Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Author: Kathryn Meyer Griffin
Published By: Damnation Books LLC; Revised
Age Recommend: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Raven Rating:   5
Blog Review For: Great Minds Think Aloud


"Blood Forge" by Kathryn Meyer Griffin was another great read for me. The snake demon was really something in this read. I was really glad when it was ....oh I can't tell you. You will simply have to read this read for yourself (smile). I will say that this demon escape was in the form of a alluring 357 Magnum Colt Python pistol that was to bring havoc and death into many people.

Starting with the pistol... referred to as 'snake God' .... monstrous snake... ghosts...then Todd Cummings ending in the bottomless pit... on to .David Willows in Korea...wanted
to be a painter...hated his father and war.. had given him a replica of a Magnum Colt Python. This gun had come from a gunsmith (Jed) that wanted to get rid of it eagerly. Now David was in Korea(Chinese) in a war that he hated... with this pistol that "evoked strong sensations in people." Was he bitten by this pistol?...Was he hearing things?....Was he a "sniveling Coward?" During this investigation...it had been determined that Willows due to stress..going out of his mind had killed his patrol. ... nothing about this pistol. This alluring Magnum Colt Python was packed and shipped to his parents where it lay in dust for years... until later sold to a junk dealer.. only to be to be bounced out of the truck (in a trunk) and spilled over the road. Unnoticed....As the novel progresses this pistol get into many other hands bringing much destruction to several people. All who came in contact with this pistol was in for a horrible ride.

The characters.... Roger, Sandy, Tom, Martha, Sam and Emily....but it was Emily who was able to see that this sinister gun was the root of their problem. The author did a good job in presenting this plot and even the ending was truly well delivered. "Blood Forge" will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what is going to happen next.

Thank God for David Kramer knowing of Father Gabriel who was definitely the hero to saved the day from this posed gun. Sorry that Michael wasn't saved. I know I am telling too much! Indeed I did enjoy the storytelling of "Blood Forge." Truly, it was another great read by Kathryn Griffin.

Read more: http://www.greatmindsthinkaloud.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=supernatural&thread=1269#ixzz1r1IaYYfN

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