Author: Susan Mallery
Published By: Harlequin
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"A Fool's Gold Christmas" by Susan Mallery was another one of her funny,sweet, warm, sexy and holiday romantic read. If you are looking for a entertaining novel ... you have come to the right place with this 'Fool's Gold Series' that just happens to take place in Fool's Gold, California. The characters were from Dante, Evie, Rafe, Clay, Shane, May, Carina, Cameron,Tammy, Glen, Annabelle, Heidi, Gideon,Lillie, Patience, Mayor Marsha,Monica, Dominique Guerin, Alexander (Cat) to Charlie plus a few others...only bringing the reader a good read. I loved how some of the characters were so warm and well developed in the series and even though I found this novel a little predictable that was OK. It was still a wonderful well written read. We find that Evie who is no longer a professional dancer. Will Evie be able to carry on the dance program that she didn't think she can do and will Dante come back to the program and admit ______? ...well before I tell it all... this is the time that I say you must pick up "A Fool's Gold Christmas" to see how Ms. Mallery will get this all out to us... with the Striykers family accepting Eva as a real family member and with her also accepting that for herself which is only found in this in this well written dialogue. The descriptions that were used were simply off the chart good making you feel as if you were there... the pet adoption, hayrides, and 'The Dance of the Winter King.'
If you are looking for a fast moving good romance... you have come to the right place for I would recommend "A Fool's Gold Christmas for you as a excellent read.
BOOKS... I love reading and have read a lot of GENRES in my lifetime. Being a book reviewer for Net Gallery and many various authors, I have contributed many reviews to Goodreads, Amazon, LibraryThing, and my blog page here. I get to read all the books I love and then share by reviewing the read. These are my true feeling of what I feel of each novel I read. If you would like me to read your novel and review it, please email me: at
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
A Outlaw's Christmas
Author: Linda Lael Miller
Published By: Harlequin
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"An Outlaw's Christmas" by Linda Lael Miller was a sweet 'McKettrick' historical romance series read that only this author could give to its readers. This was a well written Christmas western style story giving the reader a wild west sort of flair. We find Sawyer McKettrick has come to Blue River, TX to take over a position from his cousin Clay as a Marshall, however, upon arriving he is shot and collapses in a school yard. After he comes to he discovers that a Piper St. James has recused him and now that could ruin her reputation. Why was this and what happens next will only find from picking up "An Outlaw's Christmas" to see what will happen next for these two people.
I found the characters are all very interesting that really keep you captivated in what will be going on next. With Piper, we find that she is one that will stand up no matter what the consequences may be and Sawyer is one that is stubborn, strong willed that holds a bit of mystery of his reputation. We will find from Clay, Dara Rose, Chester Duggins, Bess Turner, Ginny Sue, Doctor Howard, to Eloise only to name a few in the novel were all deeply developed crew giving the reader a smooth ride from the beginning till the end.
Get ready for a fast paced, warm, funny, sweet and easy read that will keep you intrigued till the end. Would I recommend this McKettrick series "An Outlaw's Christmas" answer would be YES!

Published By: Harlequin
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"An Outlaw's Christmas" by Linda Lael Miller was a sweet 'McKettrick' historical romance series read that only this author could give to its readers. This was a well written Christmas western style story giving the reader a wild west sort of flair. We find Sawyer McKettrick has come to Blue River, TX to take over a position from his cousin Clay as a Marshall, however, upon arriving he is shot and collapses in a school yard. After he comes to he discovers that a Piper St. James has recused him and now that could ruin her reputation. Why was this and what happens next will only find from picking up "An Outlaw's Christmas" to see what will happen next for these two people.
I found the characters are all very interesting that really keep you captivated in what will be going on next. With Piper, we find that she is one that will stand up no matter what the consequences may be and Sawyer is one that is stubborn, strong willed that holds a bit of mystery of his reputation. We will find from Clay, Dara Rose, Chester Duggins, Bess Turner, Ginny Sue, Doctor Howard, to Eloise only to name a few in the novel were all deeply developed crew giving the reader a smooth ride from the beginning till the end.
Get ready for a fast paced, warm, funny, sweet and easy read that will keep you intrigued till the end. Would I recommend this McKettrick series "An Outlaw's Christmas" answer would be YES!

Power of Inspiration: Dare to Be the Best YOU!
Author: Various Authors
Published By: Light Point Press
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Power of Inspiration: Dare to Be the Best YOU!" by the fifteen various authors was really a wonderful read...only to enjoy what all these different authors had to say to the reader. The various reads were simply inspiring, sharing their lifes' struggles and how they were able to over came them only wanting one to live their life to its fullest. I found this novel: "Power Of Inspiration one that I couldn't put down with all of its wonderful stories sharing how people had overcome such defeats and through it all with 'Gods' help had come out of this only being winners.
One of my favorite authors...John Carroll...'Becoming the Real You' was definitely written for me to read. I truly can relate ..."What I have learned over the years that I hope will help you overcome the same or similar challenge in your life..." (1) You don't get to pick your family, so find a way to support them despite their flaw. (3) Life is not perfect, get over it. (4) Learn to listen (and respond) to your inner voice of reason. (5) Failure is an integral part of life. Embrace it, learn and grow from it, but don't let it diminished you or keep you from achieving your goals. (7) Love yourself and get comfortable in your own skin. Now, I liked 2, 6, & 8 too (smile)... but these that I noted were to me. Thanks, John for a well written read! And with Gods help...I can do it.
"Power of Inspiration: Dare to Be the Best YOU!" written by these fifteen various authors only gives you encouragement especially if you are stressed, discouraged and just down. YES, I would definitely recommend this novel as a excellent, wonderful, amazing and inspiring read for all.
Published By: Light Point Press
Age Recommended: YA-Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Power of Inspiration: Dare to Be the Best YOU!" by the fifteen various authors was really a wonderful read...only to enjoy what all these different authors had to say to the reader. The various reads were simply inspiring, sharing their lifes' struggles and how they were able to over came them only wanting one to live their life to its fullest. I found this novel: "Power Of Inspiration one that I couldn't put down with all of its wonderful stories sharing how people had overcome such defeats and through it all with 'Gods' help had come out of this only being winners.
One of my favorite authors...John Carroll...'Becoming the Real You' was definitely written for me to read. I truly can relate ..."What I have learned over the years that I hope will help you overcome the same or similar challenge in your life..." (1) You don't get to pick your family, so find a way to support them despite their flaw. (3) Life is not perfect, get over it. (4) Learn to listen (and respond) to your inner voice of reason. (5) Failure is an integral part of life. Embrace it, learn and grow from it, but don't let it diminished you or keep you from achieving your goals. (7) Love yourself and get comfortable in your own skin. Now, I liked 2, 6, & 8 too (smile)... but these that I noted were to me. Thanks, John for a well written read! And with Gods help...I can do it.
