Saturday, March 3, 2018

I'll Never Tell (Addison Parker Mystery Series Book 2) Kindle Edition by Deidra D. S. Green

Book Description...

"Seven years ago, Rev. Dr. Eli Jamison was found dead; sprawled across the altar of historical Mt. Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church, in the heart of Mechanicsville, Georgia. There were several people who had motive to murder the infamous pastor, but the Atlanta Police Department hadn’t been successful in finding Reverend Jamison’s killer. Dr. Addison Parker has been charged with the responsibility of resurrecting this cold case. Finding his killer would mean unraveling mysteries and secrets many in Mechanicsville would rather stay hidden. Some would rather the memory of Eli Jamison remain just that, a memory. Addison Parker is determined to change that. Find out if Dr. Parker has what it takes to uncover the secrets to who murdered Eli Jamison in I’ll Never Tell: The Addison Parker Mystery Series, Book 2."

Title:  I'll Never Tell 2
Author:  Deidra D. S. Greene
Publisher:  Rathi Publishing Presents
Series Addison Parker Mystery Series Book 2    
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"I'll Never Tell 2" by Deidra D. S. Green

My Thoughts....

My, my my, what a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat as  you are taking in all that has happened in this well written story.  This murder to this 'infamous pastor' Rev. Eli Jamison has been turn over to Dr. Addison Parker.  What all will she finds out as he searches for several individuals...from Ingrid Frierson Winston, Monica Lewis, The Jamison's ....Eneezer, Eli & Emmanuel and Treasurie Davidson?
What will be brought out in this cold case?   Also, it seems while this cold case is being worked on by Dr. Parker  something else has gone on  in the Atlanta area....Please say it's  not so but there seems to be a 'Baby Doll Killer {Copy Cat}!  Now, I don't want to spoil it but only say this author presentation will keep you turning the pages and all I am left to say is you will have to read it for yourself to see where, why, who to how that cold  case will  turns out.  I will say I had to step back and shake my head and say. ....  REALLY!   I didn't see it coming! Who I thought it was ...well it wasn't!   Well done to the author and I look forward to your next series ...'I'll Never Tell 3' 

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