Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's in Your Praise!: HOPE: Holiness. Obedience. Power. Expectancy. By: Dona Renay Patrick

Book Description....

"Award-winning author Donna Renay Patrick fuses praise, worship, and HOPE together. It’s in Your Praise! speaks of HOPE not as mere desire but as holiness, obedience, power, and expectancy. When we offer to God genuine praise, we can expect a changed perspective toward each of these things. When our praise is real, then inner transformation is inevitable.

For too long we have given God religion instead of relationship, great music instead of surrendered worship. In the chapter “The Call to Worship Revisited,” see the difference between words on the Sunday bulletin and a mindset of total worship. In the chapter “A Praise Unlimited,” learn how to create an attitude shift when you speak out God’s praises on a regular basis.

There is a definite connection between your private praise and your public praise. It’s in Your Praise! will help you to embrace the connection."

Title:  It's in Your Praise!: HOPE: Holiness. Obedience. Power. Expectancy.
Author:  Donna Renay Patrick
Publisher:  WestBow Press
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"It's in Your Praise!: HOPE: Holiness. Obedience. Power. Expectancy" by Donna Renay Patrick

My Thoughts....

This was a beautifully well written novel that gives us 'HOPE: Holiness...Obedience....Power and Expectancy.' And its all in your Praise!  I loved how this author was able to bring each of those words out so well in her presentation to the reader that will definitely challenge you in your daily life to "re-think your praise and worship from a Biblical perceptive." .  Each chapter gives one a uplifting feeling  in the "Keep Walking, Keep Standing, Praise Is Not Just For "Them" It's For You Too, For Hopeless to Hallelujah, Sing a Song of Worship, The Earth Is the Lord's, and The Struggle''to name a few. These and more of the chapters presented in this read are very powerful ones that are backed up with scriptures and words from this author that bring it all out so well to the reader. So, is there a 'connection between your private praise and your public praise?' There is so much to be learned from this read that I will only say that you must pick up "It's in Your Praise' to see  for yourself  how well this author delivers it to her readers.  I was left knowing...'It's in Your Praise' and knowing it's OK to take this higher in my praise and worship to God.   Yes, this is a Christian read that I would definitely recommend to you as a wonderful read.

I will say it was a pleasure meeting this author at the BWABC Literacy Festival in Memphis, TN September, 2015.  Thank you for your gift of your novel and  and allowing me to give  my honest opinion of the read.

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