Monday, April 28, 2014

Complete & Total Bliss By Janae M. Robinson

Title:  Complete & Total Bliss
Author:  Janae M. Robinson
Publisher: J.M.R.
Series:  Bridal Bliss Series
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Complete & Total Bliss" by Janae M. Robinson.....

"Asha and Dwayne return for the final installment in the Bridal Bliss series, or do they? Is Dwayne ok? In Lost in Bliss, Asha got some of her answers, but she is still a bit confused and someone has a lot of explaining to do. With two crazy ex-lovers on the loose is it possible for Asha to finally get a happy ever after ending? Will Delilah and John’s marriage last or does Melissa play a role in that demise also? What was Daniel’s M.O. for returning and entering Asha’s life? All these questions and more will be answered in Complete and Total Bliss."

What I really enjoyed about "Complete & Total Bliss"

I must say "Complete & Total Bliss" was a well written story that was the third in this series.  Once I started on this last series I was up late reading to see how this would end for Asha and Dwayne.  I must say this author did a wonderful job at bringing it all together because there was a lots going on in this read.  However, to really get the understanding of it all I will say you must pick up this authors first two of the Bridal Bliss Series...'Bridal Bliss and Lost In Bliss' because it will all come together in this last novel.  I enjoyed the read of the characters because they really worked this read that will only kept you reading and wondering where the story was taking you next.  I think it was a little predictable for me in that I was able to guess who the bad person really was, however what I really enjoyed was that some of the characters seemed to have changed for the better as I read through "Complete & Total Bliss."  This only showed that a person can change which is  a good thing.   I don't want to spoil to much other than say this novel...and the other two are good reads.  You will be left feeling YES, there is someone for us all.  All I have left to say is pick up the whole  series to see for yourself how well this author wrote such a amazing Christian  series and YES,  I would definitely  recommend to all.

Broken(Lunch Break Series) By: Stephanie Norris

Title:  Broken (Lunch Break Series)
Author:  Stephanie Nicole Norris
Publisher: S.N.N.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Broken" by Stephanie Nicole Norris....

"Relationships always start out rosy in the beginning, but they never last that way. At least this is what Marissa thought as she watched Nathaniel preparing to go out to God knows where at 11 o’clock at night. What used to be love had turned into regret — to the point that Marissa often despised being around him. Sure, they’ve had their break-ups and their make-ups. But this relationship had grown stale, boring, and sometimes depressing, and Marissa wanted out.

Now Joe, on the other hand, was handsome, flirtatious, and older. He had Christian values and knew what he wanted out of life. Marissa couldn’t deny his obvious charm and magnetic pull towards her and she wanted to find out what being with him was like. However, being a Christian woman herself, her morals wouldn’t allow her to cheat on Nathaniel, even if their relationship was practically over. Or maybe she could get a taste just once. Nathaniel didn’t have to know, and God would forgive her, right? The struggle between knowing when a relationship has run its course or when it’s time to stand strong is real. Is the grass really greener on the other side?"

"Broken" was just that...a 'Lunch Break Series' that gave you food for thought where we find a nice well written short story mainly around just a few people...Marissa, Nathaniel and Joe.  I liked the thought pattern of this author letting us see people down and out but in the end trying to turn their life around.  Hopefully that remains to be seen but we know that if it is to be it will be done.  The ending kind of made me think will this really happen for Marissa and Nathaniel?  Since this is a 'Lunch Break'  I can see  we will just be left wondering was Marissa celebrating  too early? We can always hope it all comes out well for these two.    Well done to the author!

The Sheik Retold (Unabridged Audible) by Victoria Vane & E.M. Hull

Title:  The Sheik Retold [Audible Audio Edition]
Authors: Victoria Vane & E.M. Hull
Publisher:  Vane  Publishing LLC
Narrated By: Dawn Hyde 8 hrs 49 mins
Format:  Unabridged
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Sheik Retold" by authors Victoria Vane and E.M. Hull was a beautiful story told. The authors really knows who to capture your attention in the 1920 remake  and kept it with the intenseness that surrounds the read.  I have read this novel  from my Kindle and also the novel but I loved listening to this story being told by a narrator even more.  Ms. Hyde did a wonderful job at bringing this story to life.  I knew from my earlier  reads  that Diana was a force to be reckon with being so strong willed, independent and all  but on this journey  she really portrays that part of having so much strength to endure what all she had to go through  being raised by such a horrible half brother and even more as we get into the read.  It was really interesting how the authors brought out that Diana despised being a woman and since men only seemed to  love her for the way she, she decides to take a vacation in the Sahara desert against everyone's advice alone.

