Friday, March 28, 2014

Wild Montana Sky By: Debra Holland

Title:  Wild Montana Sky
Author:  Debra Holland
Publisher:  D.H.
Series:  Montana Sky # 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Wild Montana Sky" by Debra Holland was a beautifully written historical western romance read.  This author did a good job about presenting this enjoyable story of the move from Boston to Montana for Elizabeth Hamilton.  It was indeed interesting to see a Boston lady becoming a woman of the west.  I enjoy how this novel was very realistic aspects of this area in the west in the late 1800's of this wild 'Montana Sky.'  I will say at this point that I did find "Wild Montana Sky" somewhat predictable but still a good read.  Be really for some mystery, little romance and good notations of a
beautiful scenery but most of all seeing Elizabeth change from a Victorian  woman who would be able to survive the wilds of the west as a proper Montana lady. Will Elizabeth find love in Montana?

The characters were well developed, portrayed, colorful and even believable only to give you a good enjoyable read that will definitely hold your attraction. 

If you are a cowboy lover of a western romance  and a clean cut one  then this novel "Wild Montana Sky" would definitely be a good read for you. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Rising Dark (The Darkling Trilogy Book, 2) A.D. Koboah

Title:  Rising Dark v
Author:  A.D. Koboah
Publisher:  Twenty Four Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Series:  The Darkling Trilogy, Book 2
Rating: 5

"Rising Dark" by A.D. Koboah was a very good paranormal vampire read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.  This Reverend Avery Wentworth journey from London to America and back and forth was a real live adventurous journey. After Avery's visit to America his life will never be the same for "he will come against a much older, darker evil that will steal his soul and turn him into a creature of the night." From wandering into this 'wilderness of despair' Avery will be faced with the 'shocking evils of the world of slavery.'  I will say at this point be aware that there will be scenes of this read that will be horrible...and that's all I will say about that.  In the end of "Rising Dark"  what does the three words 'Wait for me' mean to Avery?'   Will he see his beloved Luna again?  This is the second novel 'Rising Dark' Book 2 which is a sequel to Dark Genesis.  I believe to fully understand this second read I would recommend you pick up the first Book One.  This read is definitely one read that once you start you will not want to put down until the end.  I found this read a deep one where
you will be caused to think about what is going on and how  this slave issue  may relate to our history. This author has  put a lots of thought in the read where you will find that  each page is so full of actions along with many twist and turns and  in the end you will given a good read. 

I found the characters were very well developed, captivating, colorful, even believable in some sort of way and in the end this author will leave the reader waiting for the next book. Would I
recommend?  Yes,  especially if you are a vampire lover of this  paranormal world you have
definitely come to the right place for a good interesting read. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hairweave Killer By: Hood Chronicles

Title: Hairweave
Author: Hood Chronicles
Publisher: Worldhaven Agenda
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Hairweave" by Hood Chronicles was indeed a wonderful erotic mystery thriller read. As I was reading I kept thinking is this Mr. Hood's novel because it was so different from his other writings. However, I will say it was excellent read being so well written ..."fast-paced of sex, murder and yes...mayhem." I was caught up in this read from the first chapter and not able to put down until the very last word. This author really worked his magic with keeping the reader on the edge of their seats and keeping the reader wondering just what was going to be happen next. "Hairweave" was so well done featuring "Monique Stevens(undercover cop) as she find herself trying to prove his innocence and even grows attached to him for all the wrong reasons." Now, I will stop here and say you must pick up the excellent read of "Hairweave" to see how this author will bring it all out to the reader. I don't want to spoil any of it but I will say it will be truly an unforgettable ride in the 'web of deception.' This will be one 'ultra-erotic thriller' ride. All that is left to say is Wow what a ending! Would I recommend? YES! I look forward to many more of these reads!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thundakatz By Hood Chronicles

Title: Thundakatz
Author:  Hood Chronicles
Publisher:  Woodhaven Agenda
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Thundakatz" by Hood Chronicles was another one of this author good urban reads.  Now, I must say up front this is a Adult read  so get ready for a very steamy and  hot along with some of the 'most raunchiest' reads ever.  This author will present to the reader seven stories of 'women who posses an insatiable appetite for younger male conquest.'  I enjoyed this author's flow of the reads as each short story was well written and as always given it's Hood affect as only this author does so well for his readers.  I have read all of this author's  novels and he never fail to disappoint the reader with his  sway of writing as he tell a story of these 'colorful Chocolate cougars.'  So, if this is your kind of read...sit back and  enjoy because this author knows how to give it all to the reader. 

The Bride Wore Chocolate By: Shirley Jump

Title:  The Bride Wore Chocolate
Author:  Shirley Jump
Publisher:  Zebra
Series:  Recipes With Romance #1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Bride Wore Chocolate" by Shirley Jump was a delightful fun contemporary romance.
his author really made the read very interesting with after each chapter we were given delectable
recipes that were served up with a lots of chocolate. 

We find that the heroine had vowed to live life by the book, never to throw caution to the wind
as she had once.  Now Candace (Candy) was living life where it was safe, therefore picking out
a very boring fiancee by the name of Barry Borkenstein.  However, a Michael Vogler (hero) comes into the picture showing Candy that she should trust her heart and take that leap of faith with him.
Will Candace be willing to take the plunge after her wacky grandmother, mother, and her girl
 friends (Rebecca & Maria) know that she was unhappy with her present decision?  This is where I say you must pick up "The Bride Wore Chocolate" to see what and how of it  all will turn out for

Be ready to laugh out loud because the author will definitely have you doing just that, along with the wonderful recipes that used lots of chocolate, a funny grandmother, marrying mom, good friends, and some hot sex along  the way in this good novel.