"Power of Inspiration: Dare to Be the Best YOU!" written by these fifteen various authors only gives you encouragement especially if you are stressed, discouraged and just down. YES, I would definitely recommend this novel as a excellent, wonderful, amazing and inspiring read for all.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Bella Fortuna
Author: Rosanna Chiofalo
Published By: Kensington
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Bella Fortuna" by Rosanna Chiofalo was a good chit lit fiction romance. I found this novel of a 'Italian American Family' who lived in Queens but also there is some twist in this journey of the story that end up in in Venice. The main character Valentina (the oldest sister), with her mom (Olivia/Sera) and sisters(Connie & Rita) are the owners of a bridal shop called Sposa Rosa. We find from the read that Valentina is preparing for her 'Dream Wedding' with Michael who has been the 'man of her dreams' that is to take place in Italy in the month of June. However, Michael two months before the wedding had different ideas... like changing his mind! Now just what was really up with that? Remember when he came into the shop while Valentina was trying on her wedding dress and he stood there looking and Oliver yells.."Malocchio! Malocchio!...get out! It s bad luck forever!"...Was it? Well, poor Valentina life is now turned upside down again.
Now, the setting moves on to Italy with all of its art and history...and all I can say is this author really makes you feel that Italy is a beautiful romantic place to be especially for a wedding with all of its "happiness and perfection."
I must say the decriptions that this author gave the reader of Italy made me even want to visit this magical place! We find that Valentina has decided to take a vacation for three weeks...yes to Italy. Did she enjoy herself in Italy?...What will happen to poor Valentina?, this is the part when I will say you must pick up "Bella Fortuna" to see what is in store for her. Will Valentina learn to live and love again and what was going on with Olivia's mom with her first love? What had happened to Tracy? Was "Bella Fortuna" somewhat predictable?...Yes, but that is OK because I still enjoyed this novel because it held my attention until the end. I found the characters to be well developed and believable bringing each page to life with sadness and even happiness.
I found the storyline of "Bella Fortuna" was wonderful and the romance was a fantastic read especially the Italy visit and would I recommend this read...Yes!
At the end of the read... be ready for some interesting recipes from "Bella Fortuna:" Glazed Lemon Cookies, Grandmothers Cake, Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast, and Fried Meatballs.
Published By: Kensington
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Bella Fortuna" by Rosanna Chiofalo was a good chit lit fiction romance. I found this novel of a 'Italian American Family' who lived in Queens but also there is some twist in this journey of the story that end up in in Venice. The main character Valentina (the oldest sister), with her mom (Olivia/Sera) and sisters(Connie & Rita) are the owners of a bridal shop called Sposa Rosa. We find from the read that Valentina is preparing for her 'Dream Wedding' with Michael who has been the 'man of her dreams' that is to take place in Italy in the month of June. However, Michael two months before the wedding had different ideas... like changing his mind! Now just what was really up with that? Remember when he came into the shop while Valentina was trying on her wedding dress and he stood there looking and Oliver yells.."Malocchio! Malocchio!...get out! It s bad luck forever!"...Was it? Well, poor Valentina life is now turned upside down again.
Now, the setting moves on to Italy with all of its art and history...and all I can say is this author really makes you feel that Italy is a beautiful romantic place to be especially for a wedding with all of its "happiness and perfection."
I must say the decriptions that this author gave the reader of Italy made me even want to visit this magical place! We find that Valentina has decided to take a vacation for three weeks...yes to Italy. Did she enjoy herself in Italy?...What will happen to poor Valentina?, this is the part when I will say you must pick up "Bella Fortuna" to see what is in store for her. Will Valentina learn to live and love again and what was going on with Olivia's mom with her first love? What had happened to Tracy? Was "Bella Fortuna" somewhat predictable?...Yes, but that is OK because I still enjoyed this novel because it held my attention until the end. I found the characters to be well developed and believable bringing each page to life with sadness and even happiness.
I found the storyline of "Bella Fortuna" was wonderful and the romance was a fantastic read especially the Italy visit and would I recommend this read...Yes!
At the end of the read... be ready for some interesting recipes from "Bella Fortuna:" Glazed Lemon Cookies, Grandmothers Cake, Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast, and Fried Meatballs.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Twenty Weeks
Author: Melisa Hamling
Published By: Rachelle Ayala Publishing, LLC.
Age Recommended: Teen 14+ YA +Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Twenty Weeks" by Melisa Hamling was a novel that I could see it be of a great benefit read for the 'Teen 14+ and YA over pregnancy. This author did a
wonderful job with describing what difficulties that could arrive especially due to 'lack of experience and maturity.' I liked all of the characters being so well developed that really was able to help understand 'how the protagonist makes her decisions and why." This author was able to write a very believable novel that kept the reader engaged with this controversial subject using 'care, warmth and understanding.' The characters from Maya, Alex, Mallory, Michelle, William, Lindee, Sammy, Sterling, Chelsea, Cassandra, Joey, Jeanna, Dr. Jan, Barbara, Dave, Andrea, Anna, Mr Hobson, Dale, to a few others...really giving the reader a captivating read.
I loved how this story was lead from before it all ... continuing with the story after the birth of the baby(Evan Christopher)...on to his first birthday....and finally up to ...well this is the part that I will say you must pick up "Twenty Weeks" to see the end of this very good story that seemed so very real. How the author was able to blend in the rest of this story that was being told was simply good. You will be able to draw your own conclusions from whatever viewpoint you may have after your read. "Twenty Weeks" was definitely a page turner for me...keeping your attention till the end. Yes, there will be a abortion issue that seemed to go on and on but I feel it is a personal 'choice between a teenagers, her feelings for herself...the fetus and her relationship with God.' "Twenty Weeks" also deals with 'child abuse as well as teen pregnancy that was so very well written and easy to read.
This novel is definitely a excellent read...and yes I would recommend "Twenty
Weeks" to teenagers, YA as well as adults.
Published By: Rachelle Ayala Publishing, LLC.
Age Recommended: Teen 14+ YA +Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
![]() |
Evan Christopher |
"Twenty Weeks" by Melisa Hamling was a novel that I could see it be of a great benefit read for the 'Teen 14+ and YA over pregnancy. This author did a
wonderful job with describing what difficulties that could arrive especially due to 'lack of experience and maturity.' I liked all of the characters being so well developed that really was able to help understand 'how the protagonist makes her decisions and why." This author was able to write a very believable novel that kept the reader engaged with this controversial subject using 'care, warmth and understanding.' The characters from Maya, Alex, Mallory, Michelle, William, Lindee, Sammy, Sterling, Chelsea, Cassandra, Joey, Jeanna, Dr. Jan, Barbara, Dave, Andrea, Anna, Mr Hobson, Dale, to a few others...really giving the reader a captivating read.
