Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Identical Sins 2: An Urban Fiction Romance Kindle Edition by Tatum James

Book Synopsis:

"When sisters construct a fool-proof plan to rob a local drug dealer, what could possibly go right?

When desperation strikes, how far would you go?

The final installment to the suspenseful Identical Sins where twin sisters Nina and Lola foil the robbery of a drug dealer. Things seemed to work against Nina pitting the sisters against each other.

Follow as Nina plots to take her son back and secure her bag linking up with drug trafficker and jack boy Nice in Identical Sins 2.

Nina-I looked out of the window as that psychotic bastard pulled away from the bus station. With the money that he had given me, I could take the bus anywhere and just start over. But if he thought for a minute that I was leaving without my son, he had another thing coming.

Lola might be scared of Luckie, but I wasn’t. He would get what was coming to him for the shit that he had done to me and driving a wedge between me and my sister, even if she had to go down with him."

Title:  Identical Sins 2: An Urban Fiction
Author:  Tatum James
Publisher:  T. J.     
Series:  Part 2
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Identical Sins 2" by Tatum James

My Rationalization:  

I found 'Identical Sins 2' a rather sad read and if you have read part 1 of this story you knew something was definitely coming for Ms. Nina.   Only if Nina would have used some good sense maybe this wouldn't have happened to her.  If she had a love for her sister Lola all I can say is that she Nina had a weird way of showing it and when she did why did it seem off?  

 Oh well, at least Malcolm was there for Lola proving that there was definitely something going on between the two as he was so protective of her.  This is one story or two that you will just have to pick up the novel to truly understand these identical twins thoughts. One twin was good while the other one wasn't. At least the good one had someone that did love her and even the children.  

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