The characters were off the chart good being well developed, portrayed, colorful, and most were even
likable all making this a good romantic read.  This was definitely one of those read that once you
started reading it was hard to stop until it was finished and I would recommend "The Bride Wore Chocolate" as a good read. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Girl Talk By: Charmaine Galloway

Title:  Girl Talk
By:  Charmaine Galloway
Publisher:  Charming Gal Publications
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Girl Talk" by Charmaine Galloway were a beautiful 'collections of poems, prayers and worlds of
encouragement'  and so inspirational  and definitely written for any young lady. I only wish I could get this read into their hands because this author really gives us some good reading that  is just for them.
Just a little about "Girl Talk"
From the beginning of the read this author talks of  'Girl Power'  taken from Psalm 139:13-14
Girl U Rock...a beautiful poems presented by this author...answers to why you rock!
                   "YOU NEED TO ALWAYS KNOW
                     YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY
                     LOVE YOURSELF
                     RESPECT YOURSELF
                     DESPITE WHAT OTHER MAY SAY"

This Is Who I Am
Hello Fear
Never Give Up On Your Education
Girls, Girls, Girls
                    "I ONLY WANT THE BEST FOR YOU
                      I LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU LISTEN"

                    "MAKE RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS AND DO WHAT'S RIGHT"                      

On to Part Two:  Friendships and Relationships  taken from l Corinthians 15:33
I Bet
                        MAKE SURE THEY HAVE YOUR BACK IN THE END."
Boy Please
Wrecking Ball
Part Three:  Where Is The Love?  taken from John 3:16
I Need Love
Jesus Love
You Are My Everything

Part Four:  Corruption of the World taken from I John 2.16
WWW Dot Com
It Could Have Been U
Devil You Won't Keep Me in the Dark
                            "LET ME GET ON MY KNEES AND PRAY
                             TO THE LORD AND HE SHALL SET MY MIND FREE"
Don't Get Lost in Society
A Message to Young Girls...Beautiful stated from Charmaine Galloway

Part Five:  My World, Through My Eyes...Amazing Grace!  from the author John Newton
A Prologue for the My World Through My Eyes...Charmaine Galloway

From here we get more truly beautiful poems and prayers by this author Charmaine Galloway....
In reading these poems I am sure you will find many that will touch you!

and last...
About The Author...
This is where I will say this author is simply amazing in her gift of writing and with that being said I hope you will pick up this phenomenal read "Girl Talk" will not be disappointed in this  depth of  writing for the young ladies.  You will find a lots of good reading young ladies!  Just sit back and let  it all soak in and in the end you will see and say Wow... what revelations this author has given to the reader to think about.  To the author...Thank You for sharing such a wonderful amazing gift of a  read to this special group of young girl readers. 

The Sweetheart Rules By: Shirley Jump

Title:  The Sweetheart Rules
Author:   Shirley Jump
Publisher:  Berkley Publishers
Series:  Sweetheart Sisters #2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  5

"The Sweetheart Rules" by Shirley Jump was a wonderful contemporary romance and was the second in the 'Sweetheart Sister' series.   I really enjoyed this fun romantic  read of how this author was able to present all of this to the reader.  What will  happen  when two older  ladies help  match up a couple in the town of Rescue Bay. Now, how and what will they  to make this happen?

What I loved about "The Sweetheart Rules"

 "The Sweetheart Rules" was a sweet romantic story of Diana Tuttle and Mike Stark that was very captivating and once you start this novel you will find it hard to put down until the end.  You will find from the read that both of these two people will have some serious problems that each will have to overcome before they can have the 'happily ever after.'  From the read  you will be able  feel  the chemistry and even their passion they have one another, however, what other demons will they have from their pass?  After they see the mistakes they have made in their life will they be able to learn from them and move on with their life?  We find that Diana the heroine  is a veterinarian who owns a animal shelter with a teenage son Jackson. The hero  Mike was a Coast Guard mechanic who is suddenly was having to care for his two daughters Ellie and Jenny. Now, how will all of this turn out?

What else did I loved about "The Sweetheart Rules"

I found the characters were simply off the chart...well developed, likable, well portrayed, colorful and also well rounded for Diana, Mike, Ellie, Jenny, Jackson, Luke Olivia, grandma Greta, Harold
and I am sure I have left out a few but all really made this read such a  amazing read.  I will say the secondary characters were will wonderfully presented. 

I would definitely recommend that  you must pick up "The Sweetheart Rules" to see how this author brings it all out to the readers.  You will find this novel is  romantic, funny...I laughed so hard because this author did her magic in it all.   I found that this author really presented the reader with a well written script that in the end giving the reader a amazing wonderful story of romance of  true love finally all coming together. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hitting The Right Note By Rhonda Bowen

Title: Hitting the Right Note
Author: Rhonda Bowen
Publisher: Dafina
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Hitting the Right Note" by Rhonda Bowen was one very "powerful and wonderful Christian novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat with all of its drama. Truly this Isaacs family members seemed to be something to reckon with in this well written story. I believe the two main characters JJ (Judith) Isaacs the R&B star and Simon Massri the renowned doctor were quite a pair that only God would be their for them and finally get them on the right path.It wasso very interesting how this author was able to portray this young women JJ who was a very good person so well grounded in her knowledge and belief of God and was quite the pillar for her siblings only to find that something was wrong with what was going on in personal life. As JJ gets caught up with this new 'star' life she wanted she will distance her life from her faith and even her family's approval. It was only after JJ comes in contact once again after a number of years with a Dr.Simon Massri will she be able to see her life more clearly that she isn't going in the right direction as she knew she should be travelling? Will JJ be able to break free and finally make the right choice for her life and in the end get that special someone to love?

