up "Hearts on Fire" to seen what all is going on in this last series.  Be ready for lots of action in this short  suspenseful romantic read.

Been There & Done That - In Flames

By: Nikki Walker
Published By:  N.W.
Age Recommended: New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: The Tested Love Series #2

"Been There & Done That - In Flames by Nikki Walker is the second story in 'The Tested Love series.  This was another quick read that was a page turner...once you started it you will not be able to put it down until the end.  Ms. Walker works her magic once again of bringing Andrea and Zane together.  These were two 'wounded souls' that were in  need of  a healing.  Both of these two people had 'experienced a loss of a child' and were able to relate to just what was going on between them but would this be enough to strengthen their love for each other?  With Andrea almost gets her property stolen and Detective Zane recovers her property...will  something come of this between these two?   This is where I say you must pick up this read "Be There & Done That -In Flames" to seen how this author will bring it all out to the reader.  This was another good read by this author. 

Love Through The Fire - The Prequel

By: Nikki Walker
Published By N. W.
Age Recommended:  New Adult -  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: The Tested Love Series #1

"Love Through The Fire" by Nikki Walker was the first in 'The Tested Love Series that was a very enjoyable short read.  Who would have thought that Naya and Marcus  who had been hurt by betrayal could come back together for a second chance.  I liked how this author was able to 'turn a tragedy into something very positive for this couple...being able to talk, listen to and most of all  forgiving and above all putting God first  into their lives.  This was definitely another good read from this author.

A Love Worth Waiting For

By:  Nikki Walker
Published By N. W.
Age Recommended: New Adult- Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  5

"A Love Worth Waiting For" by Nikki Walker was a wonderful love story.  How this author was able to put these two childhood friends who had gone their separate ways but are able to come back to their hometown and find  each other  with each one needing help.... finally coming together was pure magic.

Tina had left her hometown seeking a new job but when it came to her personal life, it wasn't good...she had suffered greatly by the one she had loved...only to be left 'broken, hurt, mistreated, abused  and scarred'..... she returns  home.   Chris... had lost his wife in a horrible car accident and now he has a daughter to care for....he returns to his hometown.   Now, the magic comes...getting these two who had been childhood friends earlier in their life now,  back together as friends that slowly turns into a relationship. This is where I say you must pick up the good read to see how it all will works out.

This author is able not only to work her beautiful magic but give the reader a real 'sweet, clean romantic' story that once you start reading finding it hard to put down until the end...and oh what a ending! 

Very well done... to the author:  Nikki Walker!


Finding You When love called

By:  Nikki Walker
Published By:  N.W.
Age Recommended:  New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  5

"Finding You When Loved Called" by Nikki Walker was a great story of four people ...Lana, Devon, Eric and Lisa finally finding real love.  This was not a easy fit because in the story you will see how each person had to really want to have that special love and were even able to form a great relationship.  This author did a good job in her descriptions and detail that presented the reader a well written smooth flowing  story that kept you captivated until the very end.  End the end love that was lost was found.  This was a wonderful romantic  love story that was thoroughly enjoyed.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Trust: Betrayed

By: Cristiane Serruga
Published By: Create Space
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series:  Trust #2

"Trust: Betrayed" by Cristiane Serruga was the second series: Trust #2 for this author that was a wonderful good read.  This series continues from the 'filthy  rich, beautiful tormented souls' of  Sophia, Ethan and Alistair 'face and revisits their pain and learn to see themselves through forgiving eyes.'  You will be taken from present, past and back and forth in this authors formatting writing style which was somewhat different from the first series.  From the first series we are left hanging but in the second series be are "able to better understand the emotions that drive these lovers together and apart as their motives become clear and personalities continue to expand and blossom' as the story continues. This series was written in third person narrative from the character's POV.  Now, this will be a long read however, due to  the way the author writes such a well written story...with the characters and yes, steamy hot sex(erotic), this novel will move very quickly and before you know are turning pages and it's over. Be ready for many twist and turns because you will not know what is coming next.  I was left saying omg... that was some good read with the story line being so rich and well plotted... the physical, emotional content being chilling and having a flawless descriptive content...only leading the reader to one conclusion: "Trust: Betrayed" was a excellent  amazing read.
In the end it only goes with the saying... "that even in paradise, there are misgivings, cynicism and doubt. Except for all the wealth, glamor and privileges, the rich aren’t so different from the rest of us romantics."  I could not have said it any better.  Well done to this author: Cristiane Serruga.

Trust: A New Beginning

By: Cristiane Serruga
Published By Create Space
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Trust #1

"Trust: A New Beginning" by Cristiane Serruga was the first in this series: 'A New Beginning' by this author. This was a read that was simply hard to put down after starting it because it may be a long read and start out a little slow but this novel does pick up and does it! Ms. Serruga style of descriptive writing was definitely somewhat different in her deliverance of this well written amazing read of a 'heart wrenching story of three people.'

