Friday, December 14, 2018

The 90's (Life on the Road) (My Life Book 2) Kindle Edition by T. J. Wray


"This is the second book in the (My Life) series. The first book was about my Teenage Years. This book is about more grown up and adult experiences. Marriage, children, and jobs. 
After breaking my back and going through major back surgery, I had to spend a year and a half in rehab and physical therapy learning how to walk again.
Then I needed a knew career, and a knew adventure. This book will take you down the road to that adventure."  Please Enjoy!

Title: The 90's Life on the Road
Author: T. J. Wray
Publisher: T.J.W.
Series: My Life Book 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The 90's Life on the Road" by T. J. Wray

My Thoughts....

This was another interesting read about the author T. J Wray and I will say he indeed has had quite a interesting life as he shares with the reader what had gone on in his life during the 90's. T.J's first novel had been 'Our Teen Years: Growing up in a Small Town in the 80's, I enjoyed this read "The 90's Life on the Road" as this author touches on what he went through during the 90's starting out when he was 23 and working at a Buick dealership in Oklahoma City.

Just to touch a little on T.J's chapters..I took from this good read....Now, to get the whole story you will have to pick up "The 90's Life on the Road" to get this entire good story.

1. Back Again...On one dreadful Saturday morning everything changed when T.J. had broken his back in three places and pinched a nerve going to his left leg, crushed two disk in his back and ruptured a third disk.On top of all of this he had no insurance due to working part time. Later to be told he had 55% disability in his back and would not be able to lift anything over 15 pounds for the rest of his life...75 % use of his left leg and back....Wow!

However, T. J. didn't let this keep him down...

2. So he wouldn't be a auto mechanic anymore... he moved on and became a delivery truck driver getting his [B] CDL license where he became a bus driver.... later he thought of going to truck driving school and getting a class {A] CDL license and that is just what he did....another adventure. It seemed it was always what's next for T.J?
After passing his test working for PAM trucking he became one of their drivers from Arkansas. He finally gets his own truck from the company and T. J. was off traveling!

3. On The Road Again...I enjoy reading about how T.J. dealt with the hardest part of being a truck driver...which was the loneliness and its solitude. This was were the CB radio were so very important along with the Rand McNally truckers road map.

4. Canada ?
Not being told what to expect after getting to Canada...about the rules, laws, different language and money didn't make this visit a interesting one. However, T. J. was off seeing it all! Still on that adventure!

5. Just Glad To Be Back on American Soil
After the trip to Canada T.J. was glad to be back on America soil! How T. J. dealt with his driving was quite a interesting read ....having two log books! Keeping awake by turning up the ac up to high, drinking coffee or sodas and chewing gum and I won't say what he use to .... you will just have to read that for yourself 😀! along with his workout process with that dumbbells? Wow! Anyway I learned a lots from this section in what all a truck driver must do in order to stay awake. For six months T.J. traveled over 150,000 miles all over America. Wow!

6. Go West Young Man
T. J. drove for two years for PAM trucking...what an adventure traveling all over the states! Even when he was stuck in Albany during Christmas...5 days without shower...cold and miserable and not able see his daughter Melissa it was still an adventure. Remember, many truck driver may work 24/7 and may not have been home to see his family in weeks and weeks.

7. Another New Truck
In this section T. J. had to deal with PAM's [The Log Dog].[having two logs]..after being with the company for six months without any accidents, incident or tickets he got a new jacket, pay raise and a brand new truck ...a Volvo to drive for the PAM trucking company. This is when he was offered a job by his dispatcher but he turned it down and continued to work for PAM.

8. Hitchhiking with CDL
Now, I thought this was very interesting in what T. J. did with his down time while waiting for his truck to be fixed after he hit a deer. It seemed like quite a experience of learning about how stick hauler drive their trucks..
This was quite interesting. I can't imagine having to deal with all of that mud!

9. HotDog
This was a nickname given to him by his father. This is where T.J. talks about some of the most wondrous, beautiful sights American has to offer and also having seen some of the worst it is important to all to the drivers to slow down and be safe. Oh and his nickname that is tattooed to his right calf was used as his CB handle on his CB radio.

10. As A Child
Refers a lots to his first novel. T.J. and his sister was on the run with his father for 11 years, lived in 65 different towns, 7-8 different states and 6-8 different schools. One great thing is that T. J. got to do was re-visit some of the places he remembered from his childhood when he was on some of his truck driving. One thing at T.J. enjoyed about driving over the road was his 'Freedom"...There is really no one to tell you what to do as long as you got your load of freight there on time and safely, the company is Happy.

11. Alligator- Alligator [What?]
They will eat up all your money. This was process T.J. learned to keep his doors locked at all times. I had to laugh at this story!

12. There Ain't No Feelin, Like 18 Wheelin
For $ stay there until you pass your truck driving test and get your CDL driver's license. After driving for PAM for two years he decided to park the truck and go home. Now there is a procedure in doing this. You can't just abandoned the truck. You had to work with your dispatcher. After being off for 3 weeks T.J.took another truck job but it only lasted for 7 days and that was the end of his over the road truck driving career.

13. Back Home
Coming back to Oklahoma City he took a job punching the clock making deliveries...then on to security for a year and a half...later he filled in as a bus driver. Later he bought his own tow truck and have been self employed for the past 15 years. Today, you can find T.J. raising his two younger children on his own which are the loves of his life. What message T. J. leaves for the reader that I thought was such good advice and that is that one should never DON'T GIVE UP! When life gets you down...pick yourself up and get back in the game. You are never to old to follow your dreams!

14, Just F.Y.I.
One thing T. J. always wanted and that was to be a inventor...inventing something great for the motorcycle rider. all I have left to say about his invention but at least there was a good lesson that was learned from this experience.

I really liked this dedication...If you bought it....a truck brought it! Wow, I have never thought about that until T.J. brought it out so well to all of the hard working men and women who do this work daily.

"I don't care if it's a sofa, a refrigerator, clothes or shoes, a new car, or even food and groceries are delivered by professional truck drivers in America . Most of which have families at home, that they have to be away from for weeks and even months at a time. To get the job done! They miss birthdays, and holidays and everything else with their kids. And the traffic conditions, and weather conditions can be an absolute nightmare. So my hats off to all the professional, over the road truck drivers out there. I think you’re doing a great job. Keep up the good work, and be safe out there! God bless you all.".....T.J. Wray

And in the end dedicating this novel to his three children and two grandchildren.

The Red Sovine- A Trucker Drivers Prayer...was wonderful!

I really enjoyed this heartwarming novel of what goes on in a truck drivers life. I believe this author did a good job with delivering the reader quite a read that will keep your attention as you are turning the pages to see what is coming next. I learned so much from this read of the life of a true 'truck driver.' I will definitely give them more respect as I am driving behind one of those big things! 😊 The best of luck to you T J. and I hope to hear more from you in the coming years. I see you have a interest in Children's books, now that sounds very interesting!

Thank you for letting me read your novel and my giving my honest opinion of the read! Great Read!

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