There will be a lots going on in "Hitting the Right Note" you will have to keep up to see from this read: like from problems with a sister in law pregnancy, a producer, secret lover, the Isaac sisters, new band members and their problems, faith in God promises, new love, contracts signing on to trusting in God and knowing he will bring it all out was quite some interesting read. This is where I say to fully understand it all you must pick up "Hitting the Right Note" to see just how this author presents it so well to the reader.  

The characters were simply off the chart good ...well developed, real, believable, well portrayed, colorful along with being so captivating presenting to the reader such a fascinating amazing emotional read.

When you get to the ending of "Hitting the Right Note" you are only left saying Wow that was some powerful read and Yes.....'will be hitting all the right notes!' I thought that "Hitting the Right Note" was a excellent good Christian read and that I would definitely recommend.   

Saturday, March 22, 2014

One Man's Island By Thomas Wolfenden

Title:  One Man's Island
Author:  Thomas J. Wolfenden
Publisher:  Permuted Press
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"One Man's Island" by Thomas J Wolfenden was a very captivating novel that I found hard to put down this 'end of the world' fictional story.  This was definitely a post apocalyptic world that had a new hero by the name of Sergeant Major Tim who gives the reader a thrill of a ride that has hope and glory.  I really enjoyed the good story that this author gives the reader especially the magic that is brought in.  I found the characters were very believable that were set in this post Apocalypse world.  The time this author spent in one of the world's elite Light Infantry Regiment ranks, 75th Ranger Regiment was indeed of great interest in this read.  I enjoyed this plot and there were so many twist and turns that really will keep the reader interested to see what is coming next.  If you are looking for a fascinating, entertaining and just good story you have come to the right place for "One Man's Island" would be recommended for you. 

O, Africa: A Novel By Andrew Lewis Conn

Title: O, Africa!
Author:  Andrew Lewis Conn
Publisher:  Hogarth
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"O, Africa" by Andrew Lewis Conn was really some historical read that brought it all out in one way or the other...being 'offensive, a little bit funny and oh so very heart breaking'  at times.  Now, you may ask yourself how can one book do all of that?  We find from the read two twin brothers ..Izzy and Micah Grand who were  prominent filmmakers and definitely opposites  in the 1920's where
we can see from the read that this author will  intertwine  the twins story with real life celebrities of that time. We find Micah is a gambler, liar and loves the spotlight and Izzy is a behind the scene
kind of guy, studied hard in school  and was responsible and never getting into trouble unlike his twin.

"This story was of  two filmmakers who go from immigrants living in Brooklyn to being the kings of silent comedies in the summer of 1928, the height of their film making careers. Micah is the producer/director of their films, while Izzy is the master of the camera who always gets the good shots. When Micah gets into some trouble, the brothers agree to go to Africa to film there."

Be ready for a read of  'love, race, class, finding oneself, sacrifice and death'  that will even convey some 'emotional upheavals' that these twins will face.   This author will take the Grand's from 'Coney Island'  to Africa and back giving us a real long epic story with many complexities that will give the reader a true roller coaster ride through this adventure. I wasn't to sure I like how the sexism and racism was handled in the read,  for this definitely made me a little uncomfortable.  As for the characters most were well drawn and developed  but their were a few I definitely didn't care for at all.  In the end "O, Africa" seemed a bit rushed but oh  well it had been a long read and had to come to an end sometime. 

If you are looking for a novel of self discovery of various relationships then his historical read "O Africa" would definitely be recommended to you.

The Road Less Travelled By: Morning's Hope

Title:  The Road Less Travelled
Author:  Morning's Hope
Publisher:  M.H.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Road Less Travelled" by Morning's Hope were of 'five fictional steams of consciousness narratives covering the concepts of love, hope, trust, courage and gratefulness.'  This author will present to the reader five topics. 

JUST A LITTLE ABOUT EACH SHORT STORY....and what I liked most:

Hope: The Last Grasp...presenting a story of hope
A story of a young man... on this trip in the valley
a quote from the read:

The fragile cracks he had noticed before seemed more like grooves shaped like

hierarchal branches of trees and looked very much like the bronchial tubes of lungs.

He had won this game. He felt no elation as he would not dare indulge himself. The

considerate wind caressed the back of his neck like the cooling palms of a mother’s

care. He wondered if all valleys were like this one.

Courage: Blue...'What's your favorite colour?  note the spelling of colour?
A conversation between Lily and Jasper...paintings.. her blue eyes

a quote from the read:
He moved in front of the painting she had chosen. It was one of the few paintings

of Lily in colour. He smiled knowingly as he told himself, ‘Of course, it had to be this

one.’ He removed his tinted glasses to view his favorite portrait for what might be

the last time. He noticed something he had not noted in a long while: her blue eyes.

Trust:  Zofi
the smile
a quote from the read:

The alienation of the soul means we are unable to trust ourselves. To know

thyself is to know your character and not to become lost in the details of femininity

and culture, as much as they engender beautiful diversity. My story isn’t about a

man saving me. It is about trusting myself that I would allow a trustworthy person to

help. I am not against men but rather I am against oppression. I am not a feminist

but rather I am a fighter. I fight for what is good for me as a person and thereby I

fight for what is good for all people. Unlike the majority of others, both men and

women alike, I can trust myself when everything else falls by the wayside. In my

night's horizon this is akin to spying a supernova.

 Love:  The Princess and the Warrior
a quote from the read:
For love is so vast

a thing that it cannot be contained within comprehension.