I loved how this story was lead from before it all ... continuing with the story after the birth of the baby(Evan Christopher)...on to his first birthday....and finally up to ...well this is the part that I will say you must pick up "Twenty Weeks" to see the end of this very good story that seemed so very real. How the author was able to blend in the rest of this story that was being told was simply good. You will be able to draw your own conclusions from whatever viewpoint you may have after your read. "Twenty Weeks" was definitely a page turner for me...keeping your attention till the end. Yes, there will be a abortion issue that seemed to go on and on but I feel it is a personal 'choice between a teenagers, her feelings for herself...the fetus and her relationship with God.' "Twenty Weeks" also deals with 'child abuse as well as teen pregnancy that was so very well written and easy to read.
This novel is definitely a excellent read...and yes I would recommend "Twenty
Weeks" to teenagers, YA as well as adults.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
When We Touch
Author: Brenda Novak
Published By: Mira
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"When We Touch" by Brenda Novak was a good contemporary romance that maybe could be considered a chick lit or a short story novella, but in the end it was all a wonderful well written read that I did enjoyed reading. I think in the end poor Olivia wasn't so poor after all who did she end up with? That sister of Olivia....Noelle....well that's another story. We find that Olivia was coming home to Whiskey Creek for her sister Noelle's wedding, but's now what you think...for her sister is now pregnant by Olivia's ex-boy friend (Kyle) and guess what? Since Olivia is a wedding planner her parents expect her to prepare the wedding for her sister. I couldn't in my mind understand their parents attitude about this. Have you ever heard of such? Would "you ask your own daughter to plan your other daughter's wedding after she seduced her ex fiancé? Really? And just to save money?" Well if you keep reading "When We Touch" we find out even more about this bizarre family. This is where
I say you must pick up the find out what Kyle(the ex) has to say to Olivia and what Miss Noelle is acting and saying when it is found out that Olivia is claiming to be dating Brandon who just happen to be is Kyle's step brother. Now the story will go on and on and we find out that Kyle knows he has messed up and just want to do the right thing and that is to marry Miss Noelle. What a sweet guy (ha ha). We find out that Brandon had taken Olivia to her prom and had always liked her. Now, the question to be asked and answered...Will those two (Oliver & Brandon) be able to come together with all of wedding stuff going on. There really seems to be a strong attraction that is going on between
these two. "When We Touch" is definitely one novel of two sister that was well...I will just stop here and let you read it for yourself and let you be the judge if she is a ? Will their be a revelation about Noelle other than be spoiled? We find out that she had even tried to date....OK, I will stop and let you get the book and read for yourself who had to take a restringing order against her. All in all I thought this was a good read and in the end did Olivia get a good man?
This author brings to us a very interesting read that will keep you turning the pages wanting to see just what was going to happen next in Whiskey Creek. Would I recommend this novella: "When We Touch?" YES it was a good read!
Published By: Mira
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"When We Touch" by Brenda Novak was a good contemporary romance that maybe could be considered a chick lit or a short story novella, but in the end it was all a wonderful well written read that I did enjoyed reading. I think in the end poor Olivia wasn't so poor after all who did she end up with? That sister of Olivia....Noelle....well that's another story. We find that Olivia was coming home to Whiskey Creek for her sister Noelle's wedding, but's now what you think...for her sister is now pregnant by Olivia's ex-boy friend (Kyle) and guess what? Since Olivia is a wedding planner her parents expect her to prepare the wedding for her sister. I couldn't in my mind understand their parents attitude about this. Have you ever heard of such? Would "you ask your own daughter to plan your other daughter's wedding after she seduced her ex fiancé? Really? And just to save money?" Well if you keep reading "When We Touch" we find out even more about this bizarre family. This is where
I say you must pick up the find out what Kyle(the ex) has to say to Olivia and what Miss Noelle is acting and saying when it is found out that Olivia is claiming to be dating Brandon who just happen to be is Kyle's step brother. Now the story will go on and on and we find out that Kyle knows he has messed up and just want to do the right thing and that is to marry Miss Noelle. What a sweet guy (ha ha). We find out that Brandon had taken Olivia to her prom and had always liked her. Now, the question to be asked and answered...Will those two (Oliver & Brandon) be able to come together with all of wedding stuff going on. There really seems to be a strong attraction that is going on between
these two. "When We Touch" is definitely one novel of two sister that was well...I will just stop here and let you read it for yourself and let you be the judge if she is a ? Will their be a revelation about Noelle other than be spoiled? We find out that she had even tried to date....OK, I will stop and let you get the book and read for yourself who had to take a restringing order against her. All in all I thought this was a good read and in the end did Olivia get a good man?
This author brings to us a very interesting read that will keep you turning the pages wanting to see just what was going to happen next in Whiskey Creek. Would I recommend this novella: "When We Touch?" YES it was a good read!
Within Reach
Author: Sarah Mayberry
Published By: Harlequin
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Within Reach" by Sarah Mayberry was a very good sweet contemporary romance... a death had happend so suddenly very early in the novel making it a sad read in the beginning, however it did take off and oh my goodness what a good read it was. This novel reads like something that could happen to any of us when death comes a calling. Michael Young has lost his wife Billie suddenly of a heart defect. Michael's wife Billie had a friend(Angie) I would love to have....was their to help out him and the two children ...Charlie and Eva...and was to became even a friend to Billie's husband, Michael. There will be many ways you may look at this novel but do pick up "Within Reach" to see just how this author brings it all together in a very well written script. Will Michael began to have feeling for Angie and how does this make him feel about Billie? THIS WAS HIS WIFE'S BEST FRIEND...from school. Again, you must pick up this read to see...even how the daughter feels about Auntie Angie. What will happen when a grieving husband is left with two children and his wife's best friend? Only leaving me to say....Wow, what a read!
Was "Within Reach" a easy book for me for me to read ...NO... but it was well writing and definitely gives a insight to a loss and pain. Would I recommend it...YES!
Published By: Harlequin
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Within Reach" by Sarah Mayberry was a very good sweet contemporary romance... a death had happend so suddenly very early in the novel making it a sad read in the beginning, however it did take off and oh my goodness what a good read it was. This novel reads like something that could happen to any of us when death comes a calling. Michael Young has lost his wife Billie suddenly of a heart defect. Michael's wife Billie had a friend(Angie) I would love to have....was their to help out him and the two children ...Charlie and Eva...and was to became even a friend to Billie's husband, Michael. There will be many ways you may look at this novel but do pick up "Within Reach" to see just how this author brings it all together in a very well written script. Will Michael began to have feeling for Angie and how does this make him feel about Billie? THIS WAS HIS WIFE'S BEST FRIEND...from school. Again, you must pick up this read to see...even how the daughter feels about Auntie Angie. What will happen when a grieving husband is left with two children and his wife's best friend? Only leaving me to say....Wow, what a read!