We find from the read their are three well defined characters: Sophia who was a rich, beautiful, intelligent and young widow. Ethan and Alistair were two 'rich playboys that wanted Sophia. All of these characters had 'Trust' issues and were not perfect but still good in their own way. Each of their stories are very intriguing that you will only have to read "Trust" to see what I mean. The reader will be caught up into emotions that this author was able to deliver were simply beautiful being able to feel for each character thoughts. You will be able to definitely get that they said and were thinking.

Be prepared for a few erotic sexual scenes that were steamy, sensual and sexual in detailed but still a good enjoyable contemporary romantic adult read.

Now, with that being said I will suggest to you to pick up "Trust: A New Beginning" to see for yourself how this author does a amazing good job with it all. You will be able to see how this author writes some incredibly emotional charged and breathless scenes that are simply off the chart ... good.

Be ready for it all: I truly can't say it any better "completely engaging characters, sizzling romance, achingly intense sex scenes, plenty of drama, touching stories of heart-breaking tragedy and loss, and a the chance for healing and redemption." With all of this know that this is just the first of this series so, be ready because there will be more on this journey for Sophia in "Trust: Betrayed #2." 

Sunday, July 7, 2013


By: Ceet The Author
Published By: BRP Books
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Mentality" By Ceet means: "The characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group." This author did a good job with presenting just that with David Horsham, Kyree Singh, and Natalie Porter and bringing in 'Money, Power, Greed, and Revenge it all becomes a matter of life and death.' It can be said that truly the way a person thinks influences his or her actions. Each one of these people have their own story one with drug trade, money and or sex. I found "Mentality" a fast pace read, with action scenes...the fight scenes were wow... something else only to read about. The characters were somewhat well developed moving the read along nicely. I will say you had to keep up with the read because you could be a little confused with the 'past' to 'present' and back and forth. "Mentality" for me was a good read for me that kept me reading till the end. This author did a good job at making the reader think about the lengths people will go to get just want they are after. The author Ceet used his magic to separate the novel into different story lines...but at the same time you are actually reading three stories at the same time. I had no problems understanding the read at all and think that this novel was a very descriptive and well written. Would I recommend? YES!


Nine Lives

By:  Nhys Glover
Published By:  Belisama Press
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
Series: New Atlantis #1

Nine Lives" By Nhys Glover was a intriguing exciting time travel romance that is the first in its series, New Atlantic.  What a world ... from this science fiction read we find a real twist on this 'time travel and post apocalyptic living.'  This author really worked her magic with the hot sex with this science fiction read.  The future world scenarios that were worked into the story really had me turning the pages in the well written read to see what was coming next. 

In the story we find a man(Jac) offers a lady(Cara) "a chance at a new life in his future Utopian world."  What does she do?  By accepting she will "open herself up to a passionate new love in an unimaginable new world, where clones extend lifespans, and time travel is used to repopulate a decimated human population."
Well, this story really get interesting because in the end will Jac be "willing to change to keep his loving, beautiful woman in his life because Cara is a "free thinking individual?"  Now, how will this work out?  To find out all of the answers to these questions you will have to pick up "Nine Lives" to see what all this author has in store for the reader. 

I enjoyed this time travel romance series and this read will only leave you wanting the next series.  Would I recommend?  YES!


By:  J. Cafesin
Published By:  Entropy Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Reverb" By J. Cafesin was a "love story, a psychological thriller paced with romantic suspense."  I truly could not have said it any better because this was
truly a story of redemption.  I enjoyed the first POV from James Michael Whren and the other characters are in third person POV.. all giving the reader a good story.  The author was able to create a emotional intensive feel that ring high  from the 'backstories' on to a much needed  happier ending that we were given in the end.   The reader was able to feel the tension that radiated from James, his dad and the other characters to a point of making it seem you are there in the midst of it all.  You will definitely find yourself being brought into James's world. This author was able to use  all of this through the 'accusations, deep talks, revelations, and the many arguments only to bring out to the reader a good  intriguing dialogue.    In the end I can only say I thought "Reverb" was a awesome read that I could not put down until the end.

However, be ready for a few scenes that maybe a little 'graphic  in nature and languages that push the boundaries' for some of the faint hearted, but still I did like the way this author presented it all. 
"James Wren is brilliant, beautiful, wealthy, and taken - with himself, or more precisely, his genius for creating music. But on the evening of his brother's funeral, his father turns James' life upside down."  This is where the story will take off and James meets widowed Elisabeth and her young son Cameron.
Now, to get the rest  of it all I will say to get the rest of the story you must pick up "Reverb" to see how this author makes it all clear to the reader.

The characters:  James Whren, Edward Whren and  Elisabeth Whitestone and her son Cameron were really the main characters who were colorful, real, even believable.  However, for some of these characters you will be able to feel the 'angst, anger, frustration, pain and betrayal'  that will be all up into this interesting story. 