Yours is forever an unspoken right,

Over a piece of my heart,

That no other could ever enter,

And where you are always welcome,

Never forbidden nor in need of permission.

Yours is forever an unbreakable claim,

Over possession of my hand,

That none shall hold,

And where you are always wanted,

Never found nor ever replaced.

Gratefulness: Form
a quote from the read:

“I love words. We try in vain to hold onto to moments like dust caught in sunlight,

grasping unto nothing but despair when all we need are a few syllables to add weight

to them turning seconds into eons into an eternity. Words are underrated. They

could melt rocks and make mountains blush. I am sure there is a combination which

could coerce the stars to spell out my beloved's name, if only I would seek hard

enough.” I paused to pay due attention to this moment since I was about to

complicate our circumstance. “I would have them spell out your name…because…I

think you’re wonderful.”
Those lying mirrors! I thought as I noticed he was close to me now. They had

always shown me as ugly but seeing my reflection in his eyes I could see that I too

was capable of being captivating. I released my heart and added an addendum,

“And I love you.”

He smiled his grinning, smirking, beaming, twinkling smile at me.

Now, to figure out just what this author is relaying in each of her five topics you must pick up "The road Less Travelled"  to read it for yourself.  It will all come together from this well written script.
I was left thinking wow...she covers it, hope, trust, courage and gratefulness with the "central theme of the importance of contemplation."

Life Subject To Change By: Anne Carrington

Title:  Life Subject To Change
Author:  Ann Carrington
Publisher:  Palm Tree Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Life Subject To Change" by Ann Carrington was a factual nonfiction read where this  author "details how abnormal results of a routine mammogram in Summer 2013 inspired her to discuss important points of preventive health care measures, gives readers an in-depth look into being treated for her other health issues, and offers insights on how routine screenings and common preventive care measures can preserve one’s health – and some cases, save lives."

What I liked about this read?  This happened to this person 'late summer of 2013'...

I found the various chapters  all very well explained however, the ones that got my attention....

Is This Really Necessary?   Yes, having a mammogram is very, very important for one to this...
every single year or two or whatever you are told!
notes....does this run in your family?
don't cancel mammogram may save your life.

August 6, 2013she kept her waiting to receive the phone call and/or written
notice of the mammogram results.
Was it that bad?

(Un)expected Results
The phone call....needing follow up!
More information....

September, 4, 2013
a second mammogram....ultrasound
And it was great having someone come with you
get ready to learn a lots about yourself...US Breast Bilateral.....Diagnostic Bilateral Breast Mammogram...with a lots of information....Was all OK?....Will you miss another Mammogram next year?

Why Continuing Family Tradition Isn't Always Wise...

God Should Issue a Recall On Me!

What I also liked about this novel....

Practices and Benefits of Preventive Care...

Resources....Where you can find some areas of help if needed
Additional Resources..

Now, I didn't want to tell you too much... only hit the highlights of the chapters. I found that "Life Subject To Change" was indeed a helpful book for anyone who needs to know what all is involved in having a mammogram check.  I would definitely recommend you read this well written read about how this author walked through her  mammogram procedure. Wow, being diagnosed, treated and catching  any abnormalities in early stages is what we want to hear in  the end results.  Thank you
very much for sharing this read with the readers.    I would definitely recommend it to all who are interested in the mammogram process  to read this novel and yes 'Life Subject To Change.'

All I Want Is You By: Toni Blake

Title:  All I Want Is You
Author:  Toni Blake
Publisher:  Harper Collins
Series:  A Coral Cove Novel
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"All I Want Is You" by Toni Blake was a beautiful contemporary romance.  This author really
knows how to write a novel that will keep your interest from the very first page till the very end.

What I loved about "All I Want Is You"

How this author was able to get Christy Knight and Jack Duvall together was really interesting.  I liked how this author gave the reader a little poem or saying from various authors at the beginning of each charter.  Who knew when Christy ask Jack to 'kick down her door' that this would be the creating of a new destiny for the two of them.  We find Christy now living in Cincinnati was alone only having her grandfather Charlie, some wonderful friends, and her beautiful jewelry 'reworked old jewelry' that she made, however, this wasn't enough.  Why?  Christy had learned that her grandfather had 'money problems' and alone with her own money issues that had come upon her due to the death of her parents.  What was she to do?   After Christy  talks with her roommate Bethany she had decides what she needs to do, but will this work out for her as she charts this journey?  It looks like before this plan is set up it will be stopped and we find that Jack who is thought to be a handy man is now  fixing Christy's door that he kicked in for her earlier.  This story will move very fast and there will be so much going on.  Now, Jack has become a friend of Christy's and learning of her plans to  visit her grandfather in Coral Cove, Florida and he tags along.  Was Jack beginning to care for Christy?  With Jack having  trust issues and secrets will he be able to work these out?   After Christy get to 'Sunnymeade Retirement and Healthcare Center'  to visit her grandfather it looks like everything is going well on the visit, but is it.  A lots will come out from this visit at Coral Cove such as Christy brings jewelry with her that she had made now selling  on the beach at the 'Sunset Celebration' and later we will learn she also  approaches some consignment shops.  What will come of this for Christy?  We also  find out a little more about grandfather Charlie's first love Susan (Mrs. Waters)  and will all of  Jack's  secrets be brought out that  he has  held so close.    What is Jack so afraid of?  During this visit both Christy and Jack had time to talk but what was really lacking from these two? Why was Christy so upset when she finally finds out just what all had gone on in Jack life that he had been unwilling to share with her?  In the end what will Christy be will to except from Jack?   I really don't want to tell to much more away about this amazing read.  I want  you  to pick up the excellent well written read to see for yourself  just how this author brings it all out to the reader.  This was done so well that I was left  only saying Wow! 