Was "Within Reach" a easy book for me for me to read ...NO... but it was well writing and definitely gives a insight to a loss and pain. Would I recommend it...YES!
Friday, February 22, 2013
A Good Servant's Wife
Author: Doug
Published By:
Pipe Dreams Publishing
Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By
Arlena Dean

"The Servant's Wife" by Doug Lucas was definitely a excellent fiction read that
explained lots of information given from this author's first book: "The Good
Servant." This side of the story was from Eli Connors's wife....Sue Connors.
After his death, Sue found Eli's notes and wanted to set the record straight by
adding or retelling it the way she saw it. Would I recommend you read "The Good
Servant" first? YES! Because "The Good Servant's Wife" will make a lot more
sense to you...if you do. One thing for certain is she loved her husband and he
loved her too. One of the statements Sue loved was a note Eli left which said
"If all you can ever remember or know about me is that I did so love each of
you...(referring to Sue and the Kids) it will be enough."
This was truly a story explaining
the what, where, how, when and why of a lifetime of marriage. I would recommend
that you pick up this excellent novel to see Sue's interpretation of it
all...Yes, she was 6 months 22 days and 5 hours older than Eli. So yes he
married a older lady and I believed she really felt that Eli was her life's mate
only sharing the lives...the good and the bad side by side. In the novel Sue
will touch on many subjects: "Blunt Force Trauma"...where she met not only Eli
but his Mom and Gammy at her Memaw's assistance...Two dances/two
dresses...Dating....Asked to marry...Eli's and Jerry abruptly joining the
Marines...mail letters....wounded....dreams...Near death....Married the Right
Time....Money and Time a Problem but thank God for Memaw...Two wedding are the
solution to this problem...Elis' time at Parris Island...(the ministry call?
)...Death in the family...Eli's Potty Mouth problems....A Lay Leader...Sue
becoming a criminal law attorney...first major case was a drug case that landed
her in the hospital....Eli gets his masters degree in 'Divinity...I'm going to
be a Daddy ...Guess who is returning to their home town?....and just guess who
will become the pastor of the church.
Now with all of this being said...I
hope you pick up this wonderful read only this author can give his reader to
really find out the rest of the story only this wife would know and understand.
Certainly being married for 43 years helps. I am led to believe that in some big
way this has helped the daughter and son...Barb and Ray. Indeed there will be a
message for each of them. I found all of the characters phenomenal in that they
all were very captivating and so well developed making this read something to
think of...before and even after death.
I think in the
end....Eli and Sue loved and did get to that understanding that "communication
or/and compromise" were necessary ingredients for a truly happy marriage or in a
good relationship that they shared for many years...and what drew Sue to Eli
'was his sense of fairness, justice and the fact he was one good looking man.
One thing... I was sorry Eli wasn't able to tell each one in person but maybe
that was for the best... putting it in notes....that became a book for all to
Would I
recommend...? YES! Good job Mr. Lucas.
can be found on my blog page: http://
Arlena's Book
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The Good Servant(The Good Servant Series)

Published By: Pipe Dreams Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"The Good Servant" by Doug Lucas was really some read that kept me turning the pages to see what would happen next. We find that Elijah B. Connors was dying and realizes that there has been a lots of questions that had gone he write a book and explains it all to his wife, son, and daughter. I found this somewhat sad that he had carried this with himself but as I read the novel...I was able to understand his reasoning.
I don't want to give too much away but here are some of my thoughts on the read: ELI'S RECORD IS SET STRAIGHT in "The Good Servant" must pick up the read to find out what it is all about.
Camels...cancer?...Eli was born on a 'brisk winter day'
Many things left untold to his wife, son and he tells all... Eli father died when he was just eleven by a drunken driver, so he took it on him to be his sister's protector...from her dates!
Was Eli hard headed? ... just ask him mom, grammy and pap
Liked the words: Actions always speak louder than words...for Ray
Always watch what people are doing around you.
What was up with the fire of the tool shed?
Just how did Eli meet Sue....she beat him up in the church parking lot?
Trust everyone but keep them honest.... poor Ben Randall?
Eli's Best Friend a twin brother...Jerry...Jeremiah Jacob Collins
Sugar Cookies and Root Beer!...Grammy's special for for only Eli
...Senior Gala...the snake?...strippers? No smoking Camel's ever when hunting and/or shooting...taught by Pap and Mr. Collins
What did the moms, grammy and Sue (Sorority Affair)... do sending them what? What had happen to Uncle Dan Vette that would come back and bite
Eli somewhat later by having to give it up.
MARINE LIFE...What was up with the Sea Bag Shuffle, Alpha Company... more camels...mike boats...Happy Valley?...Cap Pendeton...Hill 22..Hoa Cam the Republic of South Vietnam...More Camel's...
Jerry getting married to Lynn...omg!....twins....
BOHICA....FUBAR....? Why did Eli stay in Vietnam? answers....
coming home... song heard from church Just A Closer Walk With Thee....
Poem stitched by Sue for Eli...'Footprints in the Sand'...'Be thankful for all God has continually blessed me with'....for Ray
Hospital stay for Eli at Bethesda Naval in Maryland. Eli and Sue???
Momma Mae has gotten the grand babies and they have names...JP and Marie
Last days in the Marines..The Vette and Dart story...and Ansel Story....WHAT A EULOGY! leading to Eli becoming a pastor because of "Sister Marie's insight, Grand Pere showed him what God's love looked like and Father Maurice showed him that you must live as a servant sharing God Peace and love with others."
Now, if you can take this all in ....pick up this read "The Good Servant" and see for yourself .... all of the why, what,where, when and how of it all. You will not be disappointed with this read because it will really leave you with thoughts... "Trust only people whose words match there actions...A true friend will stay by your side in the worst or best of time...People don't have to be related to be family and Humor is the very best form of retribution....Find your own joy filled memories and share them from time to time with yourself...but remember memories are even sweeter with they are shared with to other."