I liked this quote from Diana... 

"My life is mine and I will deal with it exactly as I wish. I will do what I choose when and how I choose. I will never again obey any will but my own."

 We will be presented a story of what will happen when a strong alpha man  kidnaps this strong woman.  It will be a intriguing rides with a few sex scene that may have you holding your breathe while listening to this erotic story!   Be prepared to go on a journey that will have some of it all... adventure, fear, seduction, submission,  kidnapping, drama, shock,  erotic sex,  anger, death,  passion to even joy.  "The Sheik Retold" was a well written historical, with steamy erotic scenes that you will keep listening to this captivating novel  until the very end.  The characters were all so very well defined, portrayed, colorful and developed only making this such a phenomenal read that I would definitely recommend to you.   

Friday Night Love (Days of Grace V I) By Tia McCollors

Title:  Friday Night Love
Author:  Tia McCollors
Publisher:  Whitaker House
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Friday Night Love" by Tia McCollors was a beautiful Christian fiction.  The author presented the readers with a wonderful well written story of  the Maxwell's...Zenja and Roman.


This story will take you though a marriage that is falling apart due to a 'dalliance with infidelity on the part of her husband, Roman.'  The only thing that Zenja wants is her husband gone from her life and precedes to help him pack up so he can leave, however that plan doesn't go as she plans, for he will return.    This novel will take the reader through quite a story from going on a cruise and Zenja meeting a old friend. How will this friend tie into this picture?   One thing that is for sure Zenja truly  has a friend named Caprice. For she is truly a woman of God and will introduce her friend Zenja to the 'seven step plan she has developed in her ministry called "Friday Night Love." 

What was this "Friday Night Love?"  from a quote:

Over the course of seven weeks, the plan outlines a series

of assignments based on Ephesians 5:33, helping a wife

to cultivate respect for her husband. Rekindling their

relationship takes a lot of work, especially when the man

with whom Zenja nearly cheated on Roman refuses to

step out of the picture. Will their commitment to honor

God with their marriage pay off in the end?

I don't want to spoil it so you will have pick up "Friday Night Love" to see how this author will bring
it all out to the reader. Be prepared from the novel to  see how hearts be broken, mended,  uplifted, forgiveness, trust, faith  and in the end will there be  a 'commitment to honor God.'  So, will their marriage (Zenja and Roman Maxwell) be able to be saved? 
The characters in this novel were simple off the chart...good,  all well developed, defined, interesting, real, colorful, well portrayed and believable... only to have the reader not wanting to put this book down until the end.


This was not only the hero and heroine's  story but the issue that seemed to be solved between the daughter in law and mother in law was quite intriguing story  after it was all was cleared up.  To understand more with that you will have to pick up:  "Friday Night Love." 

"Friday Night Love" was really a very good  Christian story that will even help anyone who is going through this type of situation.  I found it the novel  a powerful read that will leave you laughing at some it, along with even shedding some tears...yes it was indeed one of those novels that will even stay with you long after you have finished the read.  Would I recommend? Yes, it is definitely one of those good reads. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dirty Bonds By B.M. Hardin and Lola J

Title: Dirty Bonds
Authors: B.M. Hardin & Lola J
Publisher: Savvily Publisher LLC
Reviewed By Arlena Dean
Rating: 4.5

"Dirty Bonds" by B.M. Hardin & Lola J was indeed that only these authors did write so very well and it was a short read. I found "Dirty Bonds" it was one of those crazy reads that will entertain you turning the pages to the very end. The characters...the three sisters , along with Devon and a few more will give you a interesting read that will keep your attention.

Here is a little from the authors...

"Money aint the only thing that can get you out of Jail on Bail!
***“"Look, I don’t need the money. I have plenty of money. But let me tell you how this works. You see this contract…let me tell you what it says. It says I’ll post your bail, and have my one hell of a lawyer or judge friend get you off, or pay somebody to get you off under one condition…that DICK belongs to me; anytime, anywhere, until the contract is up. That means, your wife can’t know a thing about our little agreement and that also means that I want the works; I want to be fucked…not played with. Pleased not left unsatisfied; no in between, straight like that. So, where do we go from here is up to you. So, what’s it going to be?” I said in closing as I liked my lips. Devon leaned back in his chair and eyed me as if he was trying to read my mind. My guess was that he was trying to figure out if I was serious or if it all was some sick, twisted joke. But I was dead ass serious. He eyed me up and down, just before biting his bottom lip. After a few more minutes, he cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay,” he said…I grinned."

