Saturday, October 10, 2015

My Bitch, Yo Bitch, Everybody's Bitch By: Niki Jilvantae

Book Description....

"Storybook relationships are rarely what they appear to be. Most of these seemingly perfect relationships are filled with lies, deceit, and a little bit of insanity, just like Mike and LiLi's. Mike fell in love with abused, promiscuous LiLi when he was sixteen, and over a span of seven years (two of which he spent incarcerated), his world evolved into confusion, hurt, and betrayal. LiLi, his dream girl, is the exact opposite of what he thinks and Mike quickly finds out that he can never change who she really is. Mike must face the devastating fact that LiLi isn't his bitch, and his best friend since childhood, Dee, is right there to help him..or is he? Come on this turbulent ride with Mike, LiLi, and Dee to find out if LiLi is Mike's bitch, Dee's bitch...or EVERYBODY'S BITCH!!!"

Title:  My Bitch Yo Bitch, Everybody's Bitch
Author:  Niki Jilvontae
Publisher:  True Glory Publications
Series:  Bitch, Yo Bitch, Everybody's Bitch 1
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"My Bitch, Yo Bitch, Everybody's Bitch" by Niki Jilvantae

My Thoughts......

What a read!  This author really gives it all to the reader...abuse, infidelity, lying, and waves of cheating,  I didn't know whether to feel sorry for poor Mike or what?   Didn't he know about LiLi much earlier in their relationship?  Oh well...  then their was Dee...Mike's best friend....only leaving me to say Wow!  Anyway, the readers will be kept turning the pages to see what would come next for this triangle ....LiLi, Mike and Dee.  And since we are left with a cliffhanger from that ending....we will have to get the next part of this story in ' My Bitch, Yo Bitch, Everybody's Bitch 2'.

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