This only leaves me to say Wow... this was some excellent novel..."The Good Servant" by Mr. Lucas. Well done Doug Lucas. I can't wait to see what you have in store of us next.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Pretty Young Things
href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img alt="Pretty Young Things" border="0" src="" /></a><a href="">Pretty Young Things</a> by <a href="">Chase Moore</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
Author: Chase Moore<br />Published By: C.M.<br />Age Recommended: Adult<br />Reviewed By: Arlena Dean<br />Rating: 5<br /><br />Review:<br /><br />"Pretty Young Things" by Chase Moore was a interesting urban fiction read that kept me reading to the end...always presenting something that would only leave you wanting more of this plot. "Pretty Young Things" really moved with lots of action going on and it definitely isn't predictable like I thought it would be only to find 'sexy people doing a lot of ugly things' ...stealing, killing, fighting and I am sure you can find some more as you process through this good read <br /><br /><br />The characters from Stevie, Starr, Cartier, Diamond, Rich, Lavelle, Lolita, Antoine, Sasha,Tatiana, Barbara Baker and a few others I left out will only kept you captivated in "Pretty Young Things. Like: What was going on that Stevie push Diamond to the Gentlemen's Club to meet Rich Keys? Be ready to read of greediness that is way off the chart. How will this all come out for Starr, Diamond and Antoine, Stevie and Rich? Well, we will all have to catch part 2 of Chase Moore's next novel. I am sure it will be worth checking out. Would I recommend this read? YES! <br /><br />
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>
Still Schemin' By: Jade Jones
Author: Jade Jones
Published By: J. J.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Still Schemin" by author Jade Jones was another one of her good Urban Series that continues from Schemin' in which it was interesting read. I felt that "Still Schemin" was fast paced, full of action, secrets mainly dealing with tragedy that just kept on coming from many twist and turns. The novel is still dealing with these three friends...Nikki, Dre and Hassan. Now just who is alive or dead at this point? You will have to read to find this out. One thing is for sure... there will never be a dull moment in this read. When you think you have it all figured out ... Bam... this author has taken the reader on a different ride. This author as added some more characters to "Still Schemin" from Careem, Maceo, Quinta, Nadia to Lexer. All I will say is get read for a different ride that will prove to be even more interesting in this read. You must pick up "Still Schemin" to "Follow this tale as the money is stolen from hand to hand only to wind up back in the hands that it belonged to in the first place or does it really belong to that person?" This novel only left me only saying ...what...'To Be Continued' so I am like many other readers will be waiting for part III.
Well done good done to you Ms. Jade Jones!
Published By: J. J.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Still Schemin" by author Jade Jones was another one of her good Urban Series that continues from Schemin' in which it was interesting read. I felt that "Still Schemin" was fast paced, full of action, secrets mainly dealing with tragedy that just kept on coming from many twist and turns. The novel is still dealing with these three friends...Nikki, Dre and Hassan. Now just who is alive or dead at this point? You will have to read to find this out. One thing is for sure... there will never be a dull moment in this read. When you think you have it all figured out ... Bam... this author has taken the reader on a different ride. This author as added some more characters to "Still Schemin" from Careem, Maceo, Quinta, Nadia to Lexer. All I will say is get read for a different ride that will prove to be even more interesting in this read. You must pick up "Still Schemin" to "Follow this tale as the money is stolen from hand to hand only to wind up back in the hands that it belonged to in the first place or does it really belong to that person?" This novel only left me only saying ...what...'To Be Continued' so I am like many other readers will be waiting for part III.
Well done good done to you Ms. Jade Jones!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
You Make Me Feel Brand New
Author: Chicki Brown
Published By: C.B.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
"You Make Me Feel Brand New" by Chicki Brown was a sweet novella read that will only leave you wanting more. I felt that the ending was somewhat rushed but in the end the reader gets a good solid read.
How Jan Davis and Mac Sinclair comes together was truly beautifully done.
Their meeting... Mac getting to know Jan....their dating starts then... How will Jan's daughters (Bobbie & Val) react to their mother dating and what will they think of their age differences? Will Jan's daughters be happy for her?
Even more...
What will Jan's friends (Verna, Kathy, & Noreen) think of Mac and them dating?
Now the even bigger question ...
How will Mac's family(Ruth,John, Pat & Grant) like the idea of their oldest child marrying a women eleven years his senior?
And another question that really had me going....Now, out of the blue will Jan's ex(Robert)care any about any of this?
Now, to get all of these questions answered you must pick up "You Make Me Feel Brand New" to see why Jan 'soul' was made to feel brand new after meeting MacArthur Sinclair. I have tried very hard not to give to much away only wanting you to pick up "You Make Me Feel Brand New" to see how this author does a wonderful job with this novella.
All of the characters were simply good and well developed only making this read interesting.
Would I recommend "You Make Me Feel Brand New?"...Yes! Well done Ms.Brown!
Published By: C.B.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
"You Make Me Feel Brand New" by Chicki Brown was a sweet novella read that will only leave you wanting more. I felt that the ending was somewhat rushed but in the end the reader gets a good solid read.
How Jan Davis and Mac Sinclair comes together was truly beautifully done.
Their meeting... Mac getting to know Jan....their dating starts then... How will Jan's daughters (Bobbie & Val) react to their mother dating and what will they think of their age differences? Will Jan's daughters be happy for her?
Even more...
What will Jan's friends (Verna, Kathy, & Noreen) think of Mac and them dating?
Now the even bigger question ...
How will Mac's family(Ruth,John, Pat & Grant) like the idea of their oldest child marrying a women eleven years his senior?
And another question that really had me going....Now, out of the blue will Jan's ex(Robert)care any about any of this?
Now, to get all of these questions answered you must pick up "You Make Me Feel Brand New" to see why Jan 'soul' was made to feel brand new after meeting MacArthur Sinclair. I have tried very hard not to give to much away only wanting you to pick up "You Make Me Feel Brand New" to see how this author does a wonderful job with this novella.
All of the characters were simply good and well developed only making this read interesting.
Would I recommend "You Make Me Feel Brand New?"...Yes! Well done Ms.Brown!
Prayers of a Stranger: A Christmas Story
Author: Davis Bunn
Published By: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Prayers of a Stranger" by Davis Bunn was indeed a wonderful read that really touched me from deep down. This writer really knows how to truly touch ones heart from his writing. "Prayers of a Stranger" was a novel of 'the healing and of the friendships of forgiveness' was simply wonderful. We find in the read that Amanda and her husband Christopher Vance had suffered a great loss last Christmas...losing a baby...then after a trip had turned horrible for Amanda at her husband's family for Christmas...a gift comes...then Amanda gets a trip with a friend to the Holy Land. Only will this trip help heal Amanda's needs? All along this time Chris was having trouble with this company at work. Just how will this all come out for Chris? This is where I say you must pick up "Prayers of a Stranger" to find out. I don't want to give away to any major details however,
this read will take you through 'grief, loss, pain, struggle and hope.' I loved reading this story because the script was simple to follow and very interesting. All of the characters were good...some even lovable taking you on a ride of their experiences of their highs and lows of it all. How this author was able to intertwine all of this story together was really something to read about... only doing a good job. Prayers of a Stranger" is wonderful novel to where this couple will discover that God will not only answer prayers of their own heart but will answer prayers of strangers.
"Prayers of a Stranger" is a warming Christmas time novel that will warm your heart at you home not only at Christmas but any time of the year and YES, I
would recommend this novel as a excellent read.

