Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Helping Helper by Tara C. Allred

Book Description...

"He’s not a friend, he’s my husband. And he’s gone.” 

En route to Salt Lake City, intending to start over, their car breaks down near the struggling mining town of Helper, Utah—and then Tony leaves Kora behind.

Alone, broken and angry, especially that her family was right in their judgment against Tony, Kora decides to stay in Helper and aid in it’s art-centered transformation."

But in working to save her new home, Kora learns first love only happens once."

For a second chance at love, a much greater risk is required.

“...a good solid story. I was fooled a couple of times with the plot twists!” —E. Campbell

“...a beautiful piece of artwork. This novel is going to stick with me.” —B. Boman

Title:  Helping Helper
By:  Tara C Allred
Publisher:  Patella Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Helping Helper" by Tara C. Allred

My Thoughts....

What a story that showed when you turn it all loose and truly forgive you will be able to take hold of your life as it was for Kora who seemed to have a hard time with all she went through to get to the right part of her life s she learns to trust the right person.....herself!  What had happened when Kora's then husband Tony was simply horrible at what he had done  leaving her in Helper. However, was this a good thing due to the fact that in Helper it seemed like maybe Kora life was changing for the good in so many ways.  Will Kora even find a love there in Helper after she divorces Tony?  Working in the restaurant and becoming involved with the community activity working on the Plein air which was about "painting in natural light instead of a studio" and it seemed like all was going well for Kora but you guessed it...things don't always go the way they should. With Kora meeting a lots of wonderful people there in Helper as she really is starting to have a different view of her life after all that she had gone on with her ex husband but what will happen when her sister Tess tell Kora  really what had gone on in her on personal life with her husband Tony? How will this make Kora feel toward her sister who she had always thought of her as being miss prefect.  Will Kora and Tess be able to "make the right choices to find happiness?" And now Tony comes back in the picture and will this present a problems for Kora? Is Kora still wishing and hoping for a wonderful life she had written and read in her journal about this guy, Tony?   Now, I will say that Kora worked my last nerve at times as she seemed to drift back and forth but with a few interesting characters [from Tony, Martha, Tess, Luke, Colton, Greg] to name a few that will be in the story as some of them will hopefully keep her on the right path.  I enjoyed how this author was able to bring out all out of what had happened previously between Kora and her parents. The author gives the reader a little suspense toward the end that had me holding my breathe.  The story "Helping Helper" will definitely keep you turning the pages as this author will take the reader through a lots of it all from the 'wishy-washiness ' of the main character as [Kora] makes up up mind what is best for her and in the end I thought she was quite surprised at how things ended for her. At lease I was!  To find out how Kora life will come out from this story you will have to pick up the good read to see how well the author presents "Helping Helper" it to the reader.  

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