Saturday, March 5, 2016

True Beauty By: Shelia E. Lipsey

Book Description....

"True Beauty is the second book in the Beautiful Ugly book series. Layla, Kacie and Envy maintain their tight bond of friendship. They are determined to learn from the mistakes of their past so they can boldly step into their futures."

True Beauty is the second book in the Beautiful Ugly series. Layla, Kacie and Envy maintain their tight bond of friendship. They are determined to learn from the mistakes of their past so they can boldly step into their futures. Layla’s drastic blessing through tragedy opens doors that she never thought possible. She’s determined to live her life to the fullest, but as she moves forward with a new body and a new man, Layla forgets who used to be the most important man in her life – God. After heartbreak, and with sometimes-wavering support from Layla and Envy, Kacie tries hard to pick up the broken pieces of her life so that she can concentrate on raising her seven kids as a single mom. While there is no mistaking Envy’s outer beauty, she comes to believe the only way to have a chance to give and receive true love is by exposing the horrid secret of her past. Nevertheless, Envy is terrified of the consequences that she might have to face if she chooses to do so. Layla, Kacie and Envy still have much to learn about life and how to uncap the true beauty already divinely placed within each one of them.

Title: True Beauty
Author:  Shelia E. [Bell] Lipsey
Publisher:  Bonita & Hodge Publishing Group, Inc.
Series:  Book 2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Four

"True Beauty" by Shelia E. Lipsey

My Thoughts....

This is the second read in this series for this author...with 'Beautiful Ugly' being the first one.  I would suggest you read the first read before reading the second one...'True Beauty' because be doing so you will be getting the whole story of these three friends...Envy, Kacie and Layla who are still struggling to find their divine beauty.' The author continues the story with the struggles of self images of these three friends as they move forward.  Will there be some new changes in their life?  YES!  Will these friends finally find their 'divine beauty'  that they so deserve as they find themselves battling each other as well as their demons?  I like this read that showed how these characters growth from the inside out.  This was indeed a beautiful realistic read of one coming to terms with one's own past mistakes and definitely learning to love yourself.  Would I recommend "True Beauty?"  YES!

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