Now, after reading that I am sure if you pick up "Dirty Bonds" you will see how splendid these authors will bring it all out to the readers. I found these authors really gives the readers a look at the psyche of the characters that will leave you shaking your head and thinking from 'power of money, sex, deception, and lies with multiple twist and turns' we get a intriguing read. Then, by the end of the novel you will get an ENDING that will only having you waiting for 'part two' to see what is next to come. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Idea of Him By Holly Peterson

Title:  The Idea of Him
Author:  Holly Peterson
Publisher:  William Morrow and Company
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Age Recommended: Adult
Rating: 4

"The Idea of Him" by Holly Peterson was a good women's fiction read.  Mary Crawford had a good life with two kids, happy marriage and wonderful job, but was this really true?  No, it was not because she soon finds her husband in there laundry room with another woman and this was not the first time.  Guess what...there will be more for Mary to discover.  Will Mary be able to find answers to all of this and more before it's too late?  Be ready for a interesting read however  I did find this read somewhat chaotic a times and even complicated as the story seems to jump back and forth from the past to present.  I will say the suspense that surround the husband, Wades dealing and all kept me very interested  along with the jest of it all where we find from the read that  Mary had previously relied on James,(another part of the story) then married Wade because he reminded her of her late father, and nearly jumped into a relationship with Tommy while still  married.  Another point to the read was seeing Mary befriend  a least likely ally to learn the truth about her husband.    Believe me when I say it was so  good  to see that finally Mary develops the backbone that was necessary to protect her and the children.  Now, to fully understand it all you must pick up "The Idea of Him" to get the full picture of this read.  It will be interesting to see how this mystery  of  exactly what all Wade was  really involved.

Blossom Street Brides By: Debbie Macomber

Title:  Blossom Street Brides
Author:  Debbie Macomber
Publisher:  Ballantine Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Age Recommended: Adult
Rating: 5
Series:  Blossom Bloom #10

"Blossom Street Brides" by Debbie Macomber was truly another one of this author's good reads of 'struggles of love and marriage.'  I found this novel to be for me an enjoyable one that was so interesting I found it hard to put down because there was so much going on you would be left wondering what was going to happen next. This novel deals with three ladies...
Lauren, who was at crossroads with her long term boyfriend... wanting commitment and
marriage.  Will she get it?
Lydia was the owner of the yarn shop and was having issues with her newly adopted
daughter and her aging mother. Now her shop is receiving knitted scarfs to be donated to
a homeless shelter.
Bethanne who was a newlywed, coping with a long distance relationship...ex husband
unwilling to let go and a daughter whose daughter refuses to accept her parents divorce
and her mom's remarriage.  What will happen here?
How will these ladies be tied together in this read?  One thing is for sure each of these ladies will
have their own relationship issues along with the unexpected, surprising and some of it a real 'jaw dropper.'   How will it all come out? ...This is where I say you will have to pick up this good read of "Blossom Street Brides" to see how this author will bring it all out to the reader.  "Blossom Street Brides" is  a must read.

Never Say Goodbye By Susan Lewis

Title:  Never Say Goodbye
Author:  Susan Lewis
Publisher:  Ballantine Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Age Recommended: New Adult
Rating: 5

"Never Say Goodbye" by Susan Lewis was quite a read and the first thing I will say is that this read was of a terminal illness.  I believe that needs to be said up front, now this doesn't take anything away from this excellent read.  "Never Say Goodbye" was beautiful  well written by this author that was 'sensitively and humorously told'  with some well portrayed, colorful, depicted,  believable and defined characters with each one having their own story and problems that were to be dealt with. 
Even though this was not for the most part a  happy heartwarming  read for it was sad  at times, but still  it was a good read that did have some amusing moments.  I found this a gripping story that once
I got into this read  I found  it hard to put down because in the read I found  out so much  more than  just about 'the cancer'  but more about  'friendship, love, family bonds, even romance and how people are sent to you just at the right time when you need them the most.' 

