Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Life Not My Own Kindle Edition by T.M. Brown

Book Description....

"In A Life Not My Own, Tina shares her personal experiences of child abuse and neglect, her struggles as a teenager and in her young adult life. 
The book started as a journal and was her attempt to address many of the secrets she had pushed to the back in her mind. As the memories continued to resurface, she was forced to address the issues that ultimately led to her sharing her past with readers around the world as a powerful force of inspiration."

Title:  A Life not My Own
Author:  T. M. Brown
Publisher:  T. M. B.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"A Life Not My Own" by T. M. Brown

My Thoughts.... 

What a story this was of this author's life from her childhood thru adulthood where abusiveness was received from her own mother and boyfriend.  

A lots of the story wasn't a pretty one but by the end I believe the reader will be able to see how this author becomes quite a inspiration for all seeing how strong she became the  person she is today that truly give us a good read.  

I enjoyed how this read showed us just how this author got to where she is today definitely overcoming quite a bit from a rough journey.  I do believe by Ms. Brown joining the military did help her in having her own career that did help her in a lots of her decisions that were made in her life. 

I also liked the 'inspirational lines' they were there in the story... 
"I have experienced the heartache, disappointment, tragedy, and confusion that are all a part of living. But I am confident that I can deal with anything that is ahead of me. For my life is not my own. I am sure of that."

To get more of this true story you will have to pick up "A Life Not My Own" and just see for yourself how well written her story is presented.  Well done to the author!  

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