Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sins Of Thy Mother By Niki Jilvontae

Book Description...

"What do you do when you think you're cursed? How do you remain optimistic when tragedy and pain are around every corner and you're forced to carry the sins of your mother? Do you give up and become exactly who everyone assumes you will be? Or do you prove everyone wrong, including yourself and overcome it all? These are the questions Tisha and Terricka Lewis ask themselves every day as they face abuse and humiliation all because of the sins of their mother. Come on this emotional roller coaster with the Lewis sister's and find out whether the sins of a mother can be visited upon her child."

Title:  Sins Of Thy Mother
Author:  Niki Jilvontae
Publisher:  True Glory Publications
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating:  Five

"Sins Of Thy Mother" by Niki Jilvontae

My Thoughts....

This read was indeed a sad literary fiction read for me.  It really left me thinking wow, how can a mother treat her children like that! I will say this author really know how to get and keep your attention with her descriptive well written dramatic 'emotional rollercoaster' story.  My heart hurts to read about all of the pain these children [Tisha, Terricka,and Sha] went through. ....from  'mental, physical, verbal to sexual abuse.  This title is so true to its name of the 'Sin Of Thy Mother.'  When will enough be enough for this Lewis family?  How and why did the system not protect these children?   Thank goodness we just may see some help coming so I will stop at this point and say you will have to pickup this good read up to see for yourself what all the author has planned for the readers.    

I was given this novel during the BWABC Literacy Festival on September 19, 2015 to read and give my honest opinion.  Thank you to the author for such a good read.

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