What I also liked... The main  and secondary characters!

The characters were all well developed, likable, colorful and well portrayed...Christy, Jack, grandpa Charlie, Bethany, Amy, Sue, Anna, Mrs. Hart, The Harrington's, Nurse Ron, John and Nancy Romo, Donald King, Susan Waters, Della Mae, Alice, Reece Donovan, FiFi, Fletcher McCloud, Duke Dawson, Logan, Lucky, Tessa, Mike, Rachel, Kyle, Lydia, Candy, Nurse Angie, Abner, Polly, Dinah and I am sure I have left someone out but all made this novel so very interesting and so captivating that I am still at awe of it all. 

What I really loved!

In the end I loved this quote "Have faith in me ...please.  Have faith in me to never hurt you again, Have faith in me to always be honest with you, to always trust you.  Have faith in in me to be the man you deserve,  Have faith in me to love you and make you happy"...will  become so real for Jack and Christy as they find their way back to one another.  "All I Want Is You" was a sweet beautiful romance that I would definitely recommend to you as a excellent read.

Wild Heat By: Bella Andre

Title:  Wild Heat
Author:  Bella Andre
Publisher:  Dell Publishing Company
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Wild Heat" by Bella Andre was the first book in this new series: 'Hot Shots' Men of Fire which was of a hot firefighter who fight wildfires!  This novel was of a scorching romantic suspenseful mystery read  that once you start reading this steamy read it will be hard to put down until the very end.  I loved how this author was able to present to us a good read of an arson investigator and a hot 'Hot Shot' firefighter taking place in Tahoe, Nevada.  Now, to get the all and all of the story you will
have to pick up "Wild Heat" to see how this author does it and it will be a good read for a beginning
of a series.  There will be some suspense, along with a hot romance and also a learning part about
these brave 'wildland firefighters.'  Be ready for a lots of twist and turns as you read to  find out who the real  arsonist is.  I even guessed who it was...can you?  This story was able to bring out many adventures as you read through the story.  I found the characters were all well developed, likable, believable, and so very colorful only to help make this novel a very captivating read.  And in the end will the guy get girl?  Well, keep reading to find out!

One Night In Heated Snapshots By: Ashley C. Harris

Title: One Night in Heated Snapshots
Author: Ashley C. Harris
Publisher: A.H.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"One Night in Heated Snapshots by Ashley C. Harris was a good quick romantic read that will have a part two to it. I just want to say that up front because I was caught hanging at the end of the this story of Beth and Sterling. This author really works her magic with these two characters in her presentation of them. I liked the twist and turns of these two coming together showing the family controversy, much growing up, perusing a career and then even love. This read really turns into a hot, steamy fun read that was a little predictable, however still a well written read. We find at first Beth despises Sterling and after being thrown together for whatever reasons and even being caught up in all his shenanigans will she ever be able to trust him? To get what all is going on you will have to pick up "One Night in Heated Snapshots" to see how this author has presented it to the reader...and don't forget there will be more in part two. I found the characters were well developed, colorful, believable and well portrayed only helping to give the readers a good romantic story.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Megan's Cure (An Enzo Lee Mystery Thriller) By: Robert B. Lowe

Title:  Megan's Cure
Author:  Robert B. Lowe
Publisher:   Enzo Lee Publications
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Megan's Cure" by Robert B. Lowe was a down right good old mystery thriller read and the third in this author's series.  Once you start reading "Megan's Cure" it will be hard to put down.  We find this investigator reporter, Enzo Lee only doing what he does so well  trying to save his dying grandmother life when he uncovers a 'pharmaceutical conspiracy.'  This story will move rather quickly so you will have to keep up because there is so much going on between where this story starts....the Gulf  Coast  of Alabama where this young child of 10 was kidnapped and on into where Enzo lives in San Francisco.  As a visitor of the  San Francisco area I was able to identify with some of the descriptions of that area as the author gave to the reader.   Also, I found from the read that this author gave a very captivating storylines with  twist and turns of a view of the pharmaceutical industry along with some very interesting characters.  From this read you will definitely get into some real world issues of it all that will  give the reader something  truly think about long after the read. 

Air Merlin's Chalice Children of Avalon Book One By: Meredith Bond

Title: Air: Merlin's Chalice Children of Avalon, Book One
Author: Meredith Bond
Publisher: Anessa Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Air Merlin's Chalice" by Meredith Bond was a beautifully told fantasy and oh what magic will appear. I found this read a very easy well written one that will appeal to any fan of fantasy giving the reader a read packed with a lots of action as well as magic, romance and even some historical fiction. This was a good read of the 'King Arthur's Legends' featuring Scar, Bridget and Dylan descended from the "Lady of the Lake" searching for the Merlin's goblet. This will be a non stop read...once starting you will find it hard to put down until the end. Now, for the younger readers please be aware that that there will be a few scenes that are intimate as well as 'knights, sorcerers, magic and a grand quest of good and evil.' If you are a fantasy reader this one would be for you as there will be sequels that will further explain the rest of this story.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

An Arrangement of Love By: Kenya Wright

Title: An Arrangement Of Love
Author: Kenya Wright
Publisher: K. Wright Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"An Arrangement of Love" by Kenya Wright was a very good read of a interracial, erotica, suspenseful and mystery urban read. I will say when I first started reading I had different thoughts of what I thought this read was about but as I dove into the novel I can only say what I found was a complete surprise. Leaving me only to say in the end ... wow that was some good read of Chase and Jasmine.