Betting the Rainbow By Jodi Thomas

Title:  Betting the Rainbow
Author:  Jodi Thomas
Publisher:  Berkley
Age Recommended:  New Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Series:  Harmony #7

"Betting the Rainbow" by Jodi Thomas was the seventh in this author series...Harmony was of  three couples who will hopefully find their way to the happily ever afters. You many  want to read the other series before this one, however this read can be read as a stand alone. The author does a good job with the characters of Harmony, Texas and her novels bringing out the romance along with the humor. Truly,  Ronny Logan, Reagan Truman and the Delaney sister, Dusti and Abby  will bring out the 'focus of the interweaving stories of healing, forgiveness, and taking some big chances that have been delayed in fulfilling their dreams.'  "Betting the Rainbow" was one good well written  read that was a page turner that this author has created characters that will have some of it all...'flaws, strengths, triumphs and struggles.'  Be ready for a beautiful rainbow of colors to this Harmony town that will give the reader humor, romance and second chances. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Lost in Bliss By: Janae M. Robinson

Title:  Lost In Bliss
Author: Janae M. Robinson
Publisher: J. M. R.
Series:  Bridal Bliss Series
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Lost In Bliss" by Janae M. Robinson

"What seemed to be a perfect match made in heaven, left Asha speechless at the end of Bridal Bliss. Now Asha and Dwayne are back, and Dwayne has some explaining to do. Will Asha ask the right questions or stay Lost in Bliss?"

What I liked from "Lost In Bliss"

The author gave the readers many surprises from this story  that just kept coming.  When it looked like it was finally coming to the end suddenly everything seemed to change bringing up more questions that needed to be answered.  I will say it was so much fun reading to  see how this was being presented to the reader and definitely leaving me not wanting to put it down until the end.  Then we find that in the end we will get a cliff hanger where we will have to pick up one more series to see once again what is going on with this Dwayne person.   

What I also liked from "Lost In Bliss"

I found the characters were all simply very good really bringing it all out to the surface of just what is going on.  How this author was able to keep it straight for the reader not getting lost was a sheer work of magic.  A few times I found myself rereading something to just make sure I was understand where, who, how, what and who in relating to what was going on at that particular time. Now, this story will move fast so you will have to keep up with it all.  Well,  when it looks like we have the perfect romance of a this  heroine and hero but there will be a roller coaster ride getting to the end of this story and not wanting to tell too much I will  say you must pick up "Lost In Bliss" to see how this will all come out.  Believe me when I say it will be a interesting and captivating ride till the very end.  However, in the end oops...we still have another series to go 'Complete & Total Bliss' to get the ending!

 I heard from reading a little something...somewhere that we may expect: 

"Asha and Dwayne return for the final installment in the Bridal Bliss series, or do they? Is Dwayne ok? In Lost in Bliss, Asha got some of her answers, but she is still a bit confused and someone has a lot of explaining to do. With two crazy ex-lovers on the loose is it possible for Asha to finally get a happy ever after ending? Will Delilah and John’s marriage last or does Melissa play a role in that demise also? What was Daniel’s M.O. for returning and entering Asha’s life? All these questions and more will be answered in Complete and Total Bliss."

From this novel "Lost In Bliss" I will be looking forward to the final series 'Complete & Total Bliss' to see what next  this author will have  in store for Asha, Amara,  Dwayne, John, Delilah,  Melissa, to Daniel along with a few other characters from the read.

Bridal Bliss (Bridal Bliss Series) By Janae M. Robinson

Title: Bridal Bliss (Bridal Bliss Series)
Author:  Janae M. Robinson
Publisher:  Kystal Diggs Publishing
Series:  Bridal Bliss Series
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Bridal Bliss" by Janae M. Robinson:

"Asha’s life has always been school, work, church, and Amara. Her mother constantly tells her that she needs to get out and meet new friends. Asha has dealt with double heartbreak when her child’s father and best friend were killed in a car accident. Together! Dwayne enters in and sweeps Asha off her feet. Praying with her and volunteering to go to church with her, Dwayne seems to be the answer to her prayers. Will Asha get her man of God and end up in Bridal Bliss? Or does Dwayne have another story to tell?"

What I Loved from reading "Bridal Bliss"

"Bridal Bliss" was a  beautifully written short romance that will stay with you long after the read.  As
a matter of fact you will not be able to put it down because each page holds your attention keeping you turning the pages till the end but was it?  I found this author really wrote a amazing story that will keep you wanting more as you read the first  series.  The twist and turns of this love story
was so very cleverly done only to leave me so very intrigued with how we were introduced into the 'Bridal Bliss Series'  and only left saying Wow... that was some powerful emotional read and then  at the end...this is where I say you must pick up the splendid read to see for yourself  how well presented it is.

What I also really loved about "Bridal Bliss"

The fact that this author was able to present it so well to the reader in only a few short pages...only 39 pages.    This was so well done.  Thank you for such a awesome read. 