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Author: Faye Robertson
Published By: Bantam Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"Bloodlust" by Faye Robertson was a good humorous paranormal romantic read that I did enjoy. I found this a little hard to take in the the beginning...a vampire lusting after nuns...but Ms. Robertson did deliver this creative short novella.
The story starts when Jasper who has stepped into a room full of nuns and he becomes face to face with Amabel de Woodville...only someone he has met in the past. Amabel recognizes him...for over 100 years ago his life has never been the same...after he bite her and in doing so he was infected....and she still longed for him. Jasper is a vampire who loves live to the fullest and he does this by taking what he wants. Now realizing that they both had haunted thoughts of each others for years. Will Jasper be able to control his urges he had lived with for years and prove to Amabel that 'he is as good as he says he is.' Be ready for plenty of humorous thoughts and actions going on especially when Jasper and Amabel are together(especially that restaurant scene). With Amabel who had now turned against her will and was doing charity work collecting socks.... he has now met her maker...and then it starts...this is where I say you must pick up "Bloodlust" to see after all of this time were they to be together?You will find out how this will come out for Jasper and Amabel and let's not forget Jasper's secretary, Mrs. Gillbanks who was able to give the story more substance to this read. Be ready for many laugh out loud sessions, the melting sex and even more a sweet ending to this well written story.
If you are looking a a short and very good paranormal read you have come to
the right place for "Bloodlust" would be recommended to you.
A Path Toward Love
Author: Cara Lynn James
Published By: Thomas Nelson
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4

"A Path Toward Love very enjoyable and I liked how this author was able to work the 'Christian Faith' into this well written read and would I recommend this read...YES!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Treacherous Temptations
Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Treacherous Temptations" by Victoria Vane was another one her wonderful historical erotic romances. I have read all of this author novels and again this was a home run....definitely this one was a hit out of the ball park. Ms. Vane is well known for her writing that only flows so smoothly with such description that willl appeal to all of her readers.
There were two main characters in this novel: Mary Elizabeth Edwardes and Lord Hadley Blanchard. Mary was a heiress(riches woman in England) with a large fortune that had to take a husband as Sir Richard, her ruthless guardian was forcing her leave her country home in Welham Grove and go to London, but why was this? Lord Hadley's father the Earl had died with a scandal that only changed his life and definitely his entitlements...only leaving him to 'live the life of a footloose rogue...being a spy secretly for the crown'(Jacobite)....and just who had been responsible for all of this?
Ms. Vane will take the readers on a real roller coaster ride in how she brings all
of this out ....with Hadley trying to return his family's name and even trying to win Mary's heart..what will come of all of this?
The characters were are very interesting and very well developed that they captured you with such interest keeping this story moving from Mary, Hadley, Sir Richard, Lady Barbara Blanchard, Jenny, James, Nanette, Lord Barnesley
only presenting a well rounded read.
Be ready for a story that is filled with 'financial scandal, sex, secrets, danger, treachery, lies, debauchery, betrayal and even love with historical facts that only added such a believable well written read. Now, I will say to fully
understand all of the what, where, when and how you must pick up "Treacherous Temptations" to see what all this author has in store for us ...the reader. In the end we all get to see just how this wonderful love story will end...and oh, what a ending!
I thought this was another one of Victoria Vane's well written "Treacherous Temptations" that I would recommend and just say to this author ...very well done.
Published By: Entangled Publishing
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Treacherous Temptations" by Victoria Vane was another one her wonderful historical erotic romances. I have read all of this author novels and again this was a home run....definitely this one was a hit out of the ball park. Ms. Vane is well known for her writing that only flows so smoothly with such description that willl appeal to all of her readers.
There were two main characters in this novel: Mary Elizabeth Edwardes and Lord Hadley Blanchard. Mary was a heiress(riches woman in England) with a large fortune that had to take a husband as Sir Richard, her ruthless guardian was forcing her leave her country home in Welham Grove and go to London, but why was this? Lord Hadley's father the Earl had died with a scandal that only changed his life and definitely his entitlements...only leaving him to 'live the life of a footloose rogue...being a spy secretly for the crown'(Jacobite)....and just who had been responsible for all of this?
Ms. Vane will take the readers on a real roller coaster ride in how she brings all
of this out ....with Hadley trying to return his family's name and even trying to win Mary's heart..what will come of all of this?
The characters were are very interesting and very well developed that they captured you with such interest keeping this story moving from Mary, Hadley, Sir Richard, Lady Barbara Blanchard, Jenny, James, Nanette, Lord Barnesley
only presenting a well rounded read.
Be ready for a story that is filled with 'financial scandal, sex, secrets, danger, treachery, lies, debauchery, betrayal and even love with historical facts that only added such a believable well written read. Now, I will say to fully
understand all of the what, where, when and how you must pick up "Treacherous Temptations" to see what all this author has in store for us ...the reader. In the end we all get to see just how this wonderful love story will end...and oh, what a ending!
I thought this was another one of Victoria Vane's well written "Treacherous Temptations" that I would recommend and just say to this author ...very well done.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
A Breach Of Promise

Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Ellora's Cave
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"A Breach of Promise" by Victoria Lane was just another excellent historical romance novellas that only Ms. Vane can give to her readers. Please note: This is a Adult read beware! We find in this read that Lydia Trent has been promised to Lord Marcus Russell at a real early age due to the fact that the mother are best friends. Now the story takes off ...and we a are to find out? Will this happen? For Lydia certainly after six years and nothing has happened and she has finally had enough sending Marcus greetings informing him that she has decided to break of this engagement off....and that when Marcus comes to so to speak. What has Marcus been up to that it has taken him this long to full fill this engagement. Well, this is where I say you must pick up "A Breach of Promise" to see the what, where, when and how of it all. You will find that this author has given the reader a very detail well written script that will keep your attention...with very interesting and entertaining characters with Lydia, Marcus, Nick, Mariah, Sally, Lady Russell.....and Yes there will be sex scenes (get ready) that will only leave you wanting more. Will it be to late for Marcus? What will he do to change this situation with Lydia?
"A Breach of Promise" will give you a historical setting: which will be romantic steamy, erotic, humorous read, fast paced, with much love and forgiveness all wrapped up in one good read. Would I recommend this read: YES! Well done Ms. Vane!