What I love about "An Arrangement of Love"

This novel is one that will hold your attention and truly having you turning the pages till the end. "An Arrangement of Love" was a read of intrigue and so very captivating only to hold your attention because you will want to know what is coming next. Yes, you will find this read of many twist and turns giving you 'love, conflict, craziness, suspense and even murder.' How can one man hold the attention of four women was really something to read of and this author tells this story so very well bringing out all the emotions of it all. I found this hero and heroine really interesting in how she is drawn into this arrangement. Will there be benefits for Jasmine? Yes, but at what price and I love how this author kept Jasmine second guessing herself. While reading I was caught up with some laughter and even some anger with some of this weirdness, however, this still was a good read of how Jasmine really seduces this hero who had fell in love with her. Now, to get it all you must pick up "An Arrangement Of Love" to see how this author brings it all out because there will be some other interesting facts of Jasmine life that will come from the entire read.

What I also loved about "An Arrangement of Love"

I loved the read being of a interracial couple that was very well written of love. The characters were all so very well portrayed, well developed, colorful and even memorable. Oh, I love the hot steamy was done quite well and so lovely in the read.

Now, there will be only one thing that is missing from the wonderful read and that is the ending. We will be left with a cliffhanger... the sequel hopefully will be out soon... 'A Test of Love.' I am sure we will get an interesting ending!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Country Heaven By Ava Miles

Title: Country Heaven
Author: Ava Miles
Publisher: Createspace
Series: The Dare River Series
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Country Heaven" by Ava Miles was a interesting well written contemporary romance. Who knew when 'bad boy rock star' Rye Crenshaw meets Tory Simmons would he not be able to get involved with her? For so long Rye had a policy that he had one rule and that was no sleeping around with his band. This was great news for Tory because she wasn't at all impressed with this rock star, however, Rye did get her attention after offering to be his personal chef the remainder of his tour...and Tory accepts and sign on to do so. Will there be an attraction between these two as they began to know each other? Will Tory be swept up by his fame or charm and what was up with Rye's dysfunctional family? I really was taken with how this author used song lyrics and even recipes as companions for each chapter that went so well with the story. Both the hero and heroine were both well portrayed, colorful, likable and just down right interesting only helping to make this read a very believable one. Be ready to be caught up in a lots of emotions .... laughing, getting angry at some of it and maybe even shedding a tear. To get it all you must pick up this good read "Country Heaven" to see what all this author has in store for the reading. I thought that the book cover of this read "Country Heaven" was an indeed beautiful one. In the end I was able to sum up that this novel was a beautiful country music read with a twist and turn of a sweet love story that I would indeed recommend as a good one.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Fem's Playground By Shatika Turner

Title: A Fem's Playground
Author: Shatika Turner
Publisher: Alana's Book Line (ABL)
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"A Fem's Playground" by Shatika Turner was a quick read with lots of twist and turns of the lesbian world. You will really have to keep up because you will find there is a lots going on in this novel. As a matter of fact I was left confused toward the beginning of who was saying what on some of the issues that I did stop and re read a chapter, however, I was able to pick up a little more as I got into the novel. You will find many, many betrayals that you will definitely be left wondering is anyone for real? There was so much hate for each other...leaving me only to say wow that was very cruel.
One thing is for sure you will be kept turning the pages to see what was going to happen next because there was so much going on!

The characters were all very interesting, colorful, well portrayed and oh so captivating only to give this novel even a emotional read. The characters.. Desiree, Blaze, Shade, Patience, Jah'mere and their mother were all well delivered to us by this author and what a script it was. Be ready for some of it all in "A Fem's Playground" ..hatred, betrayals, back stabbing, cruelty at its highest, some romance and lots of drama. I will say I was enlightened by this read that definitely cleared up some of my misconceptions of this lifestyle.

I found "A Fem's Playground" was for me very complicated, however, I am sure for some it is a simple everyday life. I was left at the end of this story wondering what will happen next to Blaze and Patience. I guess I will have to get the next novel 'A Fem's Playground 2: Game Over" by this author to find out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lonely Heart By MJ Kane (Book 3 of The Butterfly Memoirs)

Title:  Lonely Heart (Book 3 of The Butterfly Memoirs)
Author:  M.J. Kane
Publisher:  Prince Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Lonely Heart" by M.J. Kane was this author's third book of  'The Butterfly Memoirs."  This was definitely a novel of  "consequences of past decisions can ruin your future" as it  was for the two main characters...Kaitlyn Rogers and Antonio Rodriguez.

What I Liked: 

We find from the read that Kaitlyn will have to face some problems...being pregnant, single,
new job,  a younger sister coming to live with her...leading a lonely life  but will there is some light for her after she meets Antonio?

 Now,  we find that have Antonio  will have some problems too...being raised by a single parent due to his mother dying after childbirth of teens,  having to help take  care of his siblings, not wanting to follow in his fathers footsteps, however, he did  find  his way to becoming a top notched auto mechanic.  But in the end still  a lonely man.  The question is why were both of these people lonely?

What I Also Liked:

After Kaitlyn meets Antonio due to needing her car repaired, her  life will change but before we can get to the happier ever after...This will be where I say you will have to pick up "Lonely Heart"  to see how this author will bring it out to the reader.   Be ready to go on a roller coaster ride and at the end of the ride we will see some happiness for all, however, before we get there  we will see how the breakdown on communication can cause some problems.  In the end we will see that the truth and no more secrets  shall set you free as it was for Kaitlyn.  Will Kaitlyn and Antonio finally have the happiness that they both desired?  This novel really does a good job with this heroine in showing us how she really thought about her life and then their is Antonio willing and able to help her through it all only if  Kaitlyn will  let him.  The characters in this novel were all simply off the chart good being well developed, well rounded, real, well portrayed, colorful and well build only to drawn you into the story... and in the end giving us a well told story. 