Another thing I am so happy for is that I have this author's second novel to this series so I won't have to wait too long to see just  what is going on with that Dwayne! 

The characters were simply off the chart good!....well developed, defined, well portrayed and colorful...all and all I was given  a read that was simply amazing... I can't wait to start reading  the next series...Lost In Bliss.  For " Bridal Bliss" was very enjoyable,  well presented  read and I would recommend it to all  especially the romance lovers. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sandcastle Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story By Krista Lakes

Title: Sandcastle Kisses A Billionaire Love Story
Author: Krista Lakes
Publisher: Zirconia Publishing
Series: The Kisses Series #5
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Sandcastle Kisses" by Krista Lakes was the first of this author's reads for me that I found this sweet romance was well written and a beginning of a new author for me. I like how this author was able to keep you smiling as you are turning the pages reading this intriguing novel as she is able to create for the reader. There will even some drama that will present some real tension that will give you a non stop read to the end. You will be definitely taken on a ride of romance of this researcher (Isabel) and businessman (Noah). Let me not leave out the flirting that finally lead this couple together in this sweet, sexy romance however, there will be problems that were presented before we get to the happy ever after. I loved the author's description of this island setting in Grove especially taking in the ocean scenes, restaurants and I extremely liked that I was able to learn something about sharks from the read that I did not know.

I like the sex scenes that were nicely done.... hot and sandy!
The couple Izzy and Noah definitely had so sweet chemistry and here is a quote I liked....

"Stay the night," he whispered. It wasn't a question, but it wasn't a command either.
"I was hoping to," I replied, kissing the line of his pectoral muscle. "I'm not done with you yet." He twitched against my leg, already growing hard."

The characters were all brought to life being so well developed, rounded, so real and believable. Will this story bring these two together after the secret that Noah has held from Isabel finally came to light or just a reasonable explanation would explain it all? This is where I say you will have to pick up "Sandcastle Kisses" to see how this author brings it out for the readers. For it was indeed a plot twist that in the end will only give the readers one good read. Would I recommend "Sandcastle Kisses?" Yes and Yes!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Meg's Folly [Meghan's Playhouse Book 5] By Adriana Kraft

Title: Meg's Folly [Meghan's Playhouse Book 5]
Author: Adriana Kraft
Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press, LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Age Recommended: Adult (Erotic)
Rating: 4.5

"Meg's Folly [Meghan's Playhouse Book 5]" by Adriana Kraft was a very hot steamy adult read that enters into swinging, ménage and voyeurism. Please be aware that this is a adult read. These authors really work their magic in bringing out whether or not Meghan will finally give into Josh wishes. I was really captivated in how the story was presented and not wanting to put it down to see what the outcome will be in the end. I liked how these authors were able to bring in various characters from other previous novels of this series along with a few new ones making a smooth entry in the read. This group of characters were well developed, interesting and simply fascinating to read about and let's not leave out the hot steamy sex scenes.

I liked this one quote from the read....Kurt is talking to she is trying to make up her mind...

"He(Josh) wants to know that while you love all of us, your love for him run even deeper and will
outlast the tugs and pulls of life."

"Meg's Folly" was indeed a hot sexy well written erotic short novel that will keep your attention
right up till the end and the answer to the question will be given. Now, if this is your kind of read I would recommend "Meg's Folly" to you.

The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride By Cora Seton

Title:  The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride
Author:  Cora Seton
Publisher:  One Acre Press
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Series:  The Cowboy of Chance Creek #1
Rating: 4.5

"The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride" by Cora Seton was a well written told story of a cowboy and woman who weren't actually looking for love but did find it.  The author presented the reader with such a story that will keep you turning the pages with all its twist and turns.  I found myself all caught up with the characters because they were all indeed all well developed, real, believable, humorous, colorful,  even some with flaws by the end the reader will gets a down right good read that I wasn't able to put down until the end.  This author really did a good job and knows how to present a story that will have you on the edge of your seat only wanting more of seeing how these two people manage to find a love based on lies.  This author did a wonderful job especially at the end of the read of how the reader will be able to get another feel of the ex-girlfriend.  I never saw  that one coming!  I am not perfectly sure that I liked how 'the friends' brought this all upon their friend Ethan, with this practical joke.... only trying to help  him out, however in the end when it all came out....and this is where I will say you will have to pick up "The Cowboy's E-Mail Order Bride" to see how  this author will bring it all out to the reader. 

