Saturday, March 26, 2016

If You Change the Words, You Change the Meaning: An Addict's Struggle to Let Go By: Ellen Allen

Book Description...

"The setting of this novel takes place in two states, Mississippi and Louisiana. In the story ABLE and LIZ are recently married after a twenty one year friendship. Both Able and Liz forged new lives and relationships with other individuals only to find themselves back in each other's arms. However, there are struggles early on in their marriage because of addiction and dependency issues. They love each other but their union is proving to be toxic. This novel shines a light on the toxic nature of love and human emotion when loyalties are misplaced. Throughout the pages of this book you see lies, deceit and injustices being acted out in a vicious cycle of instability. Hurricane Katrina is briefly mentioned to heighten the depth of Able's ability to be a fierce man of substance. The book is bringing light to the hidden and raw emotions of a struggle. I guess you can reference it to the good versus evil, night compared to day and sad verses happy ideologies."

Title:  If You Change the Words, You Change the Meaning
Author:  Ellen Allen
Publisher:  Your Time Publishing
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"If You Change the Words, You Change the Meaning" by Ellen Allen

My Thoughts...

I can only say is that this is some read.  I had to put it down a few times and pick it back up because of some of what what going on was for me a little hard for me to digest but having picked it back up and venturing on I was glad I did.  The ending made sense... I just wished this heroine had come to that conclusion much earlier but I know for some it may take some time to get to that place.  OK, where do I start..Liz meets Able and it was LOVE at first site.  They become a couple with Liz not knowing that Able also had a best friend who was called Cain which was a drug addition.  Could all the love that Liz had for Able be about to cure him?  The story will bring in some of Able's family [Jezzy], his baby's mama [Lauren] and along with the addiction CAIN the readers are given one dramatic emotional story of destruction.  Will Liz be taken down with all of this? Why was it that she felt that she could help cure his addiction?  At times I was so upset with Liz's thinking ...couldn't she see the writing on the wall...Able is not doing anything but dragging her down with him!  Who all needed the help with the addiction?  What I received from this novel was that when a person decides that they need the help... all the help in the world isn't going to help to them until they want to HELP themselves. After Liz talks and shares with Candice, her mom and other friends will she ever make the right decision and know that she was in denial?  Will Liz be able to "muster up enough strength to walk away and not look back?"  Well, this is where I will stop and say you will have to pick up this novel to see how it turns out.  Wow, this was definitely one of those reads that had me shaking my head and say wow, what a read!  I loved how this author gave the reader powerful poems at the end of most of the chapters...beautifully done!  Even though this is a fiction read I am more than sure incidents like this story has happened to many people leaving me thinking addictions whether it is drugs or whatever can really beat you down if you let it.  What a journey for these two tortured souls that had almost destroyed each other!

Thank you to the author for the gift of the novel for my honest opinion of the read.

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