Sunday, April 20, 2014

Good Together By CJ Carmichael

Title:  Good Together
Author:  CJ Carmichael
Publisher:  Tule Publishing  Group
Series:  The Copper Mountain Rodeo #4
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4.5

"Good Together" by CJ Carmichael was one of those stories that after you read it will leave you saying wow!  By being a book reviewer I have read some of it all and I found this novel lead me on a very emotional tense ride of the heroine being so blindsided from it all from guess who...her husband.    I did love how this author was able to take the reader on a journey of showing how strong a person can be in the mist of all the hardships that one goes through.  The read was somewhat long
taking you through a lots of other characters and showing their emotions and strengths.  What I really loved about this read this author was able to convey that when you are down and out how there can  be someone to come in and help you through and with  your most difficult time in your life as it was for Mattie Carrigan.  For Mattie's  end of a marriage brought in to her a friend, a neighbor who was their for her through her hard times.  I simply loved how this author brought it all  together for Mattie.  "Good Together" was definitely a enlightening read that may have you in tears but in the end you will be given a  amazing well written read  that I would recommend to you. 

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