Monday, April 30, 2012

Indentity Thief

       Identity Thief
Author: Milo James Fowler
Published by:  Musa Publishing
Age Recommend: Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Raven Rating: 5
Blog Review For: GMTA

"Identity Thief" by Milo James Fowler was a real scary read for me.  Just knowing
that this 'Identity Thief'  really has a mind of a serial killer....keeping his victims in
the closet...wearing masks to cover up his own incompetence's. It is really creepy
knowing that the face is used but he lives their life as well.

When you think about the "Identity Thief"  is something of a insane person that
gives explanation of why and what he does....being a unhappy adolescence, failed
love, and  car stealing.... using  acid? Wow!

"Identity Thief" was  really a short story of  disgust, dislike,  and terror of this persons'
way of thinking which is alarming. OMG!

Well, I was made to see that credit card stealing  isn't the only thing  about "Identity
Thief"....they way the author points it .... it can be even more awful.

This novel REALLY opened my eyes to just what all can be involved in "Identity Thief."
I would definitely recommend as a good read for all.

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