What I Didn’t Like:

I didn't like how Kaitlyn's parents treated their siblings. I found it rather interesting that after the grandchild was born they never  left Texas to visit their  two daughters and grandchild in California.   This was very interesting...only letting me see some of the how and why  Kaitlyn was so mixed up about her life.

In The End:

This was a excellent read.  I believe for you really to truly understand this third book (friendship) you really will  need to read this authors first two novels...Book 1- A Heart Not Easily Broken and Book 2 -  Jaded as well as this novel Book 3 - Lonely Heart.   In each of these reads you will find that all three novels are of three friends Ebony, Yasmine  and Kaitlyn... truly this was a unbreakable friendship.  Would I recommend?  YES, YES AND YES!

Monday, March 10, 2014

I Came To Bring The Pain By: Roy Glenn

Title:  I Came To Bring The Pain
Author:  Roy Glenn
Publisher: Escapism Enternational, LLC
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"I Came To Bring The Pain" by Roy Glenn was quite some read that we get to see how Mr. Mike Black is  showing his leadership  it to his people.  We will be able to see how Mr. Blacks cleans up and deals with it all in only one way and that is his way.   A lots of questions will be answered from pervious novels and if you have been reading you can also see how this author is introducing new players such as Marvin Jr. giving us as feel for what may be coming in the next reads.  Will the  'youngsters'  be taking over one day?  I am sure that will be a interesting read.   I found "I Came To Bring The Pain" a well written script that was full of action that  will keep you on the edge of your seat with so many twist and turns.    You will see that  several stories  will run parallel each other but in the end coming together giving the reader a packed read along with some really sexy steamy love scenes especially between Shy and her husband, Mike Back.  However, with all  that we still will have Mike Black taking care of business in which there would be much pain, drama and revenge.
Needless to say,  I enjoyed the read and would definitely recommend 'I Came to Bring The Pain " to  all of  Mike Black fans. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friends and Then Some By Debbie Macomber

Title:  Friends And Then Some
Author: Debbie Macomber
Publisher:  D.M. Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Friends And Then Some" by Debbie Macomber was a beautiful  classic read of Lily and Jake's romance.   The author has a way that her reads as very enjoyable and a light read.  This was somewhat a little predictable but still a good read.  I really enjoyed how this author was able to finally get these two together.  I found this read was one that once you start reading it will be hard to put down until the end.  I found the characters were all well developed, believable and my favorite one beside the hero and heroine would be the eccentric  Gram. 

If you are looking for an entertaining read then you have come to the right place for "Friends And Then Some" will give it to you. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just To Be With You By Bella Andre

Title:  Just To Be With You
Author:  Bella Andre
Publisher:  Oak Press, LLC
Series:  The Sullivans # 12 Seattle Sullivans # 3
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Just To Be With You"  by Bella Andre was the twelfth of the 'Sullivans' series and the third of the  'Seattle Sullivans.'  This series was of Ian Sullivan and Tatiana Landon.  The author only does what she had done so well in her other series and that is give the reader a truly captivating romantic read.  We find that Tatiana knew her feeling early as she was introduced to Ian during an earlier series novel of Smith and Valentina  but for Ian it will take a little longer for him to recognize it all. Now why was that?  Will Tatiana be able  in the end to convince Ian that he was the one for her?  This was one of those novels that once starting it will be hard to stop until the end and wow what a ending!  Be prepared for a hot and steamy the bathtub and even the barn? Now to truly understand what, where, how and the who of it all you must pick up this excellent read to see how this author will present it to the reader.  In the end you will be left saying that this was another excellent 'Sullivan' saga  series which leaves the readers only  waiting for the next one of the Dylan Sullivan story. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The III Truth By: Shatika Turner

Title:  The III Truth
Author:  Shatika Turner
Publisher:  Createspace
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Life is full of lessons, it is up to you which ones you choose to learn from, whether you learn from them or not, NEVER ever ignore them
                                     ~Mz. Ill~
"The Ill Truth" by:  Shatika Turner were a very interesting collection of poems that seems so interesting that anyone will be able to look deep into and even being able to relate to life may not be so great on the other side.   You are able to feel her pain, frustration  and in the end you will be able to receive the message that this author has presented to the reader... and that is to be 'treated and accepted just like anyone else.' This author did a wonderful job at presenting her poems that read a lot like a story of her life as she shares her darkness and light of the world showing such creativity and honesty. I found myself at times in tears and another times even  laughing from the excellent
script.  Yes, it may be hard emotional journey read at times but Ms. Turner brings it all out to the reader...the real 'Truth.' 

Real heartache is when the heart actually aches, not from love, but doubting the ones you think you truly can trust

                                          ~Mz. Ill~
             Some of my favorite poems  from "The Ill Truth: 
1.   Underneath
2.   The Reflection of a Mirror
3.   The Real Men
4.   Smith
5.   Stone Face
6.   Violation
7.   Down This Road
8.   How Does It Feel
9.   A Soul's Song
10. Give Me Your Heart

Now, this is just a few of the poems in this collection. Please pick up "The Ill Truth" to see for yourself how this author presents
it  so well to the reader as she 'walks through life and experiences the Truth.'  Would I recommend?  YES!