I found this novel a  delightful romantic erotic western read that was on a journey and in the end
after everything is brought out will they find the happiness  and love they both needed?  Since this
is a series I can't wait to get the next novel...The Cowboy Wins A Bride by this author. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

How To Lasso A Cowboy By Lissa Larer

Title:  How To Lasso A Cowboy
Author:  Lissa Larer
Publisher:  America Star Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4.5

"How To Lasso A Cowboy" by Lissa Larer was a wonderfully written western historical romance of the 1800's.  This read was so interesting that I found it hard to put down until I was completely through with it and it being a wonderful read all the way through.  The characters were are so well defined, developed, believable  and oh so well portrayed.  I liked how this  author was able to give the reader a good read featuring mainly these three people:   Kate, her sister Priscilla and Justin.  Now, their will be other characters that will be brought in that will help give a smooth flow to "How
To Lasso A Cowboy." 

 We find from the read that these  two sisters were in this town to claim their inheritance of a 160 acre ranch and Justin was in town due to the fact he was tracking his brother's murderer.  As  Kate and Justin  began to spend time together I could see that they had some sexual tension going on between them.  I liked how it seemed like  Justin always seemed to be around Kate  at the right time to save her from one mishap or the other.  This author really knows how to keep the readers interest with all of the details presented because there will be a lots going on in this read...from someone rustling Kate's cattle , Justin's quest to catch his brother's killer, the ghost that was haunting Kate's and Priscilla ranch, the quest to find gold...but ended up finding ..... to the mystery of who and why the woman( Ms.. Ruth Keller) had left Kate's father the ranch in the first place.  I will say all of this will definitely  keep your interest in the read because you will never know what is coming next.   Ms. Larer gives the reader a beautiful read of it all as it comes  together in the end and then ten years later .... the epilogue really puts  the icing on the cake.     Well done and definitely a good novel.

Good Together By CJ Carmichael

Title:  Good Together
Author:  CJ Carmichael
Publisher:  Tule Publishing  Group
Series:  The Copper Mountain Rodeo #4
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4.5

"Good Together" by CJ Carmichael was one of those stories that after you read it will leave you saying wow!  By being a book reviewer I have read some of it all and I found this novel lead me on a very emotional tense ride of the heroine being so blindsided from it all from guess who...her husband.    I did love how this author was able to take the reader on a journey of showing how strong a person can be in the mist of all the hardships that one goes through.  The read was somewhat long
taking you through a lots of other characters and showing their emotions and strengths.  What I really loved about this read this author was able to convey that when you are down and out how there can  be someone to come in and help you through and with  your most difficult time in your life as it was for Mattie Carrigan.  For Mattie's  end of a marriage brought in to her a friend, a neighbor who was their for her through her hard times.  I simply loved how this author brought it all  together for Mattie.  "Good Together" was definitely a enlightening read that may have you in tears but in the end you will be given a  amazing well written read  that I would recommend to you. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Promise Me, Cowboy By CJ Carrmichael

Title: Promise Me, Cowboy
Author: CJ Carmichael
Publisher: Tule Group, LLC
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Series: The Copper Mountain Rodeo #3
Rating: 4.5

"Promise Me, Cowboy" by CJ Carmichael was a enjoyable read of a cowboy named Dawson O'Dell who gets a second chance at love with Sage Carrigan. This author presented to the reader a interesting well written read of Sage who had left the rodeo circuit due to injury and was now owner of her chocolate shop. We find she had previously been involved with this cowboy, who was a bronco rodeo rider, but after learning that he was married Sage had tried put him behind her and was going on with her life. Five years later, this cowboy comes into her shop to try to make amends however, Sage is not having any of it. I found this story good however, somewhat predictable in some areas. I think this author did do a good job with the details in explaining it all to what had gone on with Dawson now that he has come back to Sage's home town. Why is he planning to settle down here? I can see why Sage was upset with seeing him and the horror of it all with there last meeting being of Dawson's wife pointing a rifle at her. I found all of the characters well defined, and portrayed giving us a smooth enjoyable read. I did like the way this author was able to also let the reader see that Sage still had an attraction to this cowboy and at the end after Dawson finally proves to Sage that he had taken care of business then it was pure icing on the cake. In the end "Promise Me, Cowboy" was definitely a good read of second chances after heartbreak, secrets, humiliation and forgiveness had been taken care of. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mitchell Parker's Anniversary By Jane Oldaker

