Monday, April 16, 2012

Don't Look Before You Leap

Author: David Webb
Published by: D.W.
Age Recommend: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Raven Rating: 5
Blog Review For: GMTA

"Don't Look Before You Leap" by David Webb was a very funny and entertaining short and quick read. I have never laughed so much from a novel than this one. How this author was able to do his...reminiscing.... was absolutely showing inside of his own wonderful life.

David Webb was a pilot for American Airlines tells us stories that start from his childhood...through college...USAF and to his professional career. Often moving due to the fact that his father was a military person.

Some of the stories he tell us are so humorous that will keep you laughing such as eye problems (corrective contact lenses)...Dr. Mary...being a gang leader...fight with Fernando,... he hates bananas, but loves chocolate...candy and ice cream...camping with his brother, Andy & his daughters ...on to stories about his brother Brian and the basketball gym shorts, his cousin Todd and the jock strap... on to wrestling...then the treacherous trap in the tree...the canoe trip without water with Andy... Andy's Alaska trip with Joe... running barefoot in the snow and then my favorite Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest and I will stop with the veggie truck. You will simply have to pick up this read to find out the rest and there is plenty more stories!

This author did a wonderful job at describing Davis's(his) life's experiences. In "Don't Look Before You Leap" you were able to see a pattern of a learning concepts in many of David Webb's life's wisdom. With all that being said and done I really enjoyed the read and I would recommend it as a good and funny read.

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