Friday, January 17, 2014

The Look of Love (The Sullivan's Book 1) By Bella Andre

Title: The Look of Love
Author:  Bella Andre
Published:  Bella Andre
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: The Sullivan's Book 1

"The Look of Love" by Bella Andre was truly a romantic story of Chase and Chloe.  I felt this novel  was a good introduction to the 'Sullivan Family' and I will be reading the rest of all twelve of this series.  "The Look of Love" was a beautiful told love story of Chase Sullivan who was quite some man in that he was just that ...quite a 'sweet' man.  Then there was Chloe Peterson who Chase had met on the side of the road that had some real issues that she had to deal with.  Will Chase be able to help Chloe with these issues?  Truly Chase believed  he could help the 'Lovely Chloe' but would she want his help?   This is where I say you must pick up the good read to find out how this author will bring it all out to the reader.  Be ready for a lovely heartwarming story with some hot steamy encounter that will leave you saying Wow!  Would I recommend?  YES!

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