Title:  Mitchell Parker's Anniversary Gift
Author:  Jane Oldaker
Publisher:  Smashwords Edition
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Mitchell Parker's Anniversary" by Jane Oldaker was another short read by this author. To truly understand this read I would definitely say you should read 'Northing Ventured' to get a little more about this story.  As the story starts it is of  a Mr. Parker where we find him waiting at a fancy restaurant for his wife's 40th anniversary.  Mr. Parker has purchased a lovely piece of jewelry that he knew his wife would love having.  As you read thorough this story we will see characters such as Molly Malone and her boyfriend Paul from 'Nothing Ventured.'  The story will flash back and forth to day when Parker's wife Eileen were courting and as we listen to Parker's private thoughts of how much he still loves his wife which was a 'everlasting love.'  Now this story gets a little more interesting toward the end with a twist that this author as presented to the reader.  Now, I don't want to tell any more but want you to pick up this short read to see for yourself how this author brings it all out to the reader.  This was very cleverly done by this author.  Would I recommend this novel?  Yes,  it is  a good interesting read.

A Day at the Office or The Bastard By Jane Oldaker

Title:  A Day at the Office or The Bastard
Author:  Jane Oldaker
Publisher:  Smashwords Edition
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"A Day at the Office or The Bastard" by Jane Oldaker was a short sweet read of this lady's  day...'before, during and after work.'  This entertaining read was of a woman who wants 'a day with her husband but gets a a day at the office instead with the Bastard.' It was indeed humorous at the end how this author puts in a twist.  Wow, she gets to finally come home late due to having to work
late ...however, upon arriving home late dinner is ready and guess who is there with a hug and a cooked  meal?  Wow, what a surprise ending!

Nothing Ventured By Jane Oldaker

Title:  Nothing Ventured
Author:  Jane Oldaker
Publisher:  Smashwords Edition
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Nothing Ventured" by Jane Oldaker was a wonderful contemporary romance read that once you start you will find it hard to put down.  I am not sure what all I expected from this read but I did get much more that I ever thought I would get having completed this novel.  It was very well written, not leaving out any details to this intriguing storyline.  I found all of the characters so well defined, colorful, believable and even endearing only to give the reader a awesome read.  You will be kept right up to almost the end  seeing if  Miss Molly would let got her all her pride to finally see what a great man she could have.  If you are looking for a good love story with a happy ever after then you have come to the right place for "Nothing Ventured" will give it all to you and more.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Mr. Loverman By Bernardine Evaristo

Title:  Mr. Loverman
Author:  Bernadine Evaristo
Publisher:  Akashic Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Mr. Loverman" by Bernadine Evaristo was a delightful fiction love read.  I found that the author's narrators were splendid giving you such a touching and well written story that I found hard to put down until the very end.  The cast of characters were very humorous (some) as well memorable, defined and portrayed.  The area of this place in Hackney, London seemed like a place that was describe so very well making you think you were there while you are reading the novel.  Be ready for a read where you will find Mr. Loverman involved in his secrecy of what it really meant for him to be free where we find he lives a double life.  Who would have thought at a man in his seventies, who had been married over fifty years would have this huge secret that would come out the way it did? And just what was that secret? As I was reading thorough this novel I was kept wondering wow, how well this author Ms. Evaristo was putting this out to the reader and doing a good job at it.   I couldn't stop reading just turning the pages to see what was coming next for Mr. Loverman.  Yes, it was somewhat heartbreaking read with a 'full bodied riff on sex, secrecy and family' and yet we will find from the read  when "Mr. Loverman  explodes cultural myths and shows what can happen when people fear the consequences of being true to themselves." I felt that "Mr. Loverman" was a good read  and all I can do now is recommend  for you to pick up "Mr. Loverman" and read it for yourself to see what all that has and is going on with this main character.  

Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's A New Season: A Kingston and Sinclair Series By: Desiree Future

Title:  It's A New Season
Author:  Desiree Future
Publisher: D. F.
Reviewed  By:  Arlena Dean
Age Recommended:  Adult
Rating: 5
Series: A Kingston & Sinclair Series

"It's A New Season" by Desiree Future was a good sequel to 'The Pastor's Heart.'  I will say it will be a good idea to read it before reading this series because it all ties into this second novel so very well.  The story will start with the  "Newly married Pastor Kingston Carter and his new bride Lady Sinclair Madison Carter have settled into their new lives together" where we find Lady Sinclair is suffering somewhat from her operation on her leg, however, she is trying to get back into  her agency, 'Aged Out Forster Care Inc.' and her  hubby is trying to convince her to slow down and take care of herself.  Pastor Kingston Carter is all about business with his church Christ the Lord Fellowship  and helping to grow his family owned grocery store Carter's Market. Well, it seems like everything is going right now that the storm is over that has been in the area and these two people are so in love. What will come to mess this up?  A letter from someone who was thought be dead?  How will this "wreak havoc into the lives of the pastor and his first lady." I don't want to spoil it so I will just say you must pick up this wonderful well written read to see how this author will bring it all out to the reader.  I will only say from the quote that it will definitely be "the battle of David & Goliath standing at their front door, it's hard to see who will remain standing if and when that door finally closes."  Be ready for some suspense in this read!

