Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bella Fortuna

Author:  Rosanna Chiofalo
Published By: Kensington
Age Recommended:  Adult
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 5


"Bella Fortuna"  by Rosanna Chiofalo was a good chit lit fiction romance. I found this novel of a 'Italian American Family' who lived in Queens but  also there is some twist in this journey of the story that end up in in Venice. The main character Valentina (the oldest sister),  with her mom (Olivia/Sera) and sisters(Connie & Rita) are the owners of a bridal shop called Sposa Rosa. We find from the read that Valentina is preparing for her 'Dream Wedding' with Michael who has been the 'man of her dreams'  that is to take place  in Italy in the month of June. However, Michael two months before the wedding had different ideas... like changing his mind! Now just what was really up with that? Remember when he came into the shop while Valentina was trying on her wedding dress and he stood there looking and Oliver yells.."Malocchio! Malocchio!...get out!  It s bad luck forever!"...Was it?  Well, poor Valentina life is now turned upside down again.

Now, the setting moves on to Italy with all of its art and history...and all I can say is this author really makes you feel that Italy is  a beautiful romantic  place to be especially for a wedding with all of its "happiness and perfection."
I must say the decriptions that this author gave the reader of Italy made me even want to visit this magical place! We find that Valentina has decided to take a vacation for three weeks...yes to Italy.  Did she enjoy herself in Italy?...What will happen to poor Valentina?...now,  this is the part when I will say you must pick up "Bella Fortuna" to see what is in store for her.  Will Valentina learn to live and love again and what was going on with Olivia's  mom with her first love?  What had happened to Tracy?  Was  "Bella Fortuna" somewhat predictable?...Yes, but that is OK because I still enjoyed this novel because it held my attention until the end.  I found the characters to be well developed and believable bringing each page to life with sadness and even happiness.

I found the storyline of "Bella Fortuna"  was wonderful and the romance was a fantastic read especially the Italy visit and would I recommend this read...Yes!
At the end of the read... be ready for some interesting recipes from "Bella Fortuna:" Glazed Lemon Cookies, Grandmothers Cake, Cinnamon Vanilla French Toast, and Fried Meatballs.

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