Dark Obession
Author: Terri Molina
Published By: Crimson Romance
AgeRecommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"Dark Obession" by Terri Molina was a suspenseful thriller paranormal romance that once you started reading, it was hard to put down until the end. This authors style of writing was very good keeping you in touch with just what
was going on even with the ghost magic imagery. The two main characters Lexie Solis and Ray Chavez will take the reader on a roller coaster ride...yes sometimes even creepy...and let me mention a few other characters that were simply off the chart good...really drawing you into the read...Sylvia..who had very good 'protective qualities'(I really love her)...and black magic with Jerry..the bad guy.Now, I know you are wondering where is this taking the reader...Well, this is where I say you must pick up this well written novel "Dark Obession" to find out what this is all about. You will definitely see it is one of those story of good vs evil. OK, here is a little bite..Lexie who is on the run for her life, is rescued by Ray and his sister. With all that Lexie has been through she finds it hard to trust and definitely love wasn't in the picture..but after some defenses are let down with the help of Ray...will they be able to defeat the black magic (Jerry)?..Will they finally find love?....I will leave that up to you to find out from the read.
If you are in for a good paranormal romance read you have come to the right
place for "Dark Obession" will give it to you and YES, I would recommend this
novel as a good read.
Published By: Crimson Romance
AgeRecommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"Dark Obession" by Terri Molina was a suspenseful thriller paranormal romance that once you started reading, it was hard to put down until the end. This authors style of writing was very good keeping you in touch with just what
was going on even with the ghost magic imagery. The two main characters Lexie Solis and Ray Chavez will take the reader on a roller coaster ride...yes sometimes even creepy...and let me mention a few other characters that were simply off the chart good...really drawing you into the read...Sylvia..who had very good 'protective qualities'(I really love her)...and black magic with Jerry..the bad guy.Now, I know you are wondering where is this taking the reader...Well, this is where I say you must pick up this well written novel "Dark Obession" to find out what this is all about. You will definitely see it is one of those story of good vs evil. OK, here is a little bite..Lexie who is on the run for her life, is rescued by Ray and his sister. With all that Lexie has been through she finds it hard to trust and definitely love wasn't in the picture..but after some defenses are let down with the help of Ray...will they be able to defeat the black magic (Jerry)?..Will they finally find love?....I will leave that up to you to find out from the read.
If you are in for a good paranormal romance read you have come to the right
place for "Dark Obession" will give it to you and YES, I would recommend this
novel as a good read.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
A Devil's Touch A Devilish Vignette
Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Breathless Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"A Devil's Touch"...A Devilish Vignette by Victoria Vane was a continued
read from 'The Devil's Match..Book 4 and I was left only thinking Wow what
a good read. This was just another one of Ms. Vane good well written novella.
This story involves the married life of Diana and Ludovic. We now find Diana is
pregnant and suffering from insecurities that are there with pregnancy...will
she be able to keep Ludovic interested in her? I don't think that will be a problem for Ludovic once he stops listening to the doctor...and with that being said this is where I say you must pick up this wonderful read to find out just what all is going on in "A Devil's Touch"...and also finding out.. What is going on with Ned, Salime and Simon? You will find all of the characters every developed in this short solid read that will only leave you wanting more.
This author is such a wonderful storyteller leaving you not able to put her reads
down until the very last word and YES, I would recommend this read.
Published By: Breathless Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
read from 'The Devil's Match..Book 4 and I was left only thinking Wow what
a good read. This was just another one of Ms. Vane good well written novella.
This story involves the married life of Diana and Ludovic. We now find Diana is
pregnant and suffering from insecurities that are there with pregnancy...will
she be able to keep Ludovic interested in her? I don't think that will be a problem for Ludovic once he stops listening to the doctor...and with that being said this is where I say you must pick up this wonderful read to find out just what all is going on in "A Devil's Touch"...and also finding out.. What is going on with Ned, Salime and Simon? You will find all of the characters every developed in this short solid read that will only leave you wanting more.
This author is such a wonderful storyteller leaving you not able to put her reads
down until the very last word and YES, I would recommend this read.
Risking It All
Author: Jennifer Schmidt
Published By: The Writer's Coffee Shop
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4
"Risking It All" by Jennifer Schmidt was a well written romantic novel that I
found a good and interesting read. This author gave us a wonderful look at
two individuals who had been best friends for over twelve years. These two
characters..Kennedy and Memphis were best friends till the end...well would there were problems. Would this be the end of their friendship? In this read you will find...full blown friendships, emotions, love,happiness, drama, anger, fear, lust and even a love triangle involving Kennedy, Brook and Memphis. "Risking It All" did present a lots of emotions... back and forth with Kennedy that almost drove me crazy but in the, this is where I say you must pick up this good novel to see how this author will get us through all of this with Kennedy, Brook and Memphis. The characters were all strong and well developed from Kennedy, Memphis, Brook, Ryder, Vanessa, Joe,Tanner, Alec and the reader a well written script. There will be a lots going on so get ready....for a great story.
If you are looking for a good romance that will keep you guessing right up till the end..."Risking It All" is the novel for you and YES, I would recommend this novel as a good read.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon
Author: Candace Blevins
Published By: Excessica
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon" by Candace Blevins was a good (BDSM)
erotic merage romantic read. This was a friendship with Zach, Dana, Brent
and Jacob. Let me say this is a ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY! Now, having said
that this novel deals with how these four people 'grow and develop a very
close relationship.' "Safewords:Davenport and Chiffon" is the fifth in a series
from this author and continues from Safewords: Davenport #4... so my suggestion would be for you to read #4 before reading #5, however...#5 does stand alone and it is a well written amazing read. There will be many 'lessons to be learn and knowledge to be gained.' from this read. I do not want to give away any of this...other than to say...I hope I have your interest in wanting to pick up "Safeword Davenport and Chiffon" to see what Mrs. Blevins can and does bring to her readers. Be ready for "a book that contains graphic language, consensual BDSM, bondage, extreme electrical play, enemas, and the use of toys including clamps, canes, plugs, cages, paddles, whips, and floggers. (That is the warning from the beginning of the book DO believe it!)." Now, if all of that doesn't bother will be ready for this read. Since I am a book reviewer... I real all kinds of reads and I will only say WOW to this one. Indeed, it held my attention! Having to ask permission? What does that have to do with all of this? ... You must pick up this read to find out. Even though there is much sex and exploration that seems to go non stop, however, you really will get a good amazing story of loss and love.
Would I recommend "Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon" to all Adult readers..
well the decision is simply up to you....I found it quite interesting and well written novel that left me saying WOW! By the way I gave this read 5 stars!