"It's A New Season"  was a very good clean enjoyable Christian read and this author has given us a wonderful presentation of a true pastor and wife team.  Truly these Carter's are well portrayed along with some other outstanding characters that were presented so very well only to give up an awesome read that I would recommend to all. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Through His Eyes By Deborah Camp

Title:  Through His Eyes
Author:  Deborah Camp
Publisher:  Amazon
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Through His Eyes" by Deborah Camp was one good contemporary romantic suspenseful read.  It was definitely one of those reads that once you start reading this author's novels you will find it hard to put down.  I found "Through His Eyes" quite a different read from the other novels I have read from this author and it was indeed a good  brilliant read.  I really liked how this author didn't get to technical as she 'explains the difference in the areas of psychic abilities' so that the readers will not get completely lost in it all.  "Through His Eyes" give us psychic ability characters, a good suspenseful mystery and oh yes, hot steamy love scenes.  We have a heroine who is trying to learn her psychic skill and the hero who has developed these psychic abilities over the years. "While she is thrust into the mind of the bad guys, he can communicate with the dead. It makes for a good combination when working a case." When they volunteer to help the police what will happen?  Together Levi Wolfe  and Trudy Tucker must track down a serial killer who has already murdered five women in the Florida Keys. In the end will they be able to trust one another? What will happen when they are  together... will this lead them into something more than just solving this case that will not only have their lives at stake but their hearts too?  To get the jest of it will have to pick up "Through His Eyes" to see how this author will bring it all out to the reader.   This really is a awesome  written story that will keep you guessing till the end and omg what a ending! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Temptation Ridge (Virgin River # 6) By Robyn Carr

Title:  Temptation Ridge  (A Virgin River Novel)
Author:  Robyn Carr
Publisher:  Mira Books
Series:  Virgin River #6
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Temptation Ridge" by Robyn Carr was a beautiful contemporary novel of the Virgin River #6  that featured three romances.   The main storyline was of Shelby McIntyre and Luke Riordan...then it moves on to Walt Booth and Muriel and  lastly Abby MacCall and Cameron Michaels.  Be prepared for a read of not only romances that are going on in this  small California town  but  where you will find the people will come together in sadness, in  rescue times,  along with plenty of babies being born, pregnancies, town near disaster,  abuse, a homeless man with 'Down's Syndrome,'  and  a town drunk.

The characters were all well developed, believable and colorful bring out a well written read of suspense, humorous, tearful and  even some sexy scenes that will keep you interested turning the pages to see what will happen nest. 

I found "Temptation Ridge" a well written romance novel that  I would definitely recommend to you as very good read.

Forbidden Falls: Virgin River, Book 9 By: Robyn Carr

Title:  Forbidden Falls
Author:  Robyn Carr
Publisher:  Mira Books
Series: Virgin River #9
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Forbidden Falls" by Robyn Carr was another good read of this author's 'Virgin River Series.'   This series was of Noah and Ellie.  This was a wonderful romantic story of a pastor  from a new town who finds love on 'from  the other side of the tracks.'   There will also be a secondary story involving a past hero/heroine who will have a 'heart tugging change of events that will be brought into their lives.'  Now, to truly understand this second story you may need to go back a series  to see what is up with Paul and Vanessa.  This author really knows her stuff in being able to put all of these series together that they seem to flow so smoothly  off of the pages as you read them.  The reader will also be able  to find out about the secrets of the puppies and with that being said you must pick  up "Forbidden Falls" to read it for yourself to see how this author will bring it all out to you.  It is a good read. 

There will be so much going on in "Forbidden Fall" that once you start reading you will find it hard to put down and when you do you will be wanting the  next series # 10  "Angel's Peak."

Tilt A Novel by Emma Pattee

Book Excerpt: " Set over one day, a heart-racing debut about a woman facing the unimaginable, determined to find safety. Last night, yo...