I agree that "Reverb" was "fast paced, fascinating, shocking but most of all a riveting read"   that I would recommend to you as some compelling story. 

I have looked at the book cover many times trying to figure it out...then it came to me.... "Reverb" is all about James..."echoes, repercussions, consequences, aftermath fallout to backlash."     Well done  author  J. Cafesin!

All For Love

By:  Ann Swann
Published By 5 Prince Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"All For Love"  by Ann Swann was a awesome read. When I started reading it I wondered how this author was tie it all together...well she did a wonderful job with presenting to us a good read of "All For Love."  This novel was such an emotional roller coaster ride that will keep you caught up in the read to the very end that  will leave you wondering as well as relating to so much through the read.  This is not a happy read but a real realistic one.  Wow! what a story line and the drama was simply off the charts! This female protagonist(Liz Rose) was one that you will be able to relate too.." a woman who is remembering better days as she worries about the future."  This author did a wonderful job with such important issues woven into this novel: abortion,  infidelity, grief, death, alcoholism and suicide. 

I like the story being narrated by Liz which made  it so easy to connect with her ...with there being so many 'flashbacks' as the reader is taken back and forth from her past to the present to only giving us her true thoughts. This style of writing that this author presents to the reader is simply wonderful smooth flow of writing that will keep you reading to the end.  I could not put it down once I started with my read. 

"All For Love" was a presentation of Liz who was "a flawed heroine that you cannot help but sympathize with, but who will also frustrate you with her stubbornness."  Now, to truly understand it all I will say you must pick up
"All For Love"  to see how this author brings it all out to the reader.  It will be a awesome read.

The characters were all very well developed, colorful, believable, real and most of all well portrayed... only to give the reader a well written story that will even leave  you  with some thoughts long after the read. 

"All For Love"  would be recommended to all who are in for a captivated read that will touch your  heart and even your soul ...only finding this read hard to put down until the very end.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Choosing The Road Less Traveled

By: Myckelle P. Williams
Published By: MPowerment Worldwide, LLC
Age Recommended: YA - New Adult - Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Choosing The Road Less Traveled" by Myckelle P. William was definitely a 'emotional journey of hope, healing and finding love in unexpected places.'

Mrs. William has really put her story out there that will help so many...just knowing that if you want to be helped...there is help out their for you. I read this story twice not because it was a hard read but I just wanted to make sure I received all that was given to the reader. The only thing that I can say is that it was a excellent true story of this author's personal life that can be summed up:

Myckelle...maybe a strange name ... but it's unique ...she was a pioneer in her family....being the first person to live drug free... had family oriented life, breaking the cycle of promiscuity and a abuse and to become a Christian. Myckelle has gone through a lot in her lifetime mainly learning all of this through trial and error. In the end we get a true story that may only inspire one to want 'to create new tradition and generational patterns in your own family.'

"Choosing The Road Less Traveled" was a inspiriting read that will really touch your heart in such a way that you will not be able to put it down only turning the pages until the very end. You will find this story wasn't in any way judgmental or hypercritical but just the truth of her personal story and it is a story that ....

"God once took a young girl with limited potential and turned her into a woman with unlimited possibilities, given a purpose to empower others." Ms. Williams lets us know that the "road was not always easy...many times learning from trial and error.. God gives you a new opportunity each morning to start over." But in the end we find that she continues to thank God that she was 'courageous enough to be able to choose life.'

Now, twenty years later...this is where I say you must pick up "Choosing The Road Less Traveled" to see how this person is on a true mission to follow that 'fork in the road.' Just know you will be blessed by whoever reads this novel. Well done Myckelle Williams!

If It Ain't Broke (Three Rivers Series- Book 4)

By:  Brenda Barrett
Published By: Jamaica Treasures
Age Recommend:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Three Rivers Series Book 4

"If It Ain't Broke" by Brenda Barrett was another one of this author's beautiful reads that I thoroughly enjoyed. This author was able to offer the reader four wonderful written stories that we all 'off the chart' EXCELLENT.'  Wow!  this series was of Chris and his new life...wife, daughter and even his ex-lover child
Mark, which was his. 

My suggestion if you haven't read this series...please do because it is a wonderful Christian read and a series that does have a good ending!

I liked the ending...prayer for the week:

"God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. Living one day at a time, Enjoying one moment at a time, Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace, Trusting that You will make all things right, If I surrender to Your will, So that I may be reasonably happen in this life, And supremely happy with your forever in the next.  Amen."

Beautiful said and all that is left is pick up this read as well as the series... you will be truly blessed from the read.  Well done Ms. Barrett for a wonderful series that was enjoyed from Book One through Book Four of the Three Rivers Series. 

Tilt A Novel by Emma Pattee

Book Excerpt: " Set over one day, a heart-racing debut about a woman facing the unimaginable, determined to find safety. Last night, yo...