Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Author:  Marta Acosta
Published By:   Tor/MacMillan
Age Recommend: YA
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Raven Rating:  5
Blog Review For:  Great Minds Think Aloud

"Dark Companion" by Marta Acosta was a intriguing paranormal-Gothic read.  The novel is of Jane who had a hellish life and is now able to go to a new lifestyle.  Jane could have never expected  to  leaving the foster home at sixteen due to the fact that she studied hard  and "dedicated to the memory of a wise older foster resident who died of bacterial meningitis,....is offered a full scholarship-plus a cottage accommodations-at a fancy day school for girls."  Only the best of the best are able to attend the Birch Grove Academy but what Jane didn't know that their would be secrets?  Now what will Jane do and how will she deal with them?   And then the nightmares start.......

This author used great dialog that made her writing flow very easily.  All of the characters were very memorable.....Jane Williams, Wilde, 2Slim,  Lucian(Lucy),  Mary Violet, Jack(Jacob), Orneta, Mrs. Radcliffe, Hosea, Mrs. Prichard(Mrs. Bitchard), Jimmy, Mr.Tobias  Radcliffe, Joan, Ms. Chu, Constance, BeBe(Breneeta-former student), Hattie, Catalina, Mr.Albert  Mason,(Mrs. Mason),  Mrs. Baybe, Mrs. Dodson, Ms. Ingerson, Mr. Shaunessy,  Agnes, Bobby,Mr. & Mrs. Holiday, Teresa  and  Ian Ducharme.  Now, I am sure I let someone out....WHO?
Jane  was now in her new school and wanted to be part of a family with love however there would be some very intense times that lead to many mysteries in this plot.  Jane (the heroine) is a very intelligence person,  tough,  not only book smart but street smart and even resourceful.   Did Jane have spirit? YES!

The title of the book..."Dark Companion" gives a good sense of its plot and you will see just how 'dark' this story will get.  Now this is the time that I say you must pick up this good read to see how this will turn out and be prepared for twist and turns.

There was one quote that caught my attention that I liked: “What makes you angry Jane?”
“Pretty much everything.” I said casually, as if it wasn’t true. “Life isn’t fair, so you have to play the best game you can with the card you’re dealt.”

Be prepared for some issues such as inequality and socioeconomic status that will be greatly discussed.  The author did a wonderful job with these issues. 

If you are in for a read that is intelligent, intriguing and somewhat funny at times....."Dark Companion" is a good paranormal Gothic  read that  I would  definitely recommend to you.

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