Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Breach Of Promise

Author: Victoria Vane
Published By:  Ellora's Cave
Age Recommended:   Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"A Breach of Promise" by Victoria Lane was just another excellent historical romance novellas  that only Ms. Vane can give to her readers. Please note: This is a Adult read beware!  We find in this read that Lydia Trent has been promised to Lord Marcus Russell at a real early age due to the fact that the mother are best friends.  Now the story takes off ...and we a are to find out? Will this happen?   For Lydia certainly after six years and nothing has happened and she  has finally had enough sending Marcus  greetings informing him that she has decided to break of this engagement off....and that when Marcus comes to so to speak.  What has Marcus been up to that it has taken him this long to full fill this engagement.  Well, this is where I say you must pick up "A Breach of Promise" to see the what, where, when and how of it all.  You will find that this author has given the reader a very detail well written script that will keep your attention...with very interesting and  entertaining  characters with Lydia, Marcus, Nick, Mariah, Sally, Lady Russell.....and Yes there will be sex scenes (get ready) that will  only leave you wanting more. Will it be to late for Marcus?  What will he do to change this situation with Lydia?

"A Breach of Promise" will give you a historical setting: which will be  romantic steamy, erotic, humorous read, fast paced, with much love and forgiveness all wrapped up in one good read.  Would I recommend this read: YES!   Well done Ms. Vane!

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