The Real Thing By: Brenda Jackson

Title:  The Real Thing
Author:  Brenda Jackson
Publisher: Harlequin
Series:  The Westmorelands # 28
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"The Real Thing" by Brenda Jackson was another one of this author great Westmoreland's series.  It is simply amazing how this author is able to connect her characters so well with the said story. This series has come along so very well and it still giving the  readers a splendid read. In this series we find that it of Adrian Westmoreland and Trinity Matthews.  What will happen when  Adrian
 pretends to be Trinity's man.  Now to get it all you must pick up the author's "The Real Thing" to see just what this pretending will produce for this couple. Be ready for a read of romance  and a sexual harassment case that  will turn .....well you will simply have to read it for yourself.   

I found this series a very enjoyable as well as entertaining that once you start reading you will have a hard time putting it down until the end.  Now for us who love this author's series we will be waiting for her next series which involves Adrian's twin brother, Aiden.  Would I recommend "The Real Thing?"   YES!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Runaway Pastor's Wife By Diane Moody

Title: The Runaway Pastor's Wife
Author: Diane Moody
Publisher: Old Barn Trace Books
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"The Runaway Pastor's Wife" by Diane Moody was quite some interesting Christian fiction read of just how "how pastors/vicar's wives cope with the constant demands on their time and how they feel about having their husband's attention only partially focused on the family." Being a preacher kid I thought this novel was very well written showing how someone is just so upset up with it all and just needing to step away for some time to get it all back together again. However, while this pastor's wife is away will she be able to get what she feels she has lost? I did enjoy the 'Christian and the Godly' talks that were entered into the novel. Be prepared for a long detailed read. This author put it all in, however, I felt that toward the end some things were not delivered such as what happened to certain characters. I found the characters for the most were very well developed definitely pulling you into the novel, however toward the end I was left hanging somewhat with the novel being too quick and believable? For example: The husband accepted everything with no questions being asked and his marriage was restored and every thing was just OK?? Now, don't get me wrong I still enjoyed the read with the main and secondary characters...some were simply off the charts good while some were not....but the plots/subplots and all were well written until the end with it being somewhat rushed. I will say to really understand this read you must pick up "The Runaway Pastor's Wife" to see for yourself how this author presents it to the readers. Would I recommend? Yes!

The Common Ground By: Noa Daniels

Title:  The Common Ground
Author:  Noa Daniels
Publisher:  N.D.
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"The Common Ground" by Noa Daniels was some wonderful poetic journal of this author's  "Written thoughts are the avenues into the souls of others, connecting points which provide a common ground of similar experiences, feelings, or discussions.' This author  has all of this  'mirrored up for the reader to see their own reflection...captured into poetry.'

I loved how this author was able to present this poetry for the 'young girl to the mature adulthood.'  Be ready because this poetry will 'explore the human emotions such as: pain, joy, death, love, hate, life. 

Here are a few that I really enjoyed:

Woman:  ..."Lord, where is Adam? 

Feeling All Right! ..."and the feeling is feeling all right."

I'd Try for you...I'll give myself, my heart, my life, my love to you.

Weatherman..."Baby you change like the weather"

Wrap Your Arms around Me..."Trust me, darling, cause it's true...All I ever need is you."

Remember..."I wonder, what you remember ...I cannot separate myself from you.  Can you remember?

I'll Get the Message..."Please forgive me for calling, please forgive me for coming by."

Lady...The Night goes by slowly; she continue to weep.  The light is still burning as she drifts off
to sleep.  The cold wind is blowing, a warm heart grows numb.  If you survive the winter, the spring
will surely come."


Acceptance..."I am no angel, he is not saint.  We still love each other in spite of what "we ain't."

These and many more of these author's poetry can be found from the read of  "The Common Ground" that I would recommend to you as a good read.  I found that there are some that are different but there is little bit for everyone to think on as you are reading though this well written poems. 

Night Games The Blue Dynasty By: Lisa Marie Penny

Title:  Night Games
Author:  Lisa Marie Perry
Publisher:  Harlequin Kimani
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 4

"Night Games" by Lisa Marie Perry was a good contemporary romance read that was a enjoyable read that did have some steamy hot sex.  If you are a football lover  that would love  a interesting romance conflict  interwoven into a twist of a plot then this read is for you.   Be ready for  a novel that will present conflict between two families and some characters that you will find believable as well as real and oh so well portrayed.  Also you may even find some of the  secondary characters even colorful giving this read a well rounded and written read.   I did enjoy how the author was able to bring out to the reader about the football management element especially 'realistic dialogue and the issues that were about the loyalty and taking chances and the gender stereotypes  that are so often found in footfall.'  I thought this was a very interesting read about family, NFL football and romance.  It was so captivating to see how this author was able to bring these two characters.... Charlotte and Nate together with all the conflict  and give the reader such a sweet ending.  Also it is good to know that this author will have another novel for us about two of the secondary characters...Now, who will that be?    By the end of the end you will be given something to really think about...and with being said I would definitely recommend this read for you.   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Love By Beth Boyd

Title:  Love
Author: Beth Boyd
Publisher:  The Most Romantic Books
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  4

"Love" by Beth Boyd was a sweet contemporary romance.  I did find it somewhat  predictable read, however, it still was a good read.  The characters were all well developed especially the 'boy next door' ... with Adam and Karen being such believable and all in this very descriptive seaside London, England country. I found this romance for these two very 'heartwarming,'  captivating read, and enjoyable read. Be ready for every day problems...along with meddling family, a artist, a writer, misunderstandings, truthfulness, playful times, less not leave out all the drama and  love then you will have one lovely romantic read with a quick ending.  If you are in for a good sweet romance  then  I would recommend  "Love" to you.     

Tilt A Novel by Emma Pattee

Book Excerpt: " Set over one day, a heart-racing debut about a woman facing the unimaginable, determined to find safety. Last night, yo...