Published By: Excessica
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
erotic merage romantic read. This was a friendship with Zach, Dana, Brent
and Jacob. Let me say this is a ADULT AUDIENCE ONLY! Now, having said
that this novel deals with how these four people 'grow and develop a very
close relationship.' "Safewords:Davenport and Chiffon" is the fifth in a series
from this author and continues from Safewords: Davenport #4... so my suggestion would be for you to read #4 before reading #5, however...#5 does stand alone and it is a well written amazing read. There will be many 'lessons to be learn and knowledge to be gained.' from this read. I do not want to give away any of this...other than to say...I hope I have your interest in wanting to pick up "Safeword Davenport and Chiffon" to see what Mrs. Blevins can and does bring to her readers. Be ready for "a book that contains graphic language, consensual BDSM, bondage, extreme electrical play, enemas, and the use of toys including clamps, canes, plugs, cages, paddles, whips, and floggers. (That is the warning from the beginning of the book DO believe it!)." Now, if all of that doesn't bother will be ready for this read. Since I am a book reviewer... I real all kinds of reads and I will only say WOW to this one. Indeed, it held my attention! Having to ask permission? What does that have to do with all of this? ... You must pick up this read to find out. Even though there is much sex and exploration that seems to go non stop, however, you really will get a good amazing story of loss and love.
Would I recommend "Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon" to all Adult readers..
well the decision is simply up to you....I found it quite interesting and well written novel that left me saying WOW! By the way I gave this read 5 stars!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Stranger In The Room: A Novel (Keye Street #2)
Author: Amanda Kyle Williams
Published By: Bantam Books
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
"Stranger In the Room: a Novel" (Keye Street #2) was a wonderful mystery suspense-thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat not putting it down until
the end. This novel is a second in the 'Keye Street series' dealing with Keye Street's cousin, Miki being stalked...add to that many murders are being committed and the missing cremated ashes and you have a excellent well written script to be read.
All of the characters were simply wonderful in that they were so well developed
into their particular character only making this read good....from Keye, Rauser,
Neil, Miki, Tyrone, Emily, Harold, Cash Tilson, Billy and Brenda Wade, Larry
Quinn, Bevins, Marko Pullip, Jimmy,Dan, Dr, Shetty, Joe Ray Kirkpatrick, Mr.
Huckaby, 'White Trash,' Mary Kate Stargell and the list goes on ...all simply
good...some over the top....with even some were even humorous and had me
laughing out loud at some of it. Now, I am sure at this point you are wondering
what "Stranger In The Room" is all about and this is where I say you must pick
up this read to find out about it. "Stranger In The Room" was a tastefully written with all of its darkness... that after all is said and done the job of getting it delivered to the reader was well this author brings it to life a very believable story for the reader. The ending rather surprised me but after I thought about it...I guess this is the way life can go for a person. Only leaving me to say does one ever open their eyes and see what is not good for them. Oh well... to know just what I am referring must pick up this read.
Would I recommend this mystery thriller..."Stranger In The Room"... YES. It is
my understanding that there is a #1 in this series: The Stranger You Seek that
I plan on checking it out soon.

Friday, February 8, 2013
The Devil's Match(The Devil DeVere) #4
Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Breathless Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

that you were actually there...and let's not forget about the beautiful illustrations that were presented. In this read you will get all of the what, why, who and how that comes out and lets the reader see the whole picture...especially of DeVere and Diana. "The Devil's Match " was another novella..with fun, fast paced, and Yes the two characters 'learn the true meaning of love and forgiveness. All of the original characters...from DeVere, Diana, Hew, Ned, Phoebe, Vesta, Polly, Pratt, Salime to the rest were simply their deliverance being well developed...realistic and even engaging. What I really like from this last series was that we learn of DeVere's painful past, and we finally understand what turned him into such a cynical, debauched libertine..(devil) that only Diana could tame. With saying that I will stop and just say you must to pick up "The Devil's Match" to see for yourself how this author brings in all out to the reader. Ms. Vane did a excellent job with this fabulous series and as I said earlier... this last novel puts the icing on the cake.
To the author... thank you for such a wonderful read that I couldn't put down until I had read the whole series...and would I recommend: "The Devil's Match" my answer would be YES! Would I recommend the whole series? answer again would be YES!
Note: I just got this from the author: I am continuing the series...I hope to have the next vignette out by Valentine's Day(2013). It's A DEVIL'S TOUCH, a short story of Diana and DeVere 3 months into their marriage. It's very erotic and very intense! It also serves as a bridge to JEWEL OF THE EAST that I hope to release by late spring.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Devil You Know (The Devil DeVere) #3
Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Breathless Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"The Devil You Know (The Devil DeVere)" by Victoria Vane was another good erotic historical romantic read. This was 'The Devil DeVere Series #3. All I can say is that this author hit another home run delivering a awesome well captivating story. I simply loved it! I believe to really get the understanding to what all is going on or has gone on you will need to pick up Series one and two, however, it's still a good read either way. Yes, you will find the sex scenes very lustful...but still tasteful. Remember this is a Adult Read! This particular series was involving DeVere and Diana first meeting. "The Devil You Know" is a read...filled with 'humor, debauchery, tricks, drama and even murder ... and yes hot steamy sexy!
The characters...from DeVere, Diana, Edward, Annalee, Reginald,Hewitt, Caroline, Polly, James Johnson, Colonel O'Kelly, Dr. Stone, Sir John Gooding, Pratt to a few others all made this such a awesome read that I was unable to put down until the end. Will this first meeting with DeVere and Lady Diana possible be something going on between them or will their be misunderstandings that will take them farther apart? Now this is where I say you must pick up "The Devil You Know" to find out what will happen. After you do find out I am sure you will get the next series #4 and I am sure there will be icing on the cake with this last series.
"The Devil You Know" was full of 'drama, darkness and passion' and if you
haven't picked up this will not be sorry and yes, I would recommend this novel as a excellent read.
The Virgin Huntress(The Devil DeVere) #2


Author: Victoria Vane
Published By: Breathless Press
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Devil in the Making (The Devil DeVere)

Published By: V. V.
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Devil in the Making" by Victoria Vane was a beautifully written short story
of where it all begins...the early years..illustrated prequel of 'The Devil DeVere
Series). The main characters...'young Lord Ludovic DeVere, Edward 'Ned' Chambers, Simon 'Sin" Singleton and Charles Fox' were all known for their pranks really causing you to only laugh out loud. You will see how each one of these friends will met...the trouble they got into...omg at the university in the Georgian, England. "Breaking into the King's menagerie, facing the wrath of the headmaster at school, facing the unholy wrath of his father and ultimately the wrath of the King, all part of the life of Devil DeVere and the story continues....this is where I say you must pick up "Devil in the Making" to find out just what all will come out from this good read. There will be a part of the read that will let you know of the what and why of the relationship between DeVere's mother and father and questions will be answered to the why DeVere is the man he is.
I don't want to leave out the beautiful color illustrations are simply wonderful
that Ms. Vane gives the reader a pure description of each of the characters.
This read will definitely have each reader wanting more of Ms. Vane storytelling
of the 'The Devil DeVere Series.'
If anyone is in for a good read that will unfold with humor and some bit of
seduction in a delightful way..."Devil in the Making" would be recommended
to you...especially if you